Cyntara - Staff Logs - EM Maazik.log
Staff Logs - EM Maazik.log

[02/13/2024 16:23:31] /ghost
[02/16/2024 13:03:44] /portal finishline - Position: [200, 398, 7]
[02/16/2024 13:06:07] /ghost
[02/16/2024 13:23:18] /ghost
[02/16/2024 13:39:31] /portal beach - Position: [200, 398, 7]
[02/16/2024 14:17:19] /ghost
[02/16/2024 14:34:46] /portal finishline tower - Position: [200, 398, 7]
[02/16/2024 14:35:55] /goto fargo [1458, 1079, 7]
[02/16/2024 14:36:03] /goto fargo [1452, 1315, 7]
[02/16/2024 14:37:56] /c fargo [204, 400, 7] -> [1387, 1053, 7]
[02/16/2024 15:06:53] /ghost
[02/16/2024 15:06:56] /goto diath [1764, 2414, 5]
[02/16/2024 15:07:59] /goto fargo [1787, 2365, 7]
[02/16/2024 15:08:57] /goto fargo [1748, 2382, 7]
[02/16/2024 15:10:02] /goto fargo [1797, 2423, 5]
[02/16/2024 15:31:38] /ghost
[02/16/2024 15:49:31] /ghost
[02/16/2024 18:21:53] /goto dhavoc [619, 1482, 6]
[02/16/2024 18:21:59] /goto diath [1714, 2412, 1]
[02/16/2024 18:22:04] /goto assem [522, 2327, 7]
[02/16/2024 18:22:15] /goto assem [522, 2327, 7]
[02/16/2024 18:36:33] /goto lipaxi [970, 1005, 10]
[02/16/2024 19:51:28] /goto borkita neverback [431, 460, 10]
[02/16/2024 20:02:47] /brc A premium scroll has been hidden in the main City of Cyntara. Find it and it's yours!
[02/16/2024 20:04:47] /goto lipaxi [1498, 306, 7]
[02/16/2024 20:04:50] /goto patzuhe [149, 473, 7]
[02/16/2024 20:04:57] /goto zera [44, 5673, 14]
[02/16/2024 20:05:01] /goto diathu maly fiutek [16, 4432, 14]
[02/16/2024 20:05:08] /goto mara quya [207, 361, 7]
[02/16/2024 20:06:29] /brc Hint #1: Barrels
[02/16/2024 20:07:58] /brc Hint #2: Water
[02/16/2024 20:08:42] /brc Scroll has been found
[02/16/2024 20:33:27] /ghost
[02/16/2024 20:37:01] /ghost
[02/17/2024 04:29:22] /goto zera [655, 1517, 6]
[02/17/2024 05:26:12] /goto zera [655, 1517, 6]
[02/17/2024 05:27:04] /c zera [655, 1517, 6] -> [659, 1517, 7]
[02/17/2024 15:09:59] /goto zera [507, 2102, 9]
[02/17/2024 15:24:21] /goto shaco [197, 408, 7]
[02/17/2024 15:26:01] /goto pure [1013, 596, 15]
[02/17/2024 15:28:29] /brc 3 premium scrolls have been hidden in the main city of Cyntara. Good Luck !
[02/17/2024 15:30:53] /brc Hint #1: South
[02/17/2024 15:32:02] /brc 2 scrolls remaining
[02/17/2024 15:32:59] /brc Only one scroll left !
[02/17/2024 15:34:05] /brc Hint #2: Look under boxes/barrels
[02/17/2024 15:34:56] /brc All scrolls have been found
[02/17/2024 15:35:23] /brc "Moving Scroll" will be dropped in the temple in 30 seconds.
[02/17/2024 15:35:26] /ghost
[02/17/2024 15:36:20] /ghost
[02/17/2024 15:36:52] /ghost
[02/17/2024 15:37:18] /brc Another one will be dropped in the temple in 30 seconds. Good Luck
[02/17/2024 15:38:01] /ghost
[02/17/2024 15:50:30] /goto zera [877, 1005, 7]
[02/18/2024 08:46:13] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a pillar. Position (3161, 1152, 7)
[02/18/2024 08:46:14] EM Maazik has removed 1514 (pillar) from the ground - Position: [3161, 1152, 7]
[02/18/2024 08:46:20] /mf frazzlemaw [3174, 1164, 6]
[02/18/2024 08:46:21] /mf frazzlemaw [3174, 1163, 6]
[02/18/2024 08:46:22] /mf frazzlemaw [3174, 1162, 6]
[02/18/2024 08:46:24] /mf guzzlemaw [3173, 1162, 6]
[02/18/2024 08:46:25] /mf guzzlemaw [3173, 1163, 6]
[02/18/2024 08:46:25] /mf guzzlemaw [3173, 1164, 6]
[02/18/2024 08:46:33] /mf frazzlemaw [3173, 1160, 7]
[02/18/2024 08:46:33] /mf frazzlemaw [3172, 1160, 7]
[02/18/2024 08:46:34] /mf frazzlemaw [3171, 1160, 7]
[02/18/2024 08:46:35] /mf frazzlemaw [3170, 1158, 7]
[02/18/2024 08:46:36] /mf frazzlemaw [3171, 1158, 7]
[02/18/2024 08:46:36] /mf frazzlemaw [3171, 1159, 7]
[02/18/2024 08:46:37] /mf frazzlemaw [3170, 1159, 7]
[02/18/2024 08:46:40] /mf zoralurk [3166, 1135, 7]
[02/18/2024 08:53:22] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a pillar. Position (849, 212, 7)
[02/18/2024 08:53:22] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a pillar. Position (848, 212, 7)
[02/18/2024 08:53:23] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a pillar. Position (847, 212, 7)
[02/18/2024 08:53:24] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a pillar. Position (847, 213, 7)
[02/18/2024 08:53:24] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a pillar. Position (847, 214, 7)
[02/18/2024 08:53:25] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a pillar. Position (847, 215, 7)
[02/18/2024 08:53:25] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a pillar. Position (847, 216, 7)
[02/18/2024 08:53:26] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a pillar. Position (848, 216, 7)
[02/18/2024 08:53:26] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a pillar. Position (849, 216, 7)
[02/18/2024 08:53:27] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a pillar. Position (850, 216, 7)
[02/18/2024 08:53:27] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a pillar. Position (851, 216, 7)
[02/18/2024 08:53:28] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a pillar. Position (851, 215, 7)
[02/18/2024 08:53:28] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a pillar. Position (851, 214, 7)
[02/18/2024 08:53:29] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a pillar. Position (851, 213, 7)
[02/18/2024 08:53:29] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a pillar. Position (851, 212, 7)
[02/18/2024 08:53:30] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a pillar. Position (850, 212, 7)
[02/18/2024 08:53:36] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a blackboard. Position (849, 212, 7)
[02/18/2024 08:53:39] /goto lipaxi [1054, 688, 13]
[02/18/2024 08:53:52] /goto daddy chill [44, 5163, 14]
[02/18/2024 08:54:05] EM Maazik has removed Zoralurk - Position: [3156, 1130, 7]
[02/18/2024 08:55:12] /mf guzzlemaw [3149, 1125, 7]
[02/18/2024 08:56:08] /mf demonic tentacle [3156, 1124, 7]
[02/18/2024 08:56:09] /mf demonic tentacle [3157, 1124, 7]
[02/18/2024 08:56:10] /mf demonic tentacle [3157, 1125, 7]
[02/18/2024 08:56:11] /mf demonic tentacle [3156, 1125, 7]
[02/18/2024 08:57:51] EM Maazik has removed demonic tentacle - Position: [3157, 1124, 7]
[02/18/2024 08:57:58] /mf raging mage [3171, 1160, 7]
[02/18/2024 08:57:59] /mf raging mage [3172, 1160, 7]
[02/18/2024 08:57:59] /mf raging mage [3172, 1161, 7]
[02/18/2024 08:58:00] /mf raging mage [3173, 1161, 7]
[02/18/2024 08:58:00] /mf raging mage [3173, 1160, 7]
[02/18/2024 09:00:16] EM Maazik has removed raging mage - Position: [3173, 1160, 7]
[02/18/2024 09:00:17] EM Maazik has removed raging mage - Position: [3173, 1159, 7]
[02/18/2024 09:00:18] EM Maazik has removed raging mage - Position: [3175, 1160, 7]
[02/18/2024 09:00:19] EM Maazik has removed raging mage - Position: [3173, 1161, 7]
[02/18/2024 09:00:20] EM Maazik has removed raging mage - Position: [3174, 1161, 7]
[02/18/2024 09:01:58] /portal survival - Position: [191, 409, 7]
[02/18/2024 09:02:12] /mf guzzlemaw [3178, 1156, 5]
[02/18/2024 09:02:13] /mf guzzlemaw [3178, 1157, 5]
[02/18/2024 09:02:16] EM Maazik has removed guzzlemaw - Position: [3178, 1156, 5]
[02/18/2024 09:02:17] EM Maazik has removed guzzlemaw - Position: [3178, 1157, 5]
[02/18/2024 09:02:21] /mf guzzlemaw [3180, 1160, 5]
[02/18/2024 09:02:22] /mf guzzlemaw [3181, 1160, 5]
[02/18/2024 09:02:23] /mf guzzlemaw [3182, 1160, 5]
[02/18/2024 09:02:25] /mf guzzlemaw [3174, 1161, 7]
[02/18/2024 09:02:26] /mf guzzlemaw [3175, 1161, 7]
[02/18/2024 09:02:27] /mf guzzlemaw [3173, 1161, 7]
[02/18/2024 09:02:32] /mf guzzlemaw [3178, 1143, 6]
[02/18/2024 09:02:34] /mf guzzlemaw [3175, 1143, 6]
[02/18/2024 09:02:35] /mf guzzlemaw [3175, 1144, 6]
[02/18/2024 09:02:43] /mf guzzlemaw [3152, 1157, 7]
[02/18/2024 09:02:44] /mf guzzlemaw [3154, 1157, 7]
[02/18/2024 09:02:45] /mf guzzlemaw [3156, 1157, 7]
[02/18/2024 09:02:51] /mf guzzlemaw [3159, 1121, 7]
[02/18/2024 09:02:51] /mf guzzlemaw [3158, 1121, 7]
[02/18/2024 09:02:52] /mf guzzlemaw [3157, 1121, 7]
[02/18/2024 09:03:03] /mf mad mage [3230, 1149, 7]
[02/18/2024 09:03:04] /mf mad mage [3229, 1149, 7]
[02/18/2024 09:03:04] /mf mad mage [3228, 1149, 7]
[02/18/2024 09:03:05] /mf mad mage [3228, 1147, 7]
[02/18/2024 09:03:05] /mf mad mage [3229, 1147, 7]
[02/18/2024 09:03:06] /mf mad mage [3230, 1147, 7]
[02/18/2024 09:03:06] /mf mad mage [3230, 1145, 7]
[02/18/2024 09:03:07] /mf mad mage [3229, 1145, 7]
[02/18/2024 09:03:07] /mf mad mage [3228, 1145, 7]
[02/18/2024 09:03:08] /mf mad mage [3228, 1143, 7]
[02/18/2024 09:03:08] /mf mad mage [3229, 1143, 7]
[02/18/2024 09:03:09] /mf mad mage [3230, 1143, 7]
[02/18/2024 09:03:10] /mf mad mage [3230, 1141, 7]
[02/18/2024 09:03:11] /mf mad mage [3229, 1141, 7]
[02/18/2024 09:03:11] /mf mad mage [3228, 1141, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:12:47] /goto savage [882, 810, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:13:36] /portal finishline - Position: [191, 409, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:13:41] EM Maazik has removed 2197 (stone skin amulet) from the ground - Position: [191, 409, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:13:42] EM Maazik has removed 1387 (magic forcefield) from the ground - Position: [191, 409, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:13:47] /portal survival - Position: [191, 409, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:14:29] /mf raging mage [3228, 1142, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:14:30] /mf raging mage [3229, 1142, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:14:30] /mf raging mage [3230, 1142, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:14:31] /mf raging mage [3230, 1144, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:14:31] /mf raging mage [3229, 1144, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:14:32] /mf raging mage [3228, 1144, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:14:33] /mf raging mage [3228, 1146, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:14:33] /mf raging mage [3229, 1146, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:14:34] /mf raging mage [3230, 1146, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:14:35] /mf raging mage [3230, 1148, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:14:35] /mf raging mage [3229, 1148, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:14:36] /mf raging mage [3228, 1148, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:14:44] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a pillar. Position (3233, 1158, 7)
[02/18/2024 11:14:44] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a pillar. Position (3234, 1158, 7)
[02/18/2024 11:14:45] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a pillar. Position (3235, 1158, 7)
[02/18/2024 11:17:00] /m ice miner [3237, 1166, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:17:02] /m ice miner [3237, 1164, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:17:02] /m ice miner [3239, 1164, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:17:03] /m ice miner [3239, 1166, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:17:04] /m ice miner [3237, 1168, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:17:05] /m ice miner [3238, 1171, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:17:07] /m ice miner [3236, 1161, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:17:09] /m ice miner [3238, 1159, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:17:10] /m ice miner [3240, 1157, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:17:13] /m ice miner [3245, 1163, 5]
[02/18/2024 11:17:15] /m ice miner [3243, 1163, 5]
[02/18/2024 11:17:17] /m ice miner [3247, 1163, 5]
[02/18/2024 11:17:22] /m ice miner [3243, 1165, 5]
[02/18/2024 11:17:23] /m ice miner [3243, 1160, 5]
[02/18/2024 11:17:24] /m ice miner [3243, 1157, 5]
[02/18/2024 11:17:30] /mf mine supervisor [3234, 1159, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:17:31] /mf mine supervisor [3235, 1159, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:17:33] /mf mine supervisor [3235, 1163, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:17:34] /mf mine supervisor [3236, 1163, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:17:34] /mf mine supervisor [3236, 1161, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:17:54] /mf ghastly dragon [3240, 1148, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:17:54] /mf ghastly dragon [3239, 1148, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:17:55] /mf ghastly dragon [3238, 1148, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:17:55] /mf ghastly dragon [3237, 1148, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:17:55] /mf ghastly dragon [3236, 1148, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:17:56] /mf ghastly dragon [3235, 1148, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:17:57] /mf ghastly dragon [3235, 1147, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:17:57] /mf ghastly dragon [3235, 1146, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:17:58] /mf ghastly dragon [3235, 1145, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:17:58] /mf ghastly dragon [3235, 1144, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:17:58] /mf ghastly dragon [3236, 1144, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:17:59] /mf ghastly dragon [3236, 1145, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:17:59] /mf ghastly dragon [3236, 1146, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:00] /mf ghastly dragon [3236, 1147, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:00] /mf ghastly dragon [3237, 1147, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:01] /mf ghastly dragon [3237, 1146, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:01] /mf ghastly dragon [3237, 1145, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:02] /mf ghastly dragon [3237, 1144, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:02] /mf ghastly dragon [3238, 1144, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:02] /mf ghastly dragon [3238, 1145, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:03] /mf ghastly dragon [3238, 1146, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:04] /mf ghastly dragon [3238, 1147, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:04] /mf ghastly dragon [3239, 1147, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:04] /mf ghastly dragon [3239, 1146, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:05] /mf ghastly dragon [3239, 1145, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:06] /mf ghastly dragon [3239, 1144, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:06] /mf ghastly dragon [3240, 1144, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:06] /mf ghastly dragon [3240, 1145, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:07] /mf ghastly dragon [3240, 1146, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:07] /mf ghastly dragon [3240, 1147, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:08] /mf ghastly dragon [3241, 1147, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:08] /mf ghastly dragon [3242, 1147, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:09] /mf ghastly dragon [3241, 1146, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:09] /mf ghastly dragon [3241, 1145, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:10] /mf ghastly dragon [3241, 1144, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:11] /mf ghastly dragon [3242, 1144, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:11] /mf ghastly dragon [3242, 1145, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:31] /mf grim reaper [3214, 1158, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:32] /mf grim reaper [3215, 1158, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:33] /mf grim reaper [3215, 1157, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:33] /mf grim reaper [3216, 1157, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:34] /mf grim reaper [3217, 1157, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:34] /mf grim reaper [3218, 1157, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:35] /mf grim reaper [3219, 1157, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:35] /mf grim reaper [3220, 1157, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:35] /mf grim reaper [3221, 1157, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:36] /mf grim reaper [3221, 1158, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:37] /mf grim reaper [3221, 1159, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:37] /mf grim reaper [3221, 1160, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:37] /mf grim reaper [3221, 1161, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:38] /mf grim reaper [3221, 1162, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:38] /mf grim reaper [3221, 1163, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:39] /mf grim reaper [3220, 1163, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:39] /mf grim reaper [3220, 1164, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:40] /mf grim reaper [3219, 1164, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:40] /mf grim reaper [3218, 1164, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:41] /mf grim reaper [3218, 1163, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:41] /mf grim reaper [3219, 1163, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:42] /mf grim reaper [3217, 1163, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:43] /mf grim reaper [3216, 1163, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:45] /mf grim reaper [3216, 1161, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:46] /mf grim reaper [3215, 1160, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:47] /mf grim reaper [3214, 1160, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:48] /mf grim reaper [3214, 1159, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:48] /mf grim reaper [3215, 1159, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:49] /mf grim reaper [3216, 1159, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:49] /mf grim reaper [3216, 1160, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:50] /mf grim reaper [3215, 1161, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:50] /mf grim reaper [3216, 1162, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:51] /mf grim reaper [3217, 1162, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:51] /mf grim reaper [3218, 1162, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:52] /mf grim reaper [3219, 1162, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:53] /mf grim reaper [3220, 1162, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:53] /mf grim reaper [3220, 1160, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:54] /mf grim reaper [3220, 1161, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:55] /mf grim reaper [3219, 1161, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:55] /mf grim reaper [3218, 1161, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:56] /mf grim reaper [3217, 1161, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:56] /mf grim reaper [3217, 1160, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:57] /mf grim reaper [3217, 1159, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:57] /mf grim reaper [3217, 1158, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:58] /mf grim reaper [3216, 1158, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:18:59] /mf grim reaper [3218, 1158, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:00] /mf grim reaper [3218, 1159, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:00] /mf grim reaper [3219, 1159, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:01] /mf grim reaper [3219, 1158, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:02] /mf grim reaper [3220, 1158, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:02] /mf grim reaper [3220, 1159, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:04] /mf grim reaper [3219, 1160, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:16] /mf draken [3227, 1152, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:21] /mf mind flayer [3221, 1152, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:24] /mf mind flayer [3220, 1152, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:24] /mf mind flayer [3221, 1151, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:25] /mf mind flayer [3220, 1153, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:26] /mf mind flayer [3219, 1153, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:26] /mf mind flayer [3219, 1154, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:27] /mf mind flayer [3218, 1154, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:27] /mf mind flayer [3217, 1154, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:28] /mf mind flayer [3216, 1155, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:31] /mf mind flayer [3219, 1155, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:33] /mf mind flayer [3222, 1152, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:33] /mf mind flayer [3222, 1151, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:33] /mf mind flayer [3223, 1151, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:35] /mf mind flayer [3224, 1151, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:35] /mf mind flayer [3224, 1150, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:36] /mf mind flayer [3225, 1150, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:37] /mf mind flayer [3226, 1149, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:37] /mf mind flayer [3226, 1150, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:38] /mf mind flayer [3227, 1150, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:38] /mf mind flayer [3228, 1151, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:39] /mf mind flayer [3229, 1151, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:39] /mf mind flayer [3230, 1150, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:40] /mf mind flayer [3231, 1150, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:40] /mf mind flayer [3232, 1150, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:41] /mf mind flayer [3233, 1150, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:42] /mf mind flayer [3233, 1149, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:43] /mf mind flayer [3232, 1149, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:43] /mf mind flayer [3232, 1148, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:44] /mf mind flayer [3233, 1148, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:45] /mf mind flayer [3232, 1147, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:46] /mf mind flayer [3230, 1151, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:47] /mf mind flayer [3229, 1150, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:47] /mf mind flayer [3228, 1150, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:56] /mf ogre brute [3249, 1142, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:57] /mf ogre brute [3249, 1143, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:57] /mf ogre brute [3250, 1143, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:58] /mf ogre brute [3249, 1144, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:58] /mf ogre brute [3249, 1145, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:59] /mf ogre brute [3248, 1145, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:19:59] /mf ogre brute [3247, 1145, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:00] /mf ogre brute [3247, 1144, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:01] /mf ogre brute [3248, 1143, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:01] /mf ogre brute [3246, 1144, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:02] /mf ogre brute [3246, 1145, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:03] /mf ogre brute [3245, 1146, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:03] /mf ogre brute [3244, 1145, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:04] /mf ogre brute [3244, 1144, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:05] /mf ogre brute [3246, 1146, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:05] /mf ogre brute [3247, 1146, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:06] /mf ogre brute [3248, 1146, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:07] /mf ogre brute [3248, 1147, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:08] /mf ogre brute [3247, 1147, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:08] /mf ogre brute [3246, 1147, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:09] /mf ogre brute [3245, 1147, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:09] /mf ogre brute [3244, 1147, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:10] /mf ogre brute [3245, 1148, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:10] /mf ogre brute [3246, 1148, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:11] /mf ogre brute [3247, 1148, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:12] /mf ogre brute [3246, 1149, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:13] /mf ogre brute [3245, 1149, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:13] /mf ogre brute [3244, 1149, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:14] /mf ogre brute [3243, 1149, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:15] /mf ogre brute [3242, 1149, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:16] /mf ogre brute [3242, 1150, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:17] /mf ogre brute [3244, 1150, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:18] /mf ogre brute [3245, 1150, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:19] /mf ogre brute [3246, 1150, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:20] /mf ogre brute [3247, 1150, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:21] /mf ogre brute [3246, 1151, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:22] /mf ogre brute [3245, 1151, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:22] /mf ogre brute [3244, 1151, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:23] /mf ogre brute [3243, 1151, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:23] /mf ogre brute [3242, 1151, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:24] /mf ogre brute [3241, 1151, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:40] /mf warlock [3223, 1147, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:41] /mf warlock [3223, 1148, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:42] /mf warlock [3222, 1148, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:44] /mf warlock [3222, 1149, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:45] /mf warlock [3221, 1149, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:47] /mf warlock [3220, 1149, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:49] /mf warlock [3219, 1150, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:50] /mf warlock [3218, 1150, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:53] /mf warlock [3217, 1150, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:20:54] /mf warlock [3217, 1151, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:21:00] /mf warlock [3224, 1147, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:21:02] /mf warlock [3224, 1146, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:21:03] /mf warlock [3225, 1146, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:21:04] /mf warlock [3225, 1147, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:21:06] /mf warlock [3226, 1146, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:21:07] /mf warlock [3226, 1145, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:21:17] /mf shadow dragon [3220, 1147, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:21:18] /mf shadow dragon [3219, 1147, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:21:19] /mf shadow dragon [3218, 1146, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:21:20] /mf shadow dragon [3219, 1146, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:21:20] /mf shadow dragon [3220, 1146, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:21:21] /mf shadow dragon [3221, 1146, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:21:21] /mf shadow dragon [3221, 1145, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:21:22] /mf shadow dragon [3220, 1145, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:21:22] /mf shadow dragon [3219, 1145, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:21:23] /mf shadow dragon [3219, 1144, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:21:23] /mf shadow dragon [3220, 1144, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:21:24] /mf shadow dragon [3221, 1144, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:21:26] /mf shadow dragon [3222, 1143, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:21:26] /mf shadow dragon [3223, 1144, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:21:27] /mf shadow dragon [3224, 1144, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:15] /mf demon [3221, 1130, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:16] /mf demon [3220, 1130, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:17] /mf demon [3216, 1129, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:18] /mf demon [3217, 1129, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:18] /mf demon [3218, 1129, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:19] /mf demon [3219, 1129, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:19] /mf demon [3220, 1129, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:19] /mf demon [3221, 1129, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:20] /mf demon [3222, 1129, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:20] /mf demon [3223, 1129, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:21] /mf demon [3223, 1128, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:21] /mf demon [3224, 1127, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:22] /mf demon [3224, 1126, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:23] /mf demon [3224, 1125, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:23] /mf demon [3223, 1125, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:24] /mf demon [3222, 1125, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:24] /mf demon [3221, 1125, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:25] /mf demon [3220, 1125, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:25] /mf demon [3219, 1126, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:26] /mf demon [3218, 1126, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:26] /mf demon [3217, 1126, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:27] /mf demon [3217, 1127, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:28] /mf demon [3217, 1128, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:28] /mf demon [3218, 1128, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:29] /mf demon [3218, 1127, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:29] /mf demon [3219, 1127, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:30] /mf demon [3219, 1128, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:30] /mf demon [3220, 1128, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:31] /mf demon [3220, 1127, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:32] /mf demon [3220, 1126, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:32] /mf demon [3221, 1126, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:33] /mf demon [3222, 1126, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:33] /mf demon [3223, 1126, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:34] /mf demon [3223, 1127, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:35] /mf demon [3222, 1127, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:35] /mf demon [3221, 1127, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:36] /mf demon [3221, 1128, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:22:37] /mf demon [3222, 1128, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:33] /mf yielothax [3233, 1135, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:34] /mf yielothax [3233, 1134, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:35] /mf yielothax [3233, 1133, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:35] /mf yielothax [3233, 1132, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:36] /mf yielothax [3233, 1131, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:36] /mf yielothax [3233, 1130, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:37] /mf yielothax [3233, 1129, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:38] /mf yielothax [3232, 1130, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:38] /mf yielothax [3232, 1131, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:39] /mf yielothax [3232, 1132, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:39] /mf yielothax [3232, 1133, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:40] /mf yielothax [3232, 1134, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:40] /mf yielothax [3232, 1135, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:41] /mf yielothax [3231, 1135, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:41] /mf yielothax [3230, 1135, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:43] /mf yielothax [3231, 1133, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:43] /mf yielothax [3231, 1132, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:44] /mf yielothax [3230, 1132, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:44] /mf yielothax [3230, 1133, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:45] /mf yielothax [3229, 1133, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:46] /mf yielothax [3229, 1132, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:48] /mf yielothax [3234, 1129, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:48] /mf yielothax [3234, 1130, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:49] /mf yielothax [3234, 1131, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:49] /mf yielothax [3234, 1132, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:50] /mf yielothax [3234, 1133, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:51] /mf yielothax [3234, 1134, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:51] /mf yielothax [3234, 1135, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:52] /mf yielothax [3235, 1135, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:52] /mf yielothax [3235, 1134, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:53] /mf yielothax [3235, 1133, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:53] /mf yielothax [3235, 1132, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:54] /mf yielothax [3235, 1131, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:55] /mf yielothax [3235, 1130, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:55] /mf yielothax [3236, 1130, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:56] /mf yielothax [3236, 1131, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:57] /mf yielothax [3236, 1132, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:57] /mf yielothax [3236, 1133, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:58] /mf yielothax [3236, 1134, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:23:58] /mf yielothax [3236, 1135, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:24:13] /mf hellish flamethrower [3229, 1130, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:24:17] /mf hellish flamethrower [3230, 1130, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:24:31] EM Maazik has removed 2708 (poplar) from the ground - Position: [3229, 1155, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:24:32] /mf hellish flamethrower [3229, 1155, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:24:44] /mf royal guardian mechanism [3227, 1140, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:24:47] EM Maazik has removed 2702 (willow) from the ground - Position: [3231, 1140, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:24:48] /mf royal guardian mechanism [3231, 1140, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:24:53] /mf paralyze mechanism [3232, 1140, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:24:56] EM Maazik has removed 2700 (fir tree) from the ground - Position: [3226, 1140, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:24:57] /mf paralyze mechanism [3226, 1140, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:25:29] /i coal basin (1481) [3224, 1121, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:25:35] /i coal basin (1481) [3224, 1122, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:25:36] /i coal basin (1481) [3224, 1123, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:25:36] /i coal basin (1481) [3224, 1124, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:25:37] /i coal basin (1481) [3224, 1125, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:25:38] /i coal basin (1481) [3224, 1126, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:25:38] /i coal basin (1481) [3224, 1127, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:25:40] /i coal basin (1481) [3224, 1130, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:25:43] /i coal basin (1481) [3223, 1130, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:25:44] /i coal basin (1481) [3222, 1130, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:25:44] /i coal basin (1481) [3221, 1130, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:25:45] /i coal basin (1481) [3220, 1130, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:25:46] /i coal basin (1481) [3219, 1130, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:25:48] /i coal basin (1481) [3217, 1130, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:25:48] /i coal basin (1481) [3218, 1130, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:25:57] /i coal basin (1481) [3217, 1129, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:25:59] /i coal basin (1481) [3217, 1128, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:26:00] /i coal basin (1481) [3216, 1128, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:26:01] /i coal basin (1481) [3216, 1127, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:26:02] /i coal basin (1481) [3216, 1126, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:26:02] /i coal basin (1481) [3217, 1126, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:26:03] /i coal basin (1481) [3218, 1126, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:26:03] /i coal basin (1481) [3219, 1126, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:26:04] /i coal basin (1481) [3220, 1126, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:26:05] /i coal basin (1481) [3221, 1126, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:26:05] /i coal basin (1481) [3221, 1125, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:26:06] /i coal basin (1481) [3221, 1124, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:26:07] /i coal basin (1481) [3221, 1123, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:26:08] /i coal basin (1481) [3221, 1122, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:26:09] /i coal basin (1481) [3222, 1122, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:26:19] /i coal basin (1481) [3223, 1123, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:26:20] /i coal basin (1481) [3222, 1124, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:26:21] /i coal basin (1481) [3223, 1125, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:26:21] /i coal basin (1481) [3222, 1126, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:26:22] /i coal basin (1481) [3223, 1127, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:26:23] /i coal basin (1481) [3222, 1128, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:26:24] /i coal basin (1481) [3221, 1129, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:26:25] /i coal basin (1481) [3220, 1128, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:26:25] /i coal basin (1481) [3219, 1129, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:26:26] /i coal basin (1481) [3218, 1128, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:26:26] /i coal basin (1481) [3219, 1127, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:26:28] /i coal basin (1481) [3221, 1127, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:26:30] /i coal basin (1481) [3223, 1129, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:26:31] /i coal basin (1481) [3224, 1128, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:27:01] /mf behemoth pillar [3216, 1129, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:27:08] /i coal basin (1481) [3215, 1129, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:27:36] /mf hellish flamethrower [3226, 1127, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:27:37] /mf hellish flamethrower [3226, 1128, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:27:38] /mf hellish flamethrower [3227, 1129, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:27:39] /mf hellish flamethrower [3226, 1129, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:27:39] /mf hellish flamethrower [3226, 1130, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:27:44] /mf hellish flamethrower [3213, 1129, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:27:50] /mf deepling elite [3225, 1134, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:27:51] /mf deepling elite [3224, 1134, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:27:51] /mf deepling elite [3223, 1134, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:27:52] /mf deepling elite [3222, 1134, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:27:52] /mf deepling elite [3221, 1134, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:27:53] /mf deepling elite [3220, 1134, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:27:53] /mf deepling elite [3219, 1134, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:27:54] /mf deepling elite [3218, 1134, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:27:54] /mf deepling elite [3217, 1134, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:27:55] /mf deepling elite [3216, 1134, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:27:55] /mf deepling elite [3215, 1134, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:27:56] /mf deepling elite [3214, 1134, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:28:13] /mf deepling elite [3219, 1139, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:28:13] /mf deepling elite [3220, 1139, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:28:14] /mf deepling elite [3221, 1139, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:28:14] /mf deepling elite [3222, 1139, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:28:15] /mf deepling elite [3223, 1139, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:28:15] /mf deepling elite [3224, 1139, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:28:16] /mf deepling elite [3225, 1139, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:28:16] /mf deepling elite [3226, 1139, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:28:17] /mf deepling elite [3227, 1139, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:28:17] /mf deepling elite [3228, 1139, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:28:18] /mf deepling elite [3229, 1139, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:28:18] /mf deepling elite [3230, 1139, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:28:18] /mf deepling elite [3231, 1139, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:28:19] /mf deepling elite [3232, 1139, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:28:21] /mf deepling elite [3218, 1139, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:28:22] /mf deepling elite [3217, 1139, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:28:22] /mf deepling elite [3216, 1139, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:28:41] /mf paralyze mechanism [3239, 1149, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:28:42] /mf paralyze mechanism [3238, 1149, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:29:22] /mf ferumbras [3239, 1145, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:29:54] /mf red [3222, 1121, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:30:09] /mf senor cookson event [3225, 1122, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:30:10] /mf senor cookson event [3225, 1123, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:30:11] /mf senor cookson event [3225, 1124, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:30:11] /mf senor cookson event [3225, 1125, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:30:12] /mf senor cookson event [3225, 1126, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:30:12] /mf senor cookson event [3225, 1127, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:30:13] /mf senor cookson event [3225, 1128, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:30:13] /mf senor cookson event [3225, 1129, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:30:14] /mf senor cookson event [3224, 1129, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:30:16] /mf senor cookson event [3222, 1129, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:30:17] /mf senor cookson event [3221, 1128, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:30:18] /mf senor cookson event [3220, 1129, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:30:18] /mf senor cookson event [3219, 1128, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:30:23] /mf senor cookson event [3218, 1129, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:30:25] /mf senor cookson event [3217, 1127, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:30:26] /mf senor cookson event [3218, 1127, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:30:29] /mf senor cookson event [3220, 1127, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:30:33] /mf red [3223, 1128, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:30:48] /mf queen of diamonds [3222, 1127, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:30:53] /mf jimmy urine [3223, 1126, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:32:14] /mf senor cookson event [3215, 1128, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:32:14] /mf senor cookson event [3215, 1127, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:32:15] /mf senor cookson event [3215, 1126, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:32:15] /mf senor cookson event [3215, 1125, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:32:16] /mf senor cookson event [3216, 1125, 6]
[02/18/2024 11:34:22] /mf legendary warrior [3224, 1169, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:34:24] /mf legendary warrior [3224, 1168, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:34:24] /mf legendary warrior [3223, 1167, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:34:25] /mf legendary warrior [3224, 1166, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:34:25] /mf legendary warrior [3223, 1165, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:34:26] /mf legendary warrior [3224, 1164, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:34:26] /mf legendary warrior [3224, 1163, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:34:27] /mf legendary warrior [3223, 1164, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:34:27] /mf legendary warrior [3224, 1165, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:34:28] /mf legendary warrior [3225, 1164, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:34:28] /mf legendary warrior [3225, 1165, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:34:29] /mf legendary warrior [3225, 1166, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:34:29] /mf legendary warrior [3225, 1167, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:34:29] /mf legendary warrior [3224, 1167, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:34:30] /mf legendary warrior [3225, 1168, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:34:30] /mf legendary warrior [3226, 1168, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:34:56] /ghost
[02/18/2024 11:34:58] EM Maazik has removed guzzlemaw - Position: [3159, 1120, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:34:59] EM Maazik has removed guzzlemaw - Position: [3157, 1120, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:34:59] EM Maazik has removed guzzlemaw - Position: [3156, 1120, 7]
[02/18/2024 11:37:56] /ghost
[02/18/2024 12:28:14] /goto zera [44, 2868, 14]
[02/18/2024 12:59:26] /goto zera [1512, 378, 7]
[02/18/2024 13:01:29] /goto zera [1514, 321, 7]
[02/18/2024 13:08:16] /goto savage [1490, 415, 9]
[02/18/2024 13:08:22] /goto hela [974, 4225, 7]
[02/18/2024 14:14:15] /goto ungifted warlock [1146, 265, 10]
[02/18/2024 14:14:26] /goto ungifted warlock [1176, 272, 10]
[02/18/2024 14:23:58] /goto aleman [1764, 2396, 4]
[02/18/2024 14:24:42] /goto aleman [1763, 2394, 3]
[02/18/2024 14:24:51] /goto aleman [203, 406, 7]
[02/18/2024 14:30:05] /goto one [16, 5180, 14]
[02/18/2024 14:30:28] /goto one [1216, 746, 3]
[02/18/2024 14:35:04] /goto aleman [1214, 743, 5]
[02/18/2024 14:36:10] /goto one [101, 101, 5]
[02/18/2024 14:36:59] /goto despacito [976, 866, 3]
[02/18/2024 14:39:59] /goto wolf [1216, 747, 3]
[02/18/2024 14:42:48] /goto one [1215, 745, 5]
[02/18/2024 14:42:50] /goto wolf [44, 5231, 14]
[02/18/2024 14:47:34] /goto zera [1514, 347, 7]
[02/18/2024 15:31:23] /portal survival - Position: [190, 409, 7]
[02/18/2024 18:28:16] /goto dhavoc [674, 83, 8]
[02/18/2024 18:28:26] /ghost
[02/18/2024 18:30:07] /ghost
[02/19/2024 19:02:53] /goto kreizi [937, 348, 7]
[02/19/2024 19:07:59] /goto sorcian [894, 366, 8]
[02/20/2024 09:15:21] /goto pure [201, 407, 7]
[02/20/2024 09:20:40] /goto pure [710, 672, 8]
[02/20/2024 18:49:53] EM Maazik has removed 1614 (big table) from the ground - Position: [190, 307, 6]
[02/20/2024 18:49:55] EM Maazik has removed 1614 (big table) from the ground - Position: [190, 308, 6]
[02/20/2024 18:49:55] EM Maazik has removed 1614 (big table) from the ground - Position: [190, 309, 6]
[02/20/2024 18:49:56] EM Maazik has removed 1614 (big table) from the ground - Position: [190, 310, 6]
[02/20/2024 18:49:57] EM Maazik has removed 1614 (big table) from the ground - Position: [190, 311, 6]
[02/20/2024 18:51:00] /brc A premium scroll has been hidden in the main city of Cyntara.
[02/20/2024 18:53:28] /brc Scroll has been found
[02/20/2024 18:54:06] /goto darkness [1246, 1658, 15]
[02/21/2024 13:46:24] /goto deaktivers [203, 400, 7]
[02/21/2024 13:46:49] /goto sorcian [44, 3429, 14]
[02/21/2024 13:46:57] /goto phantom squet [638, 2585, 6]
[02/21/2024 13:53:24] /goto godnyx [630, 2582, 6]
[02/21/2024 13:53:47] /goto zera [1133, 433, 8]
[02/22/2024 16:57:47] /goto mana [44, 4160, 14]
[02/22/2024 16:57:50] /goto play boys [2135, 1676, 11]
[02/22/2024 16:58:02] /goto play boys [2104, 1666, 12]
[02/23/2024 13:19:57] /goto assem [749, 1149, 10]
[02/23/2024 13:21:55] /goto zera [1128, 455, 8]
[02/23/2024 14:51:09] /ghost
[02/23/2024 14:51:18] /i coal basin (1481) [848, 212, 7]
[02/23/2024 14:51:18] /i coal basin (1481) [849, 212, 7]
[02/23/2024 14:51:19] /i coal basin (1481) [850, 212, 7]
[02/23/2024 14:51:20] /i coal basin (1481) [851, 212, 7]
[02/23/2024 14:51:20] /i coal basin (1481) [851, 213, 7]
[02/23/2024 14:51:21] /i coal basin (1481) [851, 214, 7]
[02/23/2024 14:51:21] /i coal basin (1481) [851, 215, 7]
[02/23/2024 14:51:22] /i coal basin (1481) [851, 216, 7]
[02/23/2024 14:51:22] /i coal basin (1481) [850, 216, 7]
[02/23/2024 14:51:23] /i coal basin (1481) [849, 216, 7]
[02/23/2024 14:51:23] /i coal basin (1481) [848, 216, 7]
[02/23/2024 14:51:24] /i coal basin (1481) [847, 216, 7]
[02/23/2024 14:51:24] /i coal basin (1481) [847, 215, 7]
[02/23/2024 14:51:25] /i coal basin (1481) [847, 214, 7]
[02/23/2024 14:51:25] /i coal basin (1481) [847, 213, 7]
[02/23/2024 14:51:26] /i coal basin (1481) [847, 212, 7]
[02/23/2024 14:51:35] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a pillar. Position (849, 211, 7)
[02/23/2024 14:51:45] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a blackboard. Position (849, 211, 7)
[02/23/2024 14:52:26] /ghost
[02/23/2024 14:52:50] /ghost
[02/23/2024 14:53:16] /ghost
[02/23/2024 14:53:20] /goto assem [752, 1151, 10]
[02/23/2024 14:54:17] /ghost
[02/23/2024 14:54:40] /ghost
[02/23/2024 14:56:14] /goto assem [751, 1151, 10]
[02/23/2024 14:56:18] /ghost
[02/23/2024 14:57:26] /ghost
[02/23/2024 14:57:30] /goto assem [750, 1150, 10]
[02/23/2024 14:58:09] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 14:58:14] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 15:02:46] /goto mothafukkajonez [1104, 383, 13]
[02/23/2024 15:03:04] /ghost
[02/23/2024 15:15:10] /ghost
[02/23/2024 15:16:02] /goto assem [200, 400, 7]
[02/23/2024 15:16:15] /goto red [2497, 2457, 7]
[02/23/2024 15:17:22] /goto mothafukkajonez [1144, 388, 14]
[02/23/2024 15:25:02] /goto red [2497, 2457, 7]
[02/23/2024 15:25:23] /goto assem [828, 1192, 10]
[02/23/2024 15:48:13] /goto assem [647, 1219, 10]
[02/23/2024 16:05:36] /goto lipaxi [628, 1142, 10]
[02/23/2024 16:25:03] /goto assem [747, 1149, 10]
[02/23/2024 16:54:51] /goto zera [1126, 442, 8]
[02/23/2024 16:55:20] /goto event character [201, 399, 7]
[02/23/2024 16:55:23] /goto event character [16, 5537, 14]
[02/23/2024 17:09:07] /ghost
[02/23/2024 17:09:21] /ghost
[02/23/2024 17:11:37] /goto assem [782, 1164, 10]
[02/23/2024 17:11:46] /goto assem [780, 1164, 10]
[02/23/2024 17:12:06] /ghost
[02/23/2024 17:17:25] /ghost
[02/23/2024 17:17:43] /ghost
[02/23/2024 17:31:08] /brc Gauntlet Event will begin in 5 minutes.
[02/23/2024 17:32:19] /brc You can find the teleport on the left side of the temple ( Grim Reaper Outfit )
[02/23/2024 17:33:41] /mf death [849, 195, 7]
[02/23/2024 17:33:44] /mf death [846, 200, 7]
[02/23/2024 17:33:45] /mf death [852, 200, 7]
[02/23/2024 17:33:56] /brc Gauntlet Event will begin in 3 minutes
[02/23/2024 17:34:19] /ghost
[02/23/2024 17:35:26] /brc Gauntlet Event will begin in ONE MINUTE. Head to the left side of the temple, Gauntlet Teleport ( Grim Reaper Outfit ).
[02/23/2024 17:36:08] /brc Gauntlet Event begins now. Good Luck.
[02/23/2024 17:36:09] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [847, 212, 7]
[02/23/2024 17:36:10] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [848, 212, 7]
[02/23/2024 17:36:10] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [849, 212, 7]
[02/23/2024 17:36:11] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [850, 212, 7]
[02/23/2024 17:36:12] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [851, 212, 7]
[02/23/2024 17:36:20] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [851, 213, 7]
[02/23/2024 17:36:21] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [851, 214, 7]
[02/23/2024 17:36:23] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [851, 215, 7]
[02/23/2024 17:36:23] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [851, 216, 7]
[02/23/2024 17:36:25] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [850, 216, 7]
[02/23/2024 17:36:26] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [849, 216, 7]
[02/23/2024 17:36:26] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [848, 216, 7]
[02/23/2024 17:36:27] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [847, 216, 7]
[02/23/2024 17:36:31] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [847, 215, 7]
[02/23/2024 17:36:31] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [847, 214, 7]
[02/23/2024 17:36:32] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [847, 213, 7]
[02/23/2024 17:37:18] /brc Pro Tip: Go together, make a countdown. I will only once summon few rats to make Deaths distracted
[02/23/2024 17:38:06] EM Maazik has removed Death - Position: [850, 205, 7]
[02/23/2024 17:38:42] /mf death [848, 192, 7]
[02/23/2024 17:39:10] /brc Gauntlet Event is currently taking place. Try to get some cool items!
[02/23/2024 17:39:47] /brc This is your chance. I will summon few rats to keep deaths distracted. Good Luck
[02/23/2024 17:39:57] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:39:58] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:39:59] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:39:59] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:39:59] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:39:59] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:39:59] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:40:00] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:40:00] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:40:00] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:40:00] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:40:00] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:40:02] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:40:02] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:40:44] EM Maazik has removed Death - Position: [848, 192, 7]
[02/23/2024 17:41:58] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:41:59] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:41:59] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:41:59] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:41:59] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:41:59] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:41:59] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:43:00] /ghost
[02/23/2024 17:45:22] /ghost
[02/23/2024 17:45:32] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:45:32] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:45:32] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:45:33] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:45:33] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:45:33] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:45:34] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:45:34] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:45:34] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:45:34] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:45:34] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:45:35] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:45:35] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:45:35] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:45:35] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:45:35] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:45:35] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:45:36] /summon rat
[02/23/2024 17:47:14] /brc If you picked up a backpack at the top message me. You need to trade me the letter
[02/23/2024 17:47:27] /goto mcgreggorx [847, 207, 7]
[02/23/2024 17:47:47] /ghost
[02/23/2024 17:48:28] /ghost
[02/23/2024 17:50:09] /goto mcgreggorx [852, 208, 7]
[02/23/2024 17:50:16] /ghost
[02/23/2024 17:52:34] /brc Mcgreggorx reached the backpack at the top. There were two rewards to chosse: 1) Global Boost for Everyone 2) 500 Cyntara Coins for himself. He picked number 2 ;p
[02/23/2024 17:52:56] /ghost
[02/23/2024 17:53:09] /brc Only one death remaining
[02/23/2024 17:53:47] EM Maazik has removed 2018 (pool) from the ground - Position: [849, 200, 7]
[02/23/2024 17:53:49] EM Maazik has removed Death - Position: [849, 200, 7]
[02/23/2024 17:54:40] EM Maazik has removed 1811 (blackboard) from the ground - Position: [849, 211, 7]
[02/23/2024 17:54:40] EM Maazik has removed 1514 (pillar) from the ground - Position: [849, 211, 7]
[02/23/2024 17:55:54] /ghost
[02/23/2024 17:56:02] /brc Dropping a premium scroll in the temple in 30 seconds
[02/23/2024 17:57:01] /ghost
[02/23/2024 17:57:41] /goto darkness [195, 405, 7]
[02/23/2024 17:58:32] /goto mcgreggorx [203, 410, 6]
[02/23/2024 18:00:41] /ghost
[02/23/2024 18:02:58] /ghost
[02/23/2024 18:06:31] /ghost
[02/23/2024 18:07:09] /brc Bring the following items to EM Maazik and get a reward: Green Piece Of Cloth, Lesser Enchantment Crystal, Battle Hammer and Cyclops Toe.
[02/23/2024 18:07:32] /brc Bring the following items to EM Maazik and get a reward: Green Piece Of Cloth, Lesser Enchantment Crystal, Battle Hammer and Cyclops Toe.
[02/23/2024 18:09:11] /brc Belico was the first one who brought the items! Congratulations
[02/23/2024 18:09:32] /ghost
[02/23/2024 18:15:22] EM Maazik has removed 38017 (cursed casket) from the ground - Position: [591, 335, 4]
[02/23/2024 18:23:33] EM Maazik has removed 11241 (expedition backpack) from the ground - Position: [940, 675, 9]
[02/23/2024 18:23:42] EM Maazik has removed 10574 (cyclops toe) from the ground - Position: [940, 675, 9]
[02/23/2024 18:23:42] EM Maazik has removed 2417 (battle hammer) from the ground - Position: [940, 675, 9]
[02/23/2024 18:23:42] EM Maazik has removed 9743 (lesser enchantment crystal) from the ground - Position: [940, 675, 9]
[02/23/2024 18:23:42] EM Maazik has removed 5910 (green piece of cloth) from the ground - Position: [940, 675, 9]
[02/23/2024 18:30:08] /goto zera [16, 4721, 14]
[02/23/2024 18:30:15] /goto lipaxi [449, 734, 3]
[02/23/2024 18:30:28] /goto cj bsk [531, 685, 5]
[02/23/2024 18:30:52] /goto play boys [196, 402, 7]
[02/23/2024 18:32:25] /waypoint [DQ] Ferumbras Tower
[02/23/2024 18:49:30] /ghost
[02/23/2024 19:00:03] /ghost
[02/23/2024 19:29:52] /goto cj bsk [912, 1030, 7]
[02/23/2024 19:32:11] /goto assem [900, 1021, 7]
[02/23/2024 19:40:58] /goto warchief [910, 1020, 7]
[02/23/2024 19:42:52] /goto godnyx [893, 1018, 7]
[02/23/2024 19:47:02] /goto zera [16, 4721, 14]
[02/23/2024 19:47:30] /goto assem [905, 1011, 4]
[02/23/2024 19:47:35] /goto warchief [907, 1011, 6]
[02/23/2024 20:04:03] /goto warchief [907, 1019, 5]
[02/24/2024 05:06:38] /goto zera [16, 5435, 14]
[02/24/2024 15:43:11] /goto donkey [1529, 1486, 7]
[02/24/2024 16:34:04] /goto aleman [2503, 1695, 9]
[02/24/2024 16:37:12] /goto zera [1829, 1769, 6]
[02/24/2024 16:37:53] /goto zera [1872, 1810, 7]
[02/24/2024 16:49:32] /goto zera [1858, 1774, 7]
[02/24/2024 16:59:59] /goto zera [1827, 1767, 7]
[02/24/2024 17:00:08] /goto zera [1833, 1799, 7]
[02/25/2024 05:14:29] /goto zera [44, 4551, 14]
[02/25/2024 08:11:43] /goto zera [44, 4551, 14]
[02/25/2024 10:08:23] /goto zera [44, 4551, 14]
[02/25/2024 10:08:27] /goto wonky core [255, 401, 6]
[02/25/2024 12:00:21] /goto zera [662, 177, 9]
[02/25/2024 12:17:57] /goto samke [200, 391, 7]
[02/25/2024 12:23:59] /goto samke [162, 419, 8]
[02/25/2024 12:24:12] /c samke [176, 420, 9] -> [265, 447, 9]
[02/25/2024 12:24:31] /goto samke [266, 447, 9]
[02/25/2024 12:27:35] /goto samke [262, 384, 7]
[02/25/2024 12:27:42] /m rotworm [231, 394, 7]
[02/25/2024 12:27:46] /m rotworm [224, 393, 7]
[02/25/2024 12:27:54] /m rotworm [208, 392, 7]
[02/25/2024 13:10:05] EM Maazik pushed Zera [202, 400, 7] -> [203, 401, 7]
[02/25/2024 13:10:12] EM Maazik pushed Zera [203, 401, 7] -> [194, 398, 7]
[02/25/2024 13:10:13] EM Maazik pushed Zera [203, 401, 7] -> [195, 398, 7]
[02/25/2024 13:10:16] EM Maazik pushed Zera [195, 398, 7] -> [196, 398, 7]
[02/25/2024 13:10:16] EM Maazik pushed Zera [196, 398, 7] -> [195, 398, 7]
[02/25/2024 13:14:57] /goto zera [205, 397, 6]
[02/25/2024 13:15:52] /goto mey key [1432, 480, 9]
[02/25/2024 13:17:30] /goto mey key [1447, 489, 9]
[02/25/2024 13:19:21] /goto mey key [1445, 489, 9]
[02/25/2024 13:30:27] /goto mey key [1401, 889, 8]
[02/25/2024 13:37:31] /goto zera [1839, 1789, 7]
[02/25/2024 13:37:38] /goto mey key [266, 448, 9]
[02/25/2024 13:51:26] /goto mey key [1568, 703, 7]
[02/25/2024 15:46:25] /goto zera [1856, 1772, 7]
[02/25/2024 15:46:35] /goto wonky core [255, 401, 6]
[02/25/2024 15:46:43] /goto wonky core [255, 401, 6]
[02/26/2024 11:31:35] /goto zera [16, 5197, 14]
[02/27/2024 08:18:09] /goto zera [16, 4313, 14]
[02/27/2024 08:18:52] /c assem [183, 402, 7] -> [177, 401, 7]
[02/27/2024 13:37:47] /goto zera [44, 4619, 14]
[02/27/2024 14:07:39] /raid ferumbras
[02/27/2024 17:25:53] /goto tactyx [1395, 657, 12]
[02/27/2024 17:34:09] /goto zera [1331, 658, 13]
[02/27/2024 17:50:33] /goto maazik [44, 5197, 14]
[02/28/2024 08:10:42] /goto zera [1893, 1837, 7]
[02/28/2024 13:30:45] /goto zera [44, 5673, 14]
[02/28/2024 15:36:24] /goto wonky core [201, 410, 3]
[02/28/2024 15:37:35] /goto wonky core [201, 410, 3]
[02/29/2024 13:12:26] /goto zera [1643, 1610, 9]
[02/29/2024 16:21:39] /goto vlad the impaler [2265, 845, 6]
[03/01/2024 09:05:20] /goto zera [1859, 1777, 7]
[03/01/2024 15:55:49] /goto zera [44, 4755, 14]
[03/01/2024 17:17:55] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a pillar. Position (198, 315, 6)
[03/01/2024 17:18:09] EM Maazik has removed Zera - Position: [198, 316, 6]
[03/01/2024 17:18:18] EM Maazik has removed 1514 (pillar) from the ground - Position: [198, 315, 6]
[03/01/2024 17:21:08] /kick zera [200, 316, 7]
[03/02/2024 03:29:35] /goto zera [198, 315, 6]
[03/02/2024 12:35:58] /raid ferumbras
[03/02/2024 13:02:53] /goto darkness [736, 170, 6]
[03/02/2024 15:42:40] /goto zera [1891, 1838, 7]
[03/04/2024 12:45:53] /goto pure [2800, 1649, 10]
[03/08/2024 14:11:20] /goto zera [958, 424, 13]
[03/09/2024 13:08:19] /portal tower - Position: [190, 409, 7] - Speical ID: 0
[03/09/2024 13:08:25] EM Maazik has removed 1387 (magic forcefield) from the ground - Position: [190, 409, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:09:04] /portal finishline tower - Position: [190, 409, 7] - Speical ID: 0
[03/09/2024 13:39:20] /mf apocalypse [1551, 1020, 1]
[03/09/2024 13:39:25] /goto apocalypse [1551, 1020, 1]
[03/09/2024 13:44:27] /goto apocalypse [1551, 1020, 1]
[03/09/2024 13:44:37] /goto apocalypse [1551, 1020, 1]
[03/09/2024 13:45:16] /mf apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:45:23] /goto apocalypse [1551, 1020, 1]
[03/09/2024 13:45:24] EM Maazik has removed Apocalypse - Position: [1551, 1020, 1]
[03/09/2024 13:45:30] /mf namtar [1551, 1021, 1]
[03/09/2024 13:45:34] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:45:49] EM Maazik has removed 22578 () from the ground - Position: [1566, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:45:51] EM Maazik has removed 22578 () from the ground - Position: [1566, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:45:55] /mf Draken Warden [1565, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:45:56] /mf Draken Warden [1565, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:45:57] /mf Draken Warden [1565, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:46:06] EM Maazik has removed draken warden - Position: [1565, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:46:07] EM Maazik has removed draken warden - Position: [1565, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:46:08] EM Maazik has removed draken warden - Position: [1565, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:46:54] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:04] /mf ice miner [1566, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:05] /mf ice miner [1566, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:06] /mf ice miner [1565, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:07] /mf ice miner [1565, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:08] /mf ice miner [1565, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:11] /mf ice miner [1559, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:12] /mf ice miner [1559, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:13] /mf ice miner [1559, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:19] EM Maazik has removed Ice Miner - Position: [1566, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:22] EM Maazik has removed Ice Miner - Position: [1566, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:26] /mf behemoth pillar [1566, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:27] /mf behemoth pillar [1566, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:36] /mf ice miner [1564, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:37] /mf ice miner [1564, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:38] /mf ice miner [1564, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:39] /mf ice miner [1563, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:40] /mf ice miner [1563, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:40] /mf ice miner [1563, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:40] /mf ice miner [1563, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:41] /mf ice miner [1562, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:42] /mf ice miner [1561, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:45] /mf ice miner [1560, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:46] /mf ice miner [1560, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:47] /mf ice miner [1560, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:48] /mf ice miner [1561, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:48] /mf ice miner [1562, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:49] /mf ice miner [1561, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:50] /mf ice miner [1562, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:53] /mf ice miner [1558, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:54] /mf ice miner [1558, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:47:55] /mf ice miner [1558, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:01] /mf ice miner [1557, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:01] /mf ice miner [1556, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:02] /mf ice miner [1555, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:03] /mf ice miner [1554, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:03] /mf ice miner [1553, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:04] /mf ice miner [1552, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:04] /mf ice miner [1551, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:05] /mf ice miner [1550, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:06] /mf ice miner [1549, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:08] /mf ice miner [1548, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:08] /mf ice miner [1547, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:09] /mf ice miner [1546, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:10] /mf ice miner [1545, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:11] /mf ice miner [1544, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:12] /mf ice miner [1543, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:13] /mf ice miner [1542, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:13] /mf ice miner [1541, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:15] /mf ice miner [1540, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:15] /mf ice miner [1539, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:16] /mf ice miner [1538, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:16] /mf ice miner [1537, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:17] /mf ice miner [1536, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:18] /mf ice miner [1535, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:19] /mf ice miner [1534, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:20] /mf ice miner [1533, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:21] /mf ice miner [1532, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:21] /mf ice miner [1531, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:23] /mf ice miner [1530, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:24] /mf ice miner [1529, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:39] /mf ice miner [1556, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:40] /mf ice miner [1557, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:42] /mf ice miner [1557, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:49] /mf ice miner [1557, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:55] /mf ice miner [1556, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:57] /mf ice miner [1555, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:58] /mf ice miner [1555, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:48:59] /mf ice miner [1554, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:00] /mf ice miner [1553, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:01] /mf ice miner [1554, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:02] /mf ice miner [1553, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:02] /mf ice miner [1552, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:03] /mf ice miner [1551, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:04] /mf ice miner [1550, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:05] /mf ice miner [1551, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:06] /mf ice miner [1552, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:07] /mf ice miner [1551, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:07] /mf ice miner [1550, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:08] /mf ice miner [1549, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:09] /mf ice miner [1550, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:10] /mf ice miner [1549, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:11] /mf ice miner [1548, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:12] /mf ice miner [1547, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:12] /mf ice miner [1548, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:13] /mf ice miner [1547, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:14] /mf ice miner [1546, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:17] /mf ice miner [1546, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:17] /mf ice miner [1545, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:18] /mf ice miner [1545, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:19] /mf ice miner [1544, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:20] /mf ice miner [1543, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:21] /mf ice miner [1544, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:22] /mf ice miner [1543, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:23] /mf ice miner [1542, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:25] /mf ice miner [1541, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:26] /mf ice miner [1541, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:27] /mf ice miner [1542, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:30] /mf ice miner [1540, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:31] /mf ice miner [1539, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:33] /mf ice miner [1540, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:34] /mf ice miner [1539, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:36] /mf ice miner [1538, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:37] /mf ice miner [1537, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:38] /mf ice miner [1538, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:39] /mf ice miner [1537, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:40] /mf ice miner [1536, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:41] /mf ice miner [1535, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:42] /mf ice miner [1536, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:44] /mf ice miner [1535, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:45] /mf ice miner [1534, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:46] /mf ice miner [1533, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:47] /mf ice miner [1534, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:48] /mf ice miner [1533, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:50] /mf ice miner [1532, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:52] /mf ice miner [1532, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:54] /mf ice miner [1531, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:55] /mf ice miner [1531, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:58] /mf ice miner [1530, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:49:59] /mf ice miner [1529, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:00] /mf ice miner [1530, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:02] /mf ice miner [1529, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:06] EM Maazik has removed 22578 () from the ground - Position: [1528, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:13] EM Maazik has removed 22578 () from the ground - Position: [1528, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:27] /mf mine supervisor [1527, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:28] /mf mine supervisor [1527, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:28] /mf mine supervisor [1527, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:30] /mf mine supervisor [1526, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:30] /mf mine supervisor [1526, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:31] /mf mine supervisor [1526, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:32] /mf mine supervisor [1525, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:32] /mf mine supervisor [1525, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:33] /mf mine supervisor [1525, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:33] /mf mine supervisor [1524, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:34] /mf mine supervisor [1524, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:35] /mf mine supervisor [1524, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:35] /mf mine supervisor [1523, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:36] /mf mine supervisor [1523, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:37] /mf mine supervisor [1523, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:37] /mf mine supervisor [1522, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:38] /mf mine supervisor [1522, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:38] /mf mine supervisor [1522, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:39] /mf mine supervisor [1521, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:39] /mf mine supervisor [1521, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:40] /mf mine supervisor [1521, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:41] /mf mine supervisor [1520, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:41] /mf mine supervisor [1519, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:42] /mf mine supervisor [1518, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:43] /mf mine supervisor [1516, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:43] /mf mine supervisor [1517, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:44] /mf mine supervisor [1516, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:45] /mf mine supervisor [1515, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:46] /mf mine supervisor [1514, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:46] /mf mine supervisor [1513, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:47] /mf mine supervisor [1512, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:48] /mf mine supervisor [1511, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:52] /mf ice miner [1510, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:50:55] /mf mine warden [1507, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:51:16] /mf the mine warden [1507, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:51:18] /mf the mine warden [1507, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:51:18] /mf the mine warden [1507, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:52:59] /mf the mine warden [1570, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:53:16] /mf ice miner [1520, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:53:17] /mf ice miner [1520, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:53:18] /mf ice miner [1519, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:53:18] /mf ice miner [1519, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:53:19] /mf ice miner [1518, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:53:19] /mf ice miner [1518, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:53:20] /mf ice miner [1517, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:53:20] /mf ice miner [1516, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:53:21] /mf ice miner [1517, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:53:22] /mf ice miner [1515, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:53:22] /mf ice miner [1514, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:53:23] /mf ice miner [1513, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:53:23] /mf ice miner [1514, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:53:24] /mf ice miner [1513, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:53:25] /mf ice miner [1515, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:53:26] /mf ice miner [1512, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:53:27] /mf ice miner [1512, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:53:27] /mf ice miner [1511, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:53:27] /mf ice miner [1510, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:53:28] /mf ice miner [1511, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:53:28] /mf ice miner [1510, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:53:29] /mf ice miner [1509, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:53:30] /mf ice miner [1509, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:53:30] /mf ice miner [1509, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:53:30] /mf ice miner [1508, 1013, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:53:31] /mf ice miner [1508, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:53:32] /mf ice miner [1508, 1011, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:53:34] /mf ice titan [1505, 1012, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:54:19] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:54:43] /mf starfire elemental [1502, 1015, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:54:44] /mf starfire elemental [1502, 1016, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:54:44] /mf starfire elemental [1502, 1017, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:54:46] /mf starfire elemental [1503, 1018, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:54:46] /mf starfire elemental [1504, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:54:47] /mf starfire elemental [1505, 1020, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:54:47] /mf starfire elemental [1506, 1021, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:54:48] /mf starfire elemental [1507, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:54:48] /mf starfire elemental [1508, 1023, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:54:49] /mf starfire elemental [1509, 1024, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:54:49] /mf starfire elemental [1510, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:54:50] /mf starfire elemental [1511, 1026, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:54:50] /mf starfire elemental [1512, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:54:51] /mf starfire elemental [1513, 1028, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:54:51] /mf starfire elemental [1514, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:54:52] /mf starfire elemental [1515, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:54:53] /mf starfire elemental [1517, 1028, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:54:54] /mf starfire elemental [1516, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:54:54] /mf starfire elemental [1518, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:54:55] /mf starfire elemental [1519, 1026, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:54:55] /mf starfire elemental [1520, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:54:56] /mf starfire elemental [1521, 1024, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:54:56] /mf starfire elemental [1522, 1023, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:54:57] /mf starfire elemental [1521, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:54:58] /mf starfire elemental [1520, 1021, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:54:58] /mf starfire elemental [1519, 1020, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:54:59] /mf starfire elemental [1518, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:54:59] /mf starfire elemental [1517, 1018, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:00] /mf starfire elemental [1516, 1017, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:00] /mf starfire elemental [1515, 1016, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:01] /mf starfire elemental [1514, 1015, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:02] /mf starfire elemental [1513, 1016, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:03] /mf starfire elemental [1512, 1017, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:03] /mf starfire elemental [1511, 1018, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:04] /mf starfire elemental [1510, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:05] /mf starfire elemental [1509, 1020, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:05] /mf starfire elemental [1508, 1021, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:06] /mf starfire elemental [1506, 1023, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:07] /mf starfire elemental [1505, 1024, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:07] /mf starfire elemental [1504, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:08] /mf starfire elemental [1503, 1026, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:09] /mf starfire elemental [1503, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:10] /mf starfire elemental [1503, 1028, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:10] /mf starfire elemental [1502, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:11] /mf starfire elemental [1502, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:11] /mf starfire elemental [1503, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:12] /mf starfire elemental [1504, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:13] /mf starfire elemental [1505, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:13] /mf starfire elemental [1506, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:14] /mf starfire elemental [1507, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:14] /mf starfire elemental [1508, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:15] /mf starfire elemental [1509, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:16] /mf starfire elemental [1510, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:17] /mf starfire elemental [1511, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:17] /mf starfire elemental [1512, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:18] /mf starfire elemental [1513, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:18] /mf starfire elemental [1514, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:19] /mf starfire elemental [1513, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:19] /mf starfire elemental [1512, 1028, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:20] /mf starfire elemental [1511, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:21] /mf starfire elemental [1510, 1026, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:21] /mf starfire elemental [1509, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:22] /mf starfire elemental [1508, 1024, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:22] /mf starfire elemental [1507, 1023, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:23] /mf starfire elemental [1506, 1024, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:24] /mf starfire elemental [1505, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:25] /mf starfire elemental [1504, 1026, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:26] /mf starfire elemental [1504, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:26] /mf starfire elemental [1504, 1028, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:27] /mf starfire elemental [1504, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:28] /mf starfire elemental [1505, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:29] /mf starfire elemental [1506, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:29] /mf starfire elemental [1507, 1028, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:30] /mf starfire elemental [1508, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:31] /mf starfire elemental [1509, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:32] /mf starfire elemental [1510, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:33] /mf starfire elemental [1512, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:33] /mf starfire elemental [1511, 1028, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:34] /mf starfire elemental [1510, 1028, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:35] /mf starfire elemental [1509, 1028, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:35] /mf starfire elemental [1508, 1028, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:36] /mf starfire elemental [1506, 1028, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:37] /mf starfire elemental [1505, 1028, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:38] /mf starfire elemental [1505, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:38] /mf starfire elemental [1505, 1026, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:39] /mf starfire elemental [1506, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:39] /mf starfire elemental [1507, 1024, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:40] /mf starfire elemental [1508, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:40] /mf starfire elemental [1509, 1026, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:41] /mf starfire elemental [1510, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:42] /mf starfire elemental [1509, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:42] /mf starfire elemental [1508, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:43] /mf starfire elemental [1507, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:43] /mf starfire elemental [1506, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:44] /mf starfire elemental [1506, 1026, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:45] /mf starfire elemental [1507, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:45] /mf starfire elemental [1508, 1026, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:46] /mf starfire elemental [1507, 1026, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:48] /mf starfire elemental [1521, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:49] /mf starfire elemental [1522, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:50] /mf starfire elemental [1522, 1024, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:51] /mf starfire elemental [1522, 1026, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:52] /mf starfire elemental [1522, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:53] /mf starfire elemental [1522, 1028, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:53] /mf starfire elemental [1522, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:54] /mf starfire elemental [1522, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:55] /mf starfire elemental [1521, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:55] /mf starfire elemental [1520, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:56] /mf starfire elemental [1519, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:57] /mf starfire elemental [1518, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:57] /mf starfire elemental [1517, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:58] /mf starfire elemental [1516, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:58] /mf starfire elemental [1517, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:55:59] /mf starfire elemental [1518, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:00] /mf starfire elemental [1518, 1028, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:00] /mf starfire elemental [1519, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:01] /mf starfire elemental [1520, 1026, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:01] /mf starfire elemental [1521, 1026, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:02] /mf starfire elemental [1521, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:02] /mf starfire elemental [1521, 1028, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:03] /mf starfire elemental [1521, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:04] /mf starfire elemental [1520, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:04] /mf starfire elemental [1520, 1028, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:05] /mf starfire elemental [1520, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:05] /mf starfire elemental [1519, 1028, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:07] /mf starfire elemental [1520, 1024, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:08] /mf starfire elemental [1521, 1023, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:09] /mf starfire elemental [1522, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:09] /mf starfire elemental [1522, 1021, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:10] /mf starfire elemental [1522, 1020, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:11] /mf starfire elemental [1522, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:11] /mf starfire elemental [1522, 1018, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:12] /mf starfire elemental [1522, 1017, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:13] /mf starfire elemental [1522, 1016, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:13] /mf starfire elemental [1522, 1015, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:14] /mf starfire elemental [1521, 1015, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:14] /mf starfire elemental [1520, 1016, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:15] /mf starfire elemental [1520, 1017, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:16] /mf starfire elemental [1520, 1018, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:16] /mf starfire elemental [1520, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:17] /mf starfire elemental [1518, 1018, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:18] /mf starfire elemental [1517, 1017, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:19] /mf starfire elemental [1518, 1016, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:20] /mf starfire elemental [1517, 1015, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:23] /mf starfire elemental [1503, 1015, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:23] /mf starfire elemental [1504, 1015, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:24] /mf starfire elemental [1505, 1015, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:24] /mf starfire elemental [1506, 1015, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:25] /mf starfire elemental [1507, 1015, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:25] /mf starfire elemental [1508, 1015, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:26] /mf starfire elemental [1509, 1015, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:26] /mf starfire elemental [1510, 1015, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:27] /mf starfire elemental [1511, 1015, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:27] /mf starfire elemental [1512, 1015, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:28] /mf starfire elemental [1513, 1015, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:29] /mf starfire elemental [1511, 1016, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:30] /mf starfire elemental [1512, 1016, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:31] /mf starfire elemental [1510, 1017, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:31] /mf starfire elemental [1510, 1018, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:32] /mf starfire elemental [1509, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:33] /mf starfire elemental [1508, 1020, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:33] /mf starfire elemental [1507, 1021, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:34] /mf starfire elemental [1506, 1020, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:35] /mf starfire elemental [1507, 1020, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:35] /mf starfire elemental [1508, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:36] /mf starfire elemental [1507, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:36] /mf starfire elemental [1506, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:37] /mf starfire elemental [1505, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:38] /mf starfire elemental [1504, 1018, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:39] /mf starfire elemental [1505, 1018, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:39] /mf starfire elemental [1506, 1018, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:40] /mf starfire elemental [1507, 1018, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:40] /mf starfire elemental [1508, 1018, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:41] /mf starfire elemental [1509, 1018, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:42] /mf starfire elemental [1509, 1017, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:42] /mf starfire elemental [1508, 1017, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:43] /mf starfire elemental [1508, 1016, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:44] /mf starfire elemental [1509, 1016, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:45] /mf starfire elemental [1510, 1016, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:46] /mf starfire elemental [1507, 1016, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:47] /mf starfire elemental [1506, 1016, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:48] /mf starfire elemental [1505, 1016, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:48] /mf starfire elemental [1504, 1016, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:49] /mf starfire elemental [1503, 1016, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:49] /mf starfire elemental [1504, 1017, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:50] /mf starfire elemental [1505, 1017, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:50] /mf starfire elemental [1506, 1017, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:52] /mf starfire elemental [1505, 1021, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:52] /mf starfire elemental [1505, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:53] /mf starfire elemental [1505, 1023, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:54] /mf starfire elemental [1506, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:55] /mf starfire elemental [1508, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:56] /mf starfire elemental [1509, 1021, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:57] /mf starfire elemental [1509, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:56:57] /mf starfire elemental [1509, 1023, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:57:01] /mf starfire elemental [1521, 1021, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:57:01] /mf starfire elemental [1521, 1020, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:57:02] /mf starfire elemental [1521, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:57:02] /mf starfire elemental [1521, 1018, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:57:03] /mf starfire elemental [1521, 1017, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:57:03] /mf starfire elemental [1521, 1016, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:57:04] /mf starfire elemental [1520, 1015, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:57:04] /mf starfire elemental [1519, 1015, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:57:05] /mf starfire elemental [1518, 1015, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:57:05] /mf starfire elemental [1519, 1016, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:57:06] /mf starfire elemental [1518, 1017, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:57:07] /mf starfire elemental [1517, 1016, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:57:07] /mf starfire elemental [1516, 1016, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:57:08] /mf starfire elemental [1515, 1015, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:57:08] /mf starfire elemental [1516, 1015, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:57:10] /mf starfire elemental [1519, 1018, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:57:10] /mf starfire elemental [1519, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:57:11] /mf starfire elemental [1520, 1020, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:57:11] /mf starfire elemental [1519, 1021, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:57:12] /mf starfire elemental [1519, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:57:12] /mf starfire elemental [1519, 1023, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:57:17] /mf starfire elemental [1519, 1024, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:57:18] /mf starfire elemental [1519, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:57:19] /mf starfire elemental [1520, 1023, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:57:20] /mf starfire elemental [1520, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:57:27] /mf fire titan [1512, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:57:29] /mf fire titan [1516, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:57:33] EM Maazik has removed fire titan - Position: [1515, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:57:34] /mf fire titan [1516, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:58:04] /brc Big Event Tonight. Stay Tuned.
[03/09/2024 13:58:09] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:58:25] /goto darkness [1880, 507, 6]
[03/09/2024 13:58:49] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:58:54] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:11] /mf diabolic imp [1512, 1020, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:12] /mf diabolic imp [1512, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:12] /mf diabolic imp [1511, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:13] /mf diabolic imp [1510, 1020, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:14] /mf diabolic imp [1511, 1021, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:15] /mf diabolic imp [1511, 1020, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:19] /mf diabolic imp [1510, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:20] /mf diabolic imp [1510, 1023, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:21] /mf diabolic imp [1511, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:21] /mf diabolic imp [1511, 1024, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:22] /mf diabolic imp [1511, 1023, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:22] /mf diabolic imp [1511, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:23] /mf diabolic imp [1512, 1021, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:24] /mf diabolic imp [1513, 1020, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:24] /mf diabolic imp [1513, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:25] /mf diabolic imp [1512, 1018, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:25] /mf diabolic imp [1513, 1017, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:26] /mf diabolic imp [1514, 1017, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:27] /mf diabolic imp [1514, 1018, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:27] /mf diabolic imp [1513, 1018, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:28] /mf diabolic imp [1514, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:28] /mf diabolic imp [1514, 1020, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:31] /mf diabolic imp [1515, 1018, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:32] /mf diabolic imp [1516, 1018, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:32] /mf diabolic imp [1516, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:33] /mf diabolic imp [1515, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:34] /mf diabolic imp [1515, 1020, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:34] /mf diabolic imp [1516, 1020, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:35] /mf diabolic imp [1517, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:35] /mf diabolic imp [1517, 1020, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:37] /mf diabolic imp [1517, 1021, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:38] /mf diabolic imp [1518, 1020, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:38] /mf diabolic imp [1518, 1021, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:39] /mf diabolic imp [1518, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:39] /mf diabolic imp [1518, 1023, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:40] /mf diabolic imp [1518, 1024, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:41] /mf diabolic imp [1518, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:41] /mf diabolic imp [1518, 1026, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:42] /mf diabolic imp [1517, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:42] /mf diabolic imp [1516, 1028, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:43] /mf diabolic imp [1515, 1028, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:43] /mf diabolic imp [1514, 1028, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:44] /mf diabolic imp [1513, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:45] /mf diabolic imp [1512, 1026, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:45] /mf diabolic imp [1512, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:46] /mf diabolic imp [1512, 1024, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:47] /mf diabolic imp [1512, 1023, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:48] /mf diabolic imp [1513, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:48] /mf diabolic imp [1513, 1021, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:49] /mf diabolic imp [1514, 1021, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:49] /mf diabolic imp [1515, 1021, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:50] /mf diabolic imp [1516, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:51] /mf diabolic imp [1517, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:51] /mf diabolic imp [1517, 1023, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:52] /mf diabolic imp [1516, 1023, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:53] /mf diabolic imp [1517, 1024, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:53] /mf diabolic imp [1517, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:54] /mf diabolic imp [1517, 1026, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:55] /mf diabolic imp [1516, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:55] /mf diabolic imp [1515, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:56] /mf diabolic imp [1514, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:56] /mf diabolic imp [1513, 1026, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:57] /mf diabolic imp [1513, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:57] /mf diabolic imp [1513, 1024, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:58] /mf diabolic imp [1513, 1023, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:59] /mf diabolic imp [1514, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 13:59:59] /mf diabolic imp [1514, 1023, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:00:00] /mf diabolic imp [1514, 1024, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:00:01] /mf diabolic imp [1514, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:00:01] /mf diabolic imp [1514, 1026, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:00:02] /mf diabolic imp [1515, 1026, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:00:02] /mf diabolic imp [1516, 1026, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:00:03] /mf diabolic imp [1516, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:00:04] /mf diabolic imp [1515, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:00:04] /mf diabolic imp [1515, 1024, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:00:12] /mf fury [1503, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:00:14] /mf fury [1504, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:00:15] /mf fury [1503, 1023, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:00:16] /mf fury [1504, 1023, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:00:16] /mf fury [1504, 1024, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:00:17] /mf fury [1503, 1024, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:00:17] /mf fury [1502, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:00:18] /mf fury [1502, 1026, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:00:29] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1503, 1014, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:00:31] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1504, 1014, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:15] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:31] /mf Guzzlemaw [1524, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:31] /mf Guzzlemaw [1524, 1020, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:32] /mf Guzzlemaw [1524, 1021, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:32] /mf Guzzlemaw [1524, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:33] /mf Guzzlemaw [1524, 1023, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:33] /mf Guzzlemaw [1524, 1024, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:33] /mf Guzzlemaw [1524, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:34] /mf Guzzlemaw [1525, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:34] /mf Guzzlemaw [1526, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:34] /mf Guzzlemaw [1527, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:34] /mf Guzzlemaw [1528, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:35] /mf Guzzlemaw [1529, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:35] /mf Guzzlemaw [1530, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:35] /mf Guzzlemaw [1531, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:36] /mf Guzzlemaw [1532, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:36] /mf Guzzlemaw [1533, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:36] /mf Guzzlemaw [1534, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:36] /mf Guzzlemaw [1535, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:37] /mf Guzzlemaw [1536, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:37] /mf Guzzlemaw [1537, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:37] /mf Guzzlemaw [1538, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:37] /mf Guzzlemaw [1539, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:38] /mf Guzzlemaw [1540, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:38] /mf Guzzlemaw [1541, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:38] /mf Guzzlemaw [1542, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:38] /mf Guzzlemaw [1543, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:39] /mf Guzzlemaw [1544, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:39] /mf Guzzlemaw [1545, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:39] /mf Guzzlemaw [1546, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:39] /mf Guzzlemaw [1547, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:40] /mf Guzzlemaw [1548, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:40] /mf Guzzlemaw [1549, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:40] /mf Guzzlemaw [1550, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:40] /mf Guzzlemaw [1551, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:41] /mf Guzzlemaw [1552, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:41] /mf Guzzlemaw [1553, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:41] /mf Guzzlemaw [1554, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:41] /mf Guzzlemaw [1555, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:42] /mf Guzzlemaw [1556, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:42] /mf Guzzlemaw [1557, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:42] /mf Guzzlemaw [1558, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:43] /mf Guzzlemaw [1559, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:43] /mf Guzzlemaw [1560, 1025, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:44] /mf Guzzlemaw [1560, 1024, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:45] /mf Guzzlemaw [1560, 1023, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:45] /mf Guzzlemaw [1560, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:45] /mf Guzzlemaw [1560, 1021, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:45] /mf Guzzlemaw [1560, 1020, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:46] /mf Guzzlemaw [1560, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:46] /mf Guzzlemaw [1559, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:46] /mf Guzzlemaw [1558, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:47] /mf Guzzlemaw [1557, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:47] /mf Guzzlemaw [1556, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:47] /mf Guzzlemaw [1555, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:48] /mf Guzzlemaw [1554, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:48] /mf Guzzlemaw [1553, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:48] /mf Guzzlemaw [1552, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:49] /mf Guzzlemaw [1551, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:49] /mf Guzzlemaw [1550, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:49] /mf Guzzlemaw [1549, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:50] /mf Guzzlemaw [1548, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:50] /mf Guzzlemaw [1547, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:50] /mf Guzzlemaw [1546, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:50] /mf Guzzlemaw [1545, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:51] /mf Guzzlemaw [1544, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:51] /mf Guzzlemaw [1543, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:51] /mf Guzzlemaw [1542, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:52] /mf Guzzlemaw [1541, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:52] /mf Guzzlemaw [1540, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:52] /mf Guzzlemaw [1539, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:53] /mf Guzzlemaw [1538, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:53] /mf Guzzlemaw [1537, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:53] /mf Guzzlemaw [1536, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:53] /mf Guzzlemaw [1535, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:54] /mf Guzzlemaw [1534, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:54] /mf Guzzlemaw [1533, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:54] /mf Guzzlemaw [1532, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:55] /mf Guzzlemaw [1531, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:55] /mf Guzzlemaw [1530, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:55] /mf Guzzlemaw [1529, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:55] /mf Guzzlemaw [1528, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:56] /mf Guzzlemaw [1527, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:56] /mf Guzzlemaw [1526, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:56] /mf Guzzlemaw [1525, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:58] /mf Choking Fear [1526, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:03:59] /mf Choking Fear [1527, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:04:00] /mf Choking Fear [1528, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:04:00] /mf Choking Fear [1529, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:04:00] /mf Choking Fear [1530, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:04:01] /mf Choking Fear [1531, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:04:01] /mf Choking Fear [1532, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:04:01] /mf Choking Fear [1533, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:04:02] /mf Choking Fear [1534, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:04:02] /mf Choking Fear [1535, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:04:02] /mf Choking Fear [1536, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:04:03] /mf Choking Fear [1537, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:04:03] /mf Choking Fear [1538, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:04:03] /mf Choking Fear [1539, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:04:04] /mf Choking Fear [1540, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:04:04] /mf Choking Fear [1541, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:04:04] /mf Choking Fear [1542, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:04:04] /mf Choking Fear [1543, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:04:05] /mf Choking Fear [1544, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:04:05] /mf Choking Fear [1545, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:04:05] /mf Choking Fear [1546, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:04:06] /mf Choking Fear [1547, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:04:06] /mf Choking Fear [1548, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:04:07] /mf Choking Fear [1549, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:04:07] /mf Choking Fear [1550, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:04:07] /mf Choking Fear [1551, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:04:08] /mf Choking Fear [1552, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:04:08] /mf Choking Fear [1553, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:04:08] /mf Choking Fear [1554, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:04:09] /mf Choking Fear [1555, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:04:09] /mf Choking Fear [1556, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:04:17] /mf earth titan [1558, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:05:29] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:00] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:36] /mf Dementor [1562, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:38] /mf Dementor [1563, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:38] /mf Dementor [1564, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:38] /mf Dementor [1565, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:39] /mf Dementor [1565, 1028, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:40] /mf Dementor [1564, 1028, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:40] /mf Dementor [1563, 1028, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:40] /mf Dementor [1562, 1028, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:41] /mf Dementor [1562, 1026, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:41] /mf Dementor [1563, 1026, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:42] /mf Dementor [1564, 1026, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:42] /mf Dementor [1565, 1026, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:43] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1565, 1024, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:43] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1564, 1024, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:44] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1563, 1024, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:44] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1562, 1024, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:45] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1562, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:45] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1563, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:46] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1564, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:47] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1565, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:47] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1565, 1020, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:48] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1564, 1020, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:48] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1563, 1020, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:48] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1562, 1020, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:49] /mf Evil Spirit [1562, 1018, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:49] /mf Evil Spirit [1563, 1018, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:50] /mf Evil Spirit [1564, 1018, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:50] /mf Evil Spirit [1565, 1018, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:51] /mf Evil Spirit [1565, 1016, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:51] /mf Evil Spirit [1564, 1016, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:52] /mf Evil Spirit [1563, 1016, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:52] /mf Evil Spirit [1562, 1016, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:56] /mf Evil Spirit [1559, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:56] /mf Evil Spirit [1557, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:57] /mf Evil Spirit [1555, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:57] /mf Evil Spirit [1553, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:58] /mf Evil Spirit [1551, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:58] /mf Evil Spirit [1549, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:06:59] /mf Evil Spirit [1547, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:00] /mf Evil Spirit [1545, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:00] /mf Evil Spirit [1543, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:01] /mf Evil Spirit [1541, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:02] /mf Evil Spirit [1539, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:02] /mf Evil Spirit [1537, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:03] /mf Evil Spirit [1535, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:04] /mf Evil Spirit [1533, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:05] /mf Evil Spirit [1531, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:05] /mf Evil Spirit [1529, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:06] /mf Evil Spirit [1527, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:07] /mf Evil Spirit [1525, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:17] /mf Evil Spirit [1524, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:18] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1524, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:19] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1525, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:19] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1526, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:20] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1527, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:20] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1528, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:21] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1529, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:21] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1530, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:21] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1531, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:22] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1532, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:22] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1533, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:22] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1534, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:23] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1535, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:23] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1536, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:23] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1537, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:24] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1538, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:24] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1539, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:24] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1540, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:25] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1541, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:25] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1542, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:26] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1543, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:26] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1544, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:26] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1545, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:27] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1546, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:27] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1547, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:28] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1548, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:28] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1549, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:29] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1550, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:29] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1551, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:29] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1552, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:30] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1553, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:30] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1554, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:30] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1555, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:31] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1556, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:31] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1557, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:32] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1558, 1030, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:33] /mf Petrified Grotesque [1559, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:38] /mf red [1557, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:39] /mf red [1554, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:40] /mf red [1553, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:41] /mf red [1550, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:42] /mf red [1549, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:43] /mf red [1546, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:44] /mf red [1545, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:45] /mf red [1542, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:46] /mf red [1541, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:47] /mf red [1538, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:48] /mf red [1537, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:50] /mf red [1534, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:51] /mf red [1533, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:53] /mf red [1530, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:53] /mf red [1529, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:54] /mf red [1526, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:07:55] /mf red [1525, 1027, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:08:45] /mf grim reaper [1573, 1016, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:08:45] /mf grim reaper [1574, 1017, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:08:46] /mf grim reaper [1573, 1018, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:08:46] /mf grim reaper [1572, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:08:48] /mf grim reaper [1574, 1020, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:08:49] /mf grim reaper [1570, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:08:50] /mf grim reaper [1568, 1019, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:08:50] /mf grim reaper [1568, 1017, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:08:51] /mf grim reaper [1568, 1016, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:08:52] /mf grim reaper [1570, 1016, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:08:58] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1524, 1031, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:08:59] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1525, 1031, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:02] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:26] /mf Thresher [1527, 1032, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:27] /mf Thresher [1527, 1033, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:27] /mf Thresher [1527, 1034, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:28] /mf Infernal Hound [1525, 1034, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:29] /mf Infernal Hound [1525, 1033, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:29] /mf Infernal Hound [1525, 1032, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:30] /mf Thresher [1523, 1032, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:30] /mf Thresher [1523, 1033, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:30] /mf Thresher [1523, 1034, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:31] /mf Infernal Hound [1521, 1034, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:32] /mf Infernal Hound [1521, 1033, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:32] /mf Infernal Hound [1521, 1032, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:33] /mf Thresher [1519, 1032, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:33] /mf Thresher [1519, 1033, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:33] /mf Thresher [1519, 1034, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:34] /mf Infernal Hound [1517, 1034, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:35] /mf Infernal Hound [1517, 1033, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:35] /mf Infernal Hound [1517, 1032, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:36] /mf Thresher [1515, 1032, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:36] /mf Thresher [1515, 1033, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:36] /mf Thresher [1515, 1034, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:37] /mf Infernal Hound [1513, 1034, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:37] /mf Infernal Hound [1513, 1033, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:38] /mf Infernal Hound [1513, 1032, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:40] /mf Dark Tormentor [1511, 1032, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:41] /mf Dark Tormentor [1511, 1033, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:41] /mf Dark Tormentor [1511, 1034, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:42] /mf Dark Tormentor [1509, 1034, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:42] /mf Dark Tormentor [1509, 1033, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:42] /mf Dark Tormentor [1509, 1032, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:43] /mf Dark Tormentor [1507, 1032, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:43] /mf Dark Tormentor [1507, 1033, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:44] /mf Dark Tormentor [1507, 1034, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:45] /mf Dark Tormentor [1505, 1034, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:45] /mf Dark Tormentor [1505, 1033, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:46] /mf Dark Tormentor [1505, 1032, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:46] /mf Dark Tormentor [1504, 1032, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:46] /mf Dark Tormentor [1504, 1033, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:47] /mf Dark Tormentor [1504, 1034, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:47] /mf Dark Tormentor [1503, 1034, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:47] /mf Dark Tormentor [1503, 1033, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:48] /mf Dark Tormentor [1503, 1032, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:49] /mf Dark Tormentor [1506, 1032, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:49] /mf Dark Tormentor [1506, 1033, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:49] /mf Dark Tormentor [1506, 1034, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:50] /mf Dark Tormentor [1508, 1034, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:50] /mf Dark Tormentor [1508, 1033, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:50] /mf Dark Tormentor [1508, 1032, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:51] /mf Dark Tormentor [1510, 1032, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:51] /mf Dark Tormentor [1510, 1033, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:52] /mf Dark Tormentor [1510, 1034, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:52] /mf Dark Tormentor [1512, 1034, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:53] /mf Dark Tormentor [1512, 1033, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:53] /mf Dark Tormentor [1512, 1032, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:57] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1505, 1035, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:10:58] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1506, 1035, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:02] EM Maazik has removed 22578 () from the ground - Position: [1523, 1041, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:03] EM Maazik has removed 22578 () from the ground - Position: [1523, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:04] EM Maazik has removed 22578 () from the ground - Position: [1523, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:22] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:48] /mf Spectral Dragon [1503, 1036, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:49] /mf Spectral Dragon [1503, 1037, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:49] /mf Spectral Dragon [1503, 1038, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:49] /mf Spectral Dragon [1503, 1039, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:49] /mf Spectral Dragon [1503, 1040, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:50] /mf Spectral Dragon [1503, 1041, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:50] /mf Spectral Dragon [1503, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:50] /mf Spectral Dragon [1503, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:50] /mf Spectral Dragon [1503, 1044, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:51] /mf Spectral Dragon [1503, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:51] /mf Spectral Dragon [1503, 1046, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:51] /mf Spectral Dragon [1503, 1047, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:52] /mf Spectral Dragon [1503, 1048, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:52] /mf Spectral Dragon [1504, 1048, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:52] /mf Spectral Dragon [1505, 1048, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:53] /mf Spectral Dragon [1505, 1048, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:53] /mf Spectral Dragon [1506, 1048, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:53] /mf Spectral Dragon [1507, 1048, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:54] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1048, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:54] /mf Spectral Dragon [1509, 1048, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:54] /mf Spectral Dragon [1510, 1048, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:55] /mf Spectral Dragon [1511, 1048, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:55] /mf Spectral Dragon [1512, 1048, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:55] /mf Spectral Dragon [1513, 1048, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:55] /mf Spectral Dragon [1514, 1048, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:56] /mf Spectral Dragon [1515, 1048, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:56] /mf Spectral Dragon [1516, 1048, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:56] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1048, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:56] /mf Spectral Dragon [1518, 1048, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:57] /mf Spectral Dragon [1519, 1048, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:57] /mf Spectral Dragon [1520, 1048, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:57] /mf Spectral Dragon [1521, 1048, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:58] /mf Spectral Dragon [1522, 1048, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:58] /mf Spectral Dragon [1522, 1047, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:58] /mf Spectral Dragon [1522, 1046, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:58] /mf Spectral Dragon [1522, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:59] /mf Spectral Dragon [1522, 1044, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:59] /mf Spectral Dragon [1522, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:59] /mf Spectral Dragon [1522, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:11:59] /mf Spectral Dragon [1522, 1041, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:00] /mf Spectral Dragon [1522, 1040, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:00] /mf Spectral Dragon [1522, 1039, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:00] /mf Spectral Dragon [1522, 1038, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:01] /mf Spectral Dragon [1522, 1037, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:01] /mf Spectral Dragon [1522, 1036, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:03] /mf Spectral Dragon [1521, 1036, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:03] /mf Spectral Dragon [1520, 1036, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:03] /mf Spectral Dragon [1519, 1036, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:04] /mf Spectral Dragon [1518, 1036, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:04] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1036, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:04] /mf Spectral Dragon [1516, 1036, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:05] /mf Spectral Dragon [1515, 1036, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:05] /mf Spectral Dragon [1514, 1036, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:05] /mf Spectral Dragon [1513, 1036, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:06] /mf Spectral Dragon [1512, 1036, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:06] /mf Spectral Dragon [1511, 1036, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:06] /mf Spectral Dragon [1510, 1036, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:07] /mf Spectral Dragon [1509, 1036, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:07] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1036, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:07] /mf Spectral Dragon [1507, 1036, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:07] /mf Spectral Dragon [1506, 1036, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:08] /mf Spectral Dragon [1505, 1036, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:08] /mf Spectral Dragon [1504, 1036, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:09] /mf Spectral Dragon [1509, 1037, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:10] /mf Spectral Dragon [1509, 1038, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:10] /mf Spectral Dragon [1509, 1039, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:10] /mf Spectral Dragon [1509, 1040, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:11] /mf Spectral Dragon [1509, 1041, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:11] /mf Spectral Dragon [1509, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:11] /mf Spectral Dragon [1509, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:12] /mf Spectral Dragon [1509, 1044, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:12] /mf Spectral Dragon [1509, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:12] /mf Spectral Dragon [1509, 1046, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:13] /mf Spectral Dragon [1509, 1047, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:14] /mf Spectral Dragon [1516, 1047, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:14] /mf Spectral Dragon [1516, 1046, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:15] /mf Spectral Dragon [1516, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:15] /mf Spectral Dragon [1516, 1044, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:15] /mf Spectral Dragon [1516, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:16] /mf Spectral Dragon [1516, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:16] /mf Spectral Dragon [1516, 1041, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:16] /mf Spectral Dragon [1516, 1040, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:17] /mf Spectral Dragon [1516, 1039, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:17] /mf Spectral Dragon [1516, 1038, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:17] /mf Spectral Dragon [1516, 1037, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:20] /mf Spectral Dragon [1521, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:20] /mf Spectral Dragon [1520, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:21] /mf Spectral Dragon [1518, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:21] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:22] /mf Spectral Dragon [1515, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:23] /mf Spectral Dragon [1514, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:23] /mf Spectral Dragon [1513, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:24] /mf Spectral Dragon [1511, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:24] /mf Spectral Dragon [1510, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:25] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:25] /mf Spectral Dragon [1507, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:26] /mf Spectral Dragon [1506, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:27] /mf Spectral Dragon [1504, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:33] /mf Spectral Dragon [1524, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:33] /mf Spectral Dragon [1525, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:34] /mf Spectral Dragon [1526, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:34] /mf Spectral Dragon [1527, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:34] /mf Spectral Dragon [1528, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:35] /mf Spectral Dragon [1529, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:35] /mf Spectral Dragon [1530, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:35] /mf Spectral Dragon [1531, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:35] /mf Spectral Dragon [1532, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:36] /mf Spectral Dragon [1533, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:37] /mf Spectral Dragon [1534, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:37] /mf Spectral Dragon [1535, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:37] /mf Spectral Dragon [1536, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:38] /mf Spectral Dragon [1537, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:38] /mf Spectral Dragon [1538, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:38] /mf Spectral Dragon [1539, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:39] /mf Spectral Dragon [1540, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:39] /mf Spectral Dragon [1541, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:39] /mf Spectral Dragon [1542, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:39] /mf Spectral Dragon [1543, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:40] /mf Spectral Dragon [1544, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:40] /mf Spectral Dragon [1545, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:40] /mf Spectral Dragon [1546, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:12:55] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:13:16] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a blackboard. Position (1528, 1037, 6)
[03/09/2024 14:13:37] /mf death [1528, 1039, 6]
[03/09/2024 14:15:11] /mf death [1526, 1038, 6]
[03/09/2024 14:15:16] /mf death [1530, 1038, 6]
[03/09/2024 14:15:41] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:16:29] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:16:38] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:17:00] /i coal basin (1481) [1507, 1011, 6]
[03/09/2024 14:17:01] /i coal basin (1481) [1507, 1012, 6]
[03/09/2024 14:17:01] /i coal basin (1481) [1507, 1013, 6]
[03/09/2024 14:17:12] /mf death [1509, 1012, 6]
[03/09/2024 14:17:26] /i coal basin (1481) [1510, 1011, 6]
[03/09/2024 14:17:26] /i coal basin (1481) [1510, 1012, 6]
[03/09/2024 14:17:27] /i coal basin (1481) [1510, 1013, 6]
[03/09/2024 14:18:37] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:19:02] EM Maazik has removed Death - Position: [1509, 1012, 6]
[03/09/2024 14:19:04] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1510, 1013, 6]
[03/09/2024 14:19:07] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1510, 1012, 6]
[03/09/2024 14:19:09] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1510, 1011, 6]
[03/09/2024 14:19:14] /mf Diseased Wraith [1504, 1018, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:15] /mf Diseased Wraith [1505, 1018, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:16] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1018, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:17] /mf Diseased Wraith [1507, 1018, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:18] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1018, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:19] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:21] /mf Bruiser [1507, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:22] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:22] /mf Bruiser [1505, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:24] /mf Bruiser [1504, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:25] /mf Agonizer [1504, 1020, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:26] /mf Agonizer [1505, 1020, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:27] /mf Agonizer [1506, 1020, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:29] /mf Agonizer [1507, 1020, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:30] /mf Agonizer [1508, 1020, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:32] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1021, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:32] /mf Bruiser [1507, 1021, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:33] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1021, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:34] /mf Bruiser [1505, 1021, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:34] /mf Bruiser [1504, 1021, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:35] /mf Diseased Wraith [1504, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:35] /mf Diseased Wraith [1505, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:36] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:36] /mf Diseased Wraith [1507, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:37] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:38] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1023, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:39] /mf Bruiser [1507, 1023, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:39] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1023, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:40] /mf Bruiser [1505, 1023, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:40] /mf Bruiser [1504, 1023, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:41] /mf Agonizer [1504, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:41] /mf Agonizer [1505, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:41] /mf Agonizer [1506, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:42] /mf Agonizer [1507, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:42] /mf Agonizer [1508, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:44] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1026, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:44] /mf Bruiser [1507, 1026, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:45] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1026, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:45] /mf Bruiser [1505, 1026, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:46] /mf Bruiser [1504, 1026, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:47] /mf Agonizer [1504, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:47] /mf Agonizer [1505, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:48] /mf Agonizer [1506, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:48] /mf Agonizer [1507, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:49] /mf Agonizer [1508, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:51] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1031, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:51] /mf Diseased Wraith [1507, 1031, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:52] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1031, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:52] /mf Diseased Wraith [1505, 1031, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:52] /mf Diseased Wraith [1504, 1031, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:53] /mf Diseased Wraith [1503, 1031, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:53] /mf Diseased Wraith [1503, 1032, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:54] /mf Diseased Wraith [1503, 1033, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:55] /mf Diseased Wraith [1504, 1032, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:55] /mf Diseased Wraith [1504, 1033, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:55] /mf Diseased Wraith [1505, 1033, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:56] /mf Diseased Wraith [1505, 1032, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:56] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1032, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:56] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1033, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:57] /mf Diseased Wraith [1507, 1033, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:57] /mf Diseased Wraith [1507, 1032, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:57] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1032, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:58] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1033, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:58] /mf Bruiser [1507, 1034, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:59] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1034, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:19:59] /mf Bruiser [1505, 1034, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:00] /mf Bruiser [1504, 1034, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:00] /mf Bruiser [1503, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:00] /mf Bruiser [1504, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:01] /mf Bruiser [1505, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:01] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:01] /mf Bruiser [1507, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:02] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:02] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1036, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:03] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:03] /mf Bruiser [1507, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:03] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:04] /mf Bruiser [1505, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:04] /mf Bruiser [1504, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:04] /mf Bruiser [1503, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:05] /mf Bruiser [1503, 1036, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:05] /mf Bruiser [1504, 1036, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:06] /mf Bruiser [1505, 1036, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:06] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1036, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:06] /mf Bruiser [1507, 1036, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:08] /mf Agonizer [1507, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:09] /mf Agonizer [1506, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:09] /mf Agonizer [1505, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:09] /mf Agonizer [1504, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:10] /mf Agonizer [1503, 1039, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:10] /mf Agonizer [1503, 1040, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:11] /mf Agonizer [1503, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:11] /mf Agonizer [1504, 1042, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:11] /mf Agonizer [1505, 1042, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:12] /mf Agonizer [1506, 1042, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:12] /mf Agonizer [1507, 1042, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:12] /mf Agonizer [1508, 1042, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:13] /mf Agonizer [1508, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:13] /mf Agonizer [1508, 1040, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:13] /mf Agonizer [1508, 1039, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:14] /mf Agonizer [1507, 1039, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:14] /mf Agonizer [1506, 1039, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:14] /mf Agonizer [1505, 1039, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:15] /mf Agonizer [1504, 1039, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:15] /mf Agonizer [1504, 1040, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:15] /mf Agonizer [1504, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:16] /mf Agonizer [1505, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:16] /mf Agonizer [1505, 1040, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:16] /mf Agonizer [1506, 1040, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:17] /mf Agonizer [1506, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:17] /mf Agonizer [1507, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:17] /mf Agonizer [1507, 1040, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:18] /mf Agonizer [1507, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:19] /mf Agonizer [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:19] /mf Agonizer [1505, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:19] /mf Agonizer [1504, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:20] /mf Agonizer [1503, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:21] /mf Bruiser [1503, 1044, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:21] /mf Bruiser [1504, 1044, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:22] /mf Bruiser [1505, 1044, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:22] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1044, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:22] /mf Bruiser [1507, 1044, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:23] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1044, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:23] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1044, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:24] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:24] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:24] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:25] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1048, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:25] /mf Bruiser [1507, 1048, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:26] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:26] /mf Bruiser [1505, 1048, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:27] /mf Bruiser [1504, 1048, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:27] /mf Bruiser [1503, 1048, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:27] /mf Bruiser [1503, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:28] /mf Bruiser [1504, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:28] /mf Bruiser [1504, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:29] /mf Bruiser [1505, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:29] /mf Bruiser [1505, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:30] /mf Bruiser [1505, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:30] /mf Bruiser [1504, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:31] /mf Bruiser [1503, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:32] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:32] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:33] /mf Bruiser [1507, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:33] /mf Bruiser [1507, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:33] /mf Bruiser [1507, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:39] /mf Diseased Wraith [1515, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:40] /mf Diseased Wraith [1516, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:40] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:41] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1048, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:41] /mf Diseased Wraith [1519, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:41] /mf Diseased Wraith [1520, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:42] /mf Diseased Wraith [1521, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:42] /mf Diseased Wraith [1522, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:42] /mf Diseased Wraith [1523, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:43] /mf Diseased Wraith [1524, 1048, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:43] /mf Diseased Wraith [1525, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:44] /mf Diseased Wraith [1526, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:44] /mf Diseased Wraith [1527, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:44] /mf Diseased Wraith [1528, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1529, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1530, 1048, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1531, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1532, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1533, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1534, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:47] /mf Diseased Wraith [1535, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:47] /mf Diseased Wraith [1536, 1048, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:47] /mf Diseased Wraith [1537, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:48] /mf Diseased Wraith [1538, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:48] /mf Diseased Wraith [1539, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:49] /mf Diseased Wraith [1540, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:49] /mf Diseased Wraith [1541, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:49] /mf Diseased Wraith [1542, 1048, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:50] /mf Diseased Wraith [1543, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:50] /mf Diseased Wraith [1544, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:51] /mf Diseased Wraith [1545, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:51] /mf Diseased Wraith [1546, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:51] /mf Diseased Wraith [1547, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:52] /mf Diseased Wraith [1548, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:52] /mf Diseased Wraith [1549, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:52] /mf Diseased Wraith [1550, 1048, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:53] /mf Diseased Wraith [1551, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:53] /mf Diseased Wraith [1552, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:54] /mf Diseased Wraith [1553, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:54] /mf Diseased Wraith [1554, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:54] /mf Diseased Wraith [1555, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:55] /mf Diseased Wraith [1556, 1048, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:55] /mf Agonizer [1557, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:56] /mf Agonizer [1558, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:56] /mf Agonizer [1559, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:56] /mf Agonizer [1560, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:57] /mf Agonizer [1561, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:57] /mf Agonizer [1562, 1048, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:57] /mf Agonizer [1563, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:58] /mf Agonizer [1564, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:58] /mf Agonizer [1565, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:58] /mf Agonizer [1566, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:59] /mf Agonizer [1567, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:20:59] /mf Agonizer [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:00] /mf Agonizer [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:00] /mf Agonizer [1570, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:01] /mf Agonizer [1571, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:01] /mf Agonizer [1572, 1048, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:02] /mf Agonizer [1573, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:02] /mf Agonizer [1574, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:03] /mf Agonizer [1573, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:03] /mf Agonizer [1572, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:04] /mf Agonizer [1571, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:05] /mf Agonizer [1569, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:05] /mf Agonizer [1568, 1048, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:08] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1572, 1044, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:11] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1573, 1044, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:25] /mf Grim Reaper [1572, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:25] /mf Grim Reaper [1573, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:26] /mf Grim Reaper [1574, 1042, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:26] /mf Grim Reaper [1573, 1042, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:26] /mf Grim Reaper [1572, 1042, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:27] /mf Grim Reaper [1571, 1042, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:27] /mf Grim Reaper [1571, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:28] /mf Grim Reaper [1572, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:28] /mf Grim Reaper [1573, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:28] /mf Grim Reaper [1574, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:29] /mf Grim Reaper [1574, 1040, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:29] /mf Grim Reaper [1573, 1040, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:29] /mf Grim Reaper [1572, 1040, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:30] /mf Grim Reaper [1571, 1040, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:30] /mf Grim Reaper [1571, 1039, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:30] /mf Grim Reaper [1572, 1039, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:31] /mf Grim Reaper [1573, 1039, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:31] /mf Grim Reaper [1574, 1039, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:32] /mf Grim Reaper [1571, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:32] /mf Grim Reaper [1572, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:33] /mf Grim Reaper [1573, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:33] /mf Grim Reaper [1574, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:34] /mf Grim Reaper [1574, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:34] /mf Grim Reaper [1573, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:34] /mf Grim Reaper [1572, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:34] /mf Grim Reaper [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:35] /mf Grim Reaper [1571, 1033, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:35] /mf Grim Reaper [1572, 1033, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:36] /mf Grim Reaper [1573, 1033, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:36] /mf Grim Reaper [1574, 1033, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:37] /mf Grim Reaper [1574, 1031, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:37] /mf Grim Reaper [1573, 1031, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:37] /mf Grim Reaper [1572, 1031, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:38] /mf Grim Reaper [1571, 1031, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:38] /mf Grim Reaper [1571, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:38] /mf Grim Reaper [1572, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:39] /mf Grim Reaper [1573, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:39] /mf Grim Reaper [1574, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:39] /mf Grim Reaper [1575, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:40] /mf Grim Reaper [1576, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:40] /mf Grim Reaper [1576, 1029, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:40] /mf Grim Reaper [1576, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:41] /mf Grim Reaper [1575, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:41] /mf Grim Reaper [1574, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:41] /mf Grim Reaper [1573, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:41] /mf Grim Reaper [1572, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:42] /mf Grim Reaper [1571, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:42] /mf Grim Reaper [1571, 1027, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:43] /mf Grim Reaper [1572, 1027, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:43] /mf Grim Reaper [1573, 1027, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:43] /mf Grim Reaper [1574, 1027, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:44] /mf Grim Reaper [1575, 1027, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:44] /mf Grim Reaper [1576, 1027, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:44] /mf Grim Reaper [1576, 1026, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:45] /mf Grim Reaper [1576, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:45] /mf Grim Reaper [1576, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:45] /mf Grim Reaper [1576, 1023, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:46] /mf Grim Reaper [1576, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:46] /mf Grim Reaper [1576, 1021, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:46] /mf Grim Reaper [1576, 1020, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:46] /mf Grim Reaper [1576, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:47] /mf Grim Reaper [1575, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:47] /mf Grim Reaper [1574, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:47] /mf Grim Reaper [1573, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:48] /mf Grim Reaper [1572, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:48] /mf Grim Reaper [1571, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:49] /mf Grim Reaper [1571, 1020, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:49] /mf Grim Reaper [1571, 1021, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:49] /mf Grim Reaper [1571, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:50] /mf Grim Reaper [1571, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:50] /mf Grim Reaper [1571, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:51] /mf Grim Reaper [1571, 1026, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:51] /mf Grim Reaper [1572, 1026, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:52] /mf Grim Reaper [1572, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:52] /mf Grim Reaper [1572, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:52] /mf Grim Reaper [1572, 1023, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:53] /mf Grim Reaper [1572, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:53] /mf Grim Reaper [1572, 1021, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:53] /mf Grim Reaper [1572, 1020, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:54] /mf Grim Reaper [1574, 1020, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:55] /mf Grim Reaper [1574, 1021, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:55] /mf Grim Reaper [1574, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:55] /mf Grim Reaper [1574, 1023, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:56] /mf Grim Reaper [1574, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:56] /mf Grim Reaper [1574, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:56] /mf Grim Reaper [1574, 1026, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:57] /mf Grim Reaper [1575, 1026, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:57] /mf Grim Reaper [1575, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:57] /mf Grim Reaper [1575, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:58] /mf Grim Reaper [1575, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:58] /mf Grim Reaper [1575, 1021, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:21:59] /mf Grim Reaper [1575, 1020, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:00] /mf Grim Reaper [1574, 1017, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:00] /mf Grim Reaper [1573, 1017, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:01] /mf Grim Reaper [1572, 1017, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:01] /mf Grim Reaper [1571, 1016, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:01] /mf Grim Reaper [1572, 1016, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:02] /mf Grim Reaper [1573, 1016, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:02] /mf Grim Reaper [1574, 1016, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:02] /mf Grim Reaper [1575, 1016, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:03] /mf Grim Reaper [1576, 1016, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:03] /mf Grim Reaper [1576, 1015, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:04] /mf Grim Reaper [1576, 1017, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:19] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:22:45] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1572, 1015, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:46] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1573, 1015, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:47] /mf Demon [1574, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:48] /mf Demon [1574, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:48] /mf Demon [1574, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:48] /mf Demon [1574, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:49] /mf Demon [1573, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:49] /mf Demon [1572, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:49] /mf Demon [1571, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:50] /mf Demon [1570, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:50] /mf Demon [1569, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:50] /mf Demon [1569, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:51] /mf Demon [1569, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:51] /mf Demon [1569, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:51] /mf Demon [1570, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:52] /mf Demon [1571, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:52] /mf Demon [1572, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:53] /mf Demon [1573, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:53] /mf Demon [1573, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:54] /mf Demon [1573, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:54] /mf Demon [1572, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:54] /mf Demon [1571, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:54] /mf Demon [1570, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:55] /mf Demon [1570, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:55] /mf Demon [1571, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:55] /mf Demon [1572, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:58] /mf Demon [1560, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:59] /mf Demon [1560, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:59] /mf Demon [1560, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:22:59] /mf Demon [1560, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:00] /mf Demon [1559, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:01] /mf Demon [1558, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:01] /mf Demon [1557, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:01] /mf Demon [1556, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:02] /mf Demon [1556, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:02] /mf Demon [1556, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:02] /mf Demon [1556, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:03] /mf Demon [1557, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:03] /mf Demon [1558, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:03] /mf Demon [1559, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:04] /mf Demon [1559, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:04] /mf Demon [1558, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:04] /mf Demon [1557, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:05] /mf Demon [1557, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:05] /mf Demon [1558, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:05] /mf Demon [1559, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:07] /mf Demon [1554, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:07] /mf Demon [1554, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:08] /mf Demon [1554, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:08] /mf Demon [1554, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:08] /mf Demon [1553, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:09] /mf Demon [1552, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:09] /mf Demon [1551, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:09] /mf Demon [1550, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:10] /mf Demon [1550, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:10] /mf Demon [1550, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:10] /mf Demon [1550, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:11] /mf Demon [1551, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:11] /mf Demon [1552, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:12] /mf Demon [1553, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:12] /mf Demon [1553, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:12] /mf Demon [1553, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:13] /mf Demon [1552, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:13] /mf Demon [1551, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:13] /mf Demon [1551, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:14] /mf Demon [1552, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:15] /mf Demon [1548, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:16] /mf Demon [1548, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:16] /mf Demon [1548, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:16] /mf Demon [1548, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:17] /mf Demon [1547, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:17] /mf Demon [1546, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:17] /mf Demon [1545, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:18] /mf Demon [1544, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:18] /mf Demon [1543, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:18] /mf Demon [1543, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:19] /mf Demon [1543, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:19] /mf Demon [1543, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:19] /mf Demon [1544, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:20] /mf Demon [1545, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:20] /mf Demon [1546, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:21] /mf Demon [1547, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:21] /mf Demon [1547, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:21] /mf Demon [1547, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:22] /mf Demon [1546, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:22] /mf Demon [1545, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:22] /mf Demon [1544, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:23] /mf Demon [1544, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:23] /mf Demon [1545, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:24] /mf Demon [1546, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:27] /mf Demon [1525, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:28] /mf Demon [1525, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:28] /mf Demon [1525, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:28] /mf Demon [1525, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:29] /mf Demon [1526, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:29] /mf Demon [1527, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:29] /mf Demon [1528, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:29] /mf Demon [1529, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:30] /mf Demon [1530, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:30] /mf Demon [1531, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:30] /mf Demon [1532, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:31] /mf Demon [1533, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:31] /mf Demon [1533, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:31] /mf Demon [1533, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:32] /mf Demon [1533, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:32] /mf Demon [1532, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:32] /mf Demon [1531, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:32] /mf Demon [1530, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:33] /mf Demon [1529, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:33] /mf Demon [1528, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:33] /mf Demon [1527, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:34] /mf Demon [1526, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:34] /mf Demon [1526, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:35] /mf Demon [1526, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:35] /mf Demon [1527, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:35] /mf Demon [1527, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:36] /mf Demon [1528, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:36] /mf Demon [1528, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:36] /mf Demon [1529, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:36] /mf Demon [1529, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:37] /mf Demon [1530, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:37] /mf Demon [1530, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:37] /mf Demon [1531, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:38] /mf Demon [1531, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:38] /mf Demon [1532, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:39] /mf Demon [1532, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:45] /mf Demon [1510, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:45] /mf Demon [1511, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:46] /mf Demon [1512, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:46] /mf Demon [1513, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:46] /mf Demon [1514, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:47] /mf Demon [1515, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:47] /mf Demon [1515, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:47] /mf Demon [1515, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:48] /mf Demon [1515, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:48] /mf Demon [1514, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:48] /mf Demon [1513, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:48] /mf Demon [1512, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:49] /mf Demon [1511, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:49] /mf Demon [1510, 1011, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:50] /mf Demon [1510, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:50] /mf Demon [1510, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:51] /mf Demon [1511, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:51] /mf Demon [1511, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:52] /mf Demon [1512, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:52] /mf Demon [1512, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:52] /mf Demon [1513, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:52] /mf Demon [1513, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:53] /mf Demon [1514, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:53] /mf Demon [1514, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:55] /mf Demon [1516, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:55] /mf Demon [1516, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:55] /mf Demon [1517, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:56] /mf Demon [1517, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:56] /mf Demon [1518, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:56] /mf Demon [1518, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:56] /mf Demon [1519, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:57] /mf Demon [1519, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:57] /mf Demon [1520, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:57] /mf Demon [1520, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:58] /mf Demon [1521, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:58] /mf Demon [1521, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:58] /mf Demon [1522, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:59] /mf Demon [1522, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:59] /mf Demon [1523, 1012, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:23:59] /mf Demon [1523, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:12] /mf Demon [1513, 1018, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:13] /mf Demon [1513, 1021, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:13] /mf Demon [1513, 1027, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:13] /mf Demon [1513, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:13] /mf Demon [1514, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:13] /mf Demon [1515, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:13] /mf Demon [1521, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:14] /mf Demon [1526, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:14] /mf Demon [1531, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:14] /mf Demon [1536, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:14] /mf Demon [1542, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:14] /mf Demon [1547, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:14] /mf Demon [1550, 1029, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:15] /mf Demon [1550, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:15] /mf Demon [1550, 1016, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:15] /mf Demon [1554, 1016, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:15] /mf Demon [1559, 1016, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:15] /mf Demon [1565, 1016, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:16] /mf Demon [1569, 1016, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:16] /mf Demon [1569, 1017, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:16] /mf Demon [1569, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:16] /mf Demon [1569, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:16] /mf Demon [1569, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:16] /mf Demon [1569, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:17] /mf Demon [1568, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:17] /mf Demon [1563, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:17] /mf Demon [1558, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:17] /mf Demon [1551, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:17] /mf Demon [1546, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:18] /mf Demon [1540, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:18] /mf Demon [1534, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:18] /mf Demon [1529, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:18] /mf Demon [1523, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:18] /mf Demon [1518, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:18] /mf Demon [1512, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:19] /mf Demon [1510, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:19] /mf Demon [1510, 1029, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:19] /mf Demon [1510, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:19] /mf Demon [1510, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:20] /mf Demon [1511, 1027, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:20] /mf Demon [1512, 1026, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:20] /mf Demon [1513, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:20] /mf Demon [1514, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:20] /mf Demon [1515, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:21] /mf Demon [1516, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:21] /mf Demon [1517, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:21] /mf Demon [1518, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:21] /mf Demon [1519, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:21] /mf Demon [1520, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:21] /mf Demon [1521, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:21] /mf Demon [1522, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:22] /mf Demon [1523, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:22] /mf Demon [1524, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:22] /mf Demon [1525, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:22] /mf Demon [1526, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:22] /mf Demon [1527, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:23] /mf Demon [1527, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:23] /mf Demon [1529, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:23] /mf Demon [1530, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:23] /mf Demon [1530, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:23] /mf Demon [1531, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:23] /mf Demon [1532, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:24] /mf Demon [1533, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:24] /mf Demon [1533, 1023, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:24] /mf Demon [1533, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:24] /mf Demon [1533, 1020, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:24] /mf Demon [1533, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:25] /mf Demon [1532, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:25] /mf Demon [1531, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:25] /mf Demon [1530, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:25] /mf Demon [1529, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:25] /mf Demon [1528, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:26] /mf Demon [1527, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:26] /mf Demon [1525, 1020, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:26] /mf Demon [1524, 1021, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:26] /mf Demon [1523, 1021, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:26] /mf Demon [1522, 1021, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:27] /mf Demon [1521, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:27] /mf Demon [1519, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:27] /mf Demon [1518, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:27] /mf Demon [1517, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:27] /mf Demon [1516, 1021, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:28] /mf Demon [1516, 1020, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:28] /mf Demon [1517, 1018, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:28] /mf Demon [1518, 1018, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:28] /mf Demon [1519, 1018, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:28] /mf Demon [1526, 1018, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:29] /mf Demon [1531, 1018, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:29] /mf Demon [1537, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:30] /mf Demon [1538, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:30] /mf Demon [1539, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:30] /mf Demon [1541, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:30] /mf Demon [1547, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:30] /mf Demon [1550, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:30] /mf Demon [1550, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:31] /mf Demon [1550, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:31] /mf Demon [1551, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:31] /mf Demon [1552, 1020, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:31] /mf Demon [1553, 1021, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:32] /mf Demon [1554, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:32] /mf Demon [1555, 1023, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:32] /mf Demon [1556, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:32] /mf Demon [1556, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:32] /mf Demon [1557, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:33] /mf Demon [1558, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:33] /mf Demon [1559, 1026, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:33] /mf Demon [1560, 1027, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:33] /mf Demon [1561, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:33] /mf Demon [1562, 1027, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:34] /mf Demon [1563, 1026, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:34] /mf Demon [1563, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:34] /mf Demon [1563, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:34] /mf Demon [1564, 1023, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:34] /mf Demon [1564, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:34] /mf Demon [1565, 1021, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:35] /mf Demon [1565, 1021, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:35] /mf Demon [1566, 1020, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:35] /mf Demon [1565, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:35] /mf Demon [1564, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:35] /mf Demon [1561, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:36] /mf Demon [1560, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:36] /mf Demon [1559, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:36] /mf Demon [1558, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:36] /mf Demon [1557, 1020, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:36] /mf Demon [1556, 1021, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:37] /mf Demon [1556, 1021, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:37] /mf Demon [1557, 1023, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:37] /mf Demon [1557, 1023, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:37] /mf Demon [1558, 1023, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:37] /mf Demon [1559, 1023, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:38] /mf Demon [1559, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:38] /mf Demon [1558, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:38] /mf Demon [1558, 1026, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:38] /mf Demon [1557, 1027, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:38] /mf Demon [1556, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:39] /mf Demon [1555, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:39] /mf Demon [1554, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:39] /mf Demon [1553, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:39] /mf Demon [1552, 1027, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:39] /mf Demon [1552, 1027, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:40] /mf Demon [1552, 1027, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:40] /mf Demon [1552, 1026, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:40] /mf Demon [1551, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:40] /mf Demon [1550, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:40] /mf Demon [1549, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:41] /mf Demon [1548, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:41] /mf Demon [1547, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:41] /mf Demon [1546, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:41] /mf Demon [1545, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:41] /mf Demon [1545, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:42] /mf Demon [1544, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:42] /mf Demon [1543, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:42] /mf Demon [1542, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:42] /mf Demon [1541, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:42] /mf Demon [1540, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:43] /mf Demon [1539, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:43] /mf Demon [1538, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:43] /mf Demon [1537, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:43] /mf Demon [1536, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:43] /mf Demon [1535, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:44] /mf Demon [1534, 1026, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:44] /mf Demon [1533, 1027, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:44] /mf Demon [1532, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:44] /mf Demon [1531, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:44] /mf Demon [1530, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:45] /mf Demon [1529, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:45] /mf Demon [1528, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:45] /mf Demon [1527, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:45] /mf Demon [1526, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:45] /mf Demon [1525, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:46] /mf Demon [1524, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:46] /mf Demon [1523, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:46] /mf Demon [1522, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:46] /mf Demon [1521, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:46] /mf Demon [1520, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:46] /mf Demon [1519, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:47] /mf Demon [1518, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:47] /mf Demon [1517, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:47] /mf Demon [1516, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:47] /mf Demon [1515, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:47] /mf Demon [1514, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:48] /mf Demon [1513, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:50] /mf Demon [1543, 1016, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:51] /mf Demon [1544, 1017, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:51] /mf Demon [1545, 1018, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:51] /mf Demon [1545, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:51] /mf Demon [1545, 1020, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:51] /mf Demon [1546, 1021, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:52] /mf Demon [1547, 1021, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:52] /mf Demon [1550, 1021, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:52] /mf Demon [1553, 1021, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:54] /mf Demon [1566, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:54] /mf Demon [1567, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:54] /mf Demon [1568, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:55] /mf Demon [1569, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:24:59] /mf ferumbras [1566, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:04] /mf malice demon [1566, 1034, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:05] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1566, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:06] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1567, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:07] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1567, 1031, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:07] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1566, 1031, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:22] /mf Demon [1549, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:23] /mf Demon [1550, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:24] /mf Demon [1551, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:24] /mf Demon [1552, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:24] /mf Demon [1553, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:24] /mf Demon [1553, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:25] /mf Demon [1554, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:25] /mf Demon [1555, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:25] /mf Demon [1556, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:25] /mf Demon [1557, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:25] /mf Demon [1558, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:26] /mf Demon [1559, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:26] /mf Demon [1560, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:26] /mf Demon [1561, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:26] /mf Demon [1562, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:27] /mf Demon [1563, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:27] /mf Demon [1564, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:27] /mf Demon [1565, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:27] /mf Demon [1566, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:28] /mf Demon [1567, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:30] /mf Demon [1548, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:30] /mf Demon [1547, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:30] /mf Demon [1546, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:30] /mf Demon [1545, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:31] /mf Demon [1544, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:31] /mf Demon [1543, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:31] /mf Demon [1542, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:31] /mf Demon [1541, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:31] /mf Demon [1540, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:32] /mf Demon [1539, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:32] /mf Demon [1538, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:32] /mf Demon [1536, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:32] /mf Demon [1535, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:32] /mf Demon [1534, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:32] /mf Demon [1533, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:33] /mf Demon [1532, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:33] /mf Demon [1531, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:33] /mf Demon [1530, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:33] /mf Demon [1529, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:33] /mf Demon [1528, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:34] /mf Demon [1527, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:34] /mf Demon [1526, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:34] /mf Demon [1525, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:34] /mf Demon [1524, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:34] /mf Demon [1523, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:35] /mf Demon [1522, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:35] /mf Demon [1521, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:35] /mf Demon [1520, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:35] /mf Demon [1519, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:35] /mf Demon [1518, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:36] /mf Demon [1518, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:37] EM Maazik has removed 22578 () from the ground - Position: [1516, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:25:38] EM Maazik has removed 22578 () from the ground - Position: [1516, 1042, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:26:00] /mf malice demon [1512, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:26:03] /mf malice demon [1514, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:26:08] /mf malice demon [1514, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:26:09] /mf malice demon [1512, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:26:16] /mf malice demon [1512, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:26:17] /mf malice demon [1514, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:26:28] /i coal basin (1481) [1507, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:26:29] /i coal basin (1481) [1506, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:26:29] /i coal basin (1481) [1505, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:26:30] /i coal basin (1481) [1504, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:26:31] /i coal basin (1481) [1503, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:26:41] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a blackboard. Position (1506, 1035, 4)
[03/09/2024 14:26:57] /mf death [1505, 1038, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:27:00] /mf death [1507, 1038, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:27:09] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:27:30] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:27:59] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:28:49] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:28:55] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:29:16] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:30:41] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:31:08] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:31:36] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:32:11] EM Maazik has removed 1811 (blackboard) from the ground - Position: [1506, 1035, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:32:13] EM Maazik has removed Death - Position: [1507, 1038, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:32:15] EM Maazik has removed Death - Position: [1505, 1038, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:32:19] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:32:49] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1512, 1015, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:32:50] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1513, 1015, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:32:51] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1514, 1015, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:33:00] /mf Demon [1568, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:33:00] /mf Demon [1569, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 14:33:09] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1504, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:09] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1503, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:10] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1505, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:11] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1506, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:11] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1507, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:19] /mf Draken Warden [1503, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:19] /mf Draken Warden [1504, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:20] /mf Draken Warden [1505, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:20] /mf Draken Warden [1506, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:20] /mf Draken Warden [1507, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:21] /mf Draken Warden [1508, 1028, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:21] /mf Draken Warden [1507, 1028, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:22] /mf Draken Warden [1506, 1028, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:22] /mf Draken Warden [1505, 1028, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:22] /mf Draken Warden [1504, 1028, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:22] /mf Draken Warden [1503, 1028, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:23] /mf Draken Warden [1502, 1028, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:24] /mf Draken Warden [1502, 1026, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:24] /mf Draken Warden [1503, 1026, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:24] /mf Draken Warden [1504, 1026, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:24] /mf Draken Warden [1505, 1026, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:25] /mf Draken Warden [1506, 1026, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:25] /mf Draken Warden [1507, 1026, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:25] /mf Draken Warden [1508, 1026, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:27] /mf Draken Warden [1508, 1024, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:27] /mf Draken Warden [1507, 1024, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:27] /mf Draken Warden [1506, 1024, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:27] /mf Draken Warden [1505, 1024, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:28] /mf Draken Warden [1504, 1024, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:28] /mf Draken Warden [1503, 1024, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:28] /mf Draken Warden [1502, 1024, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:29] /mf Draken Warden [1502, 1022, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:29] /mf Draken Warden [1503, 1022, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:29] /mf Draken Warden [1504, 1022, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:30] /mf Draken Warden [1505, 1022, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:30] /mf Draken Warden [1506, 1022, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:30] /mf Draken Warden [1507, 1022, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:30] /mf Draken Warden [1508, 1022, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:31] /mf Draken Warden [1508, 1022, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:33] /mf Draken Warden [1508, 1019, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:33] /mf Draken Warden [1507, 1019, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:33] /mf Draken Warden [1506, 1019, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:33] /mf Draken Warden [1505, 1019, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:34] /mf Draken Warden [1504, 1019, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:34] /mf Draken Warden [1503, 1019, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:34] /mf Draken Warden [1502, 1019, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:35] /mf Draken Void Caster [1511, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:36] /mf Draken Void Caster [1511, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:37] /mf Draken Void Caster [1511, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:37] /mf Draken Void Caster [1512, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:37] /mf Draken Void Caster [1512, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:38] /mf Draken Void Caster [1512, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:38] /mf Draken Void Caster [1513, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:38] /mf Draken Void Caster [1513, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:38] /mf Draken Void Caster [1513, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:39] /mf Draken Void Caster [1514, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:39] /mf Draken Void Caster [1514, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:39] /mf Draken Void Caster [1514, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:39] /mf Draken Void Caster [1515, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:40] /mf Draken Void Caster [1515, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:40] /mf Draken Void Caster [1515, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:40] /mf Draken Void Caster [1516, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:41] /mf Draken Void Caster [1516, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:41] /mf Draken Void Caster [1516, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:41] /mf Draken Void Caster [1516, 1011, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:41] /mf Draken Void Caster [1515, 1011, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:42] /mf Draken Void Caster [1517, 1011, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:42] /mf Draken Void Caster [1517, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:43] /mf Draken Void Caster [1517, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:43] /mf Draken Void Caster [1517, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:44] /mf Draken Void Caster [1518, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:44] /mf Draken Void Caster [1518, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:44] /mf Draken Void Caster [1518, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:44] /mf Draken Void Caster [1518, 1011, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:45] /mf Draken Void Caster [1519, 1011, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:45] /mf Draken Void Caster [1519, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:45] /mf Draken Void Caster [1519, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:45] /mf Draken Void Caster [1519, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:46] /mf Draken Void Caster [1520, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:47] /mf Draken Void Caster [1520, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:47] /mf Draken Void Caster [1520, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:47] /mf Draken Void Caster [1521, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:47] /mf Draken Void Caster [1522, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:48] /mf Draken Void Caster [1523, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:48] /mf Draken Void Caster [1524, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:48] /mf Draken Void Caster [1525, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:49] /mf Draken Void Caster [1525, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:49] /mf Draken Void Caster [1524, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:49] /mf Draken Void Caster [1523, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:49] /mf Draken Void Caster [1522, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:50] /mf Draken Void Caster [1521, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:50] /mf Draken Void Caster [1521, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:50] /mf Draken Void Caster [1522, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:51] /mf Draken Void Caster [1523, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:51] /mf Draken Void Caster [1524, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:51] /mf Draken Void Caster [1525, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:52] /mf Draken Enchanter [1527, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:53] /mf Draken Enchanter [1527, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:53] /mf Draken Enchanter [1527, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:54] /mf Draken Enchanter [1527, 1011, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:54] /mf Draken Enchanter [1528, 1011, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:55] /mf Draken Enchanter [1529, 1011, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:55] /mf Draken Enchanter [1529, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:56] /mf Draken Enchanter [1529, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:56] /mf Draken Enchanter [1529, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:57] /mf Draken Enchanter [1530, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:57] /mf Draken Enchanter [1530, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:57] /mf Draken Enchanter [1530, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:58] /mf Draken Enchanter [1530, 1011, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:58] /mf Draken Enchanter [1528, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:59] /mf Draken Enchanter [1528, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:33:59] /mf Draken Enchanter [1528, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:00] /mf Draken Enchanter [1531, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:00] /mf Draken Enchanter [1532, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:00] /mf Draken Enchanter [1533, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:01] /mf Draken Enchanter [1534, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:01] /mf Draken Enchanter [1535, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:01] /mf Draken Enchanter [1536, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:01] /mf Draken Enchanter [1537, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:01] /mf Draken Enchanter [1538, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:02] /mf Draken Enchanter [1539, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:02] /mf Draken Enchanter [1539, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:02] /mf Draken Enchanter [1540, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:03] /mf Crypt Keeper [1540, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:03] /mf Crypt Keeper [1539, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:04] EM Maazik has removed Crypt Keeper - Position: [1539, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:05] EM Maazik has removed Crypt Keeper - Position: [1540, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:05] /mf Draken Warden [1540, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:06] /mf Draken Warden [1539, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:06] /mf Draken Warden [1538, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:06] /mf Draken Warden [1537, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:07] /mf Draken Warden [1536, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:07] /mf Draken Warden [1535, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:07] /mf Draken Warden [1534, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:07] /mf Draken Warden [1533, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:08] /mf Draken Warden [1532, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:08] /mf Draken Warden [1531, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:08] /mf Draken Void Caster [1531, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:09] /mf Draken Void Caster [1532, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:09] /mf Draken Void Caster [1533, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:09] /mf Draken Void Caster [1534, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:09] /mf Draken Void Caster [1534, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:10] /mf Draken Void Caster [1535, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:10] /mf Draken Void Caster [1536, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:10] /mf Draken Void Caster [1537, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:10] /mf Draken Void Caster [1538, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:11] /mf Draken Void Caster [1539, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:11] /mf Draken Void Caster [1540, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:11] /mf Draken Void Caster [1541, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:12] /mf Draken Warden [1542, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:15] /mf Draken Warden [1542, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:15] /mf Draken Void Caster [1542, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:15] /mf Draken Enchanter [1543, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:16] /mf Draken Warden [1544, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:16] /mf Draken Enchanter [1544, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:16] /mf Draken Warden [1546, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:16] /mf Draken Enchanter [1547, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:17] /mf Draken Void Caster [1547, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:17] /mf Draken Warden [1547, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:17] /mf Draken Enchanter [1548, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:17] /mf Draken Warden [1549, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:17] /mf Draken Void Caster [1549, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:17] /mf Draken Enchanter [1549, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:17] /mf Draken Warden [1550, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:17] /mf Draken Void Caster [1550, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:17] /mf Draken Enchanter [1553, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:17] /mf Draken Warden [1553, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:17] /mf Draken Void Caster [1553, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:17] /mf Draken Warden [1554, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:17] /mf Draken Void Caster [1554, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:17] /mf Draken Enchanter [1554, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:18] /mf Draken Enchanter [1555, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:18] /mf Draken Void Caster [1555, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:18] /mf Draken Warden [1555, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:18] /mf Draken Enchanter [1556, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:18] /mf Draken Warden [1556, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:18] /mf Draken Void Caster [1556, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:18] /mf Draken Warden [1557, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:18] /mf Draken Void Caster [1557, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:18] /mf Draken Enchanter [1557, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:19] /mf Draken Warden [1558, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:19] /mf Draken Void Caster [1558, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:19] /mf Draken Enchanter [1558, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:19] /mf Draken Warden [1560, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:19] /mf Draken Void Caster [1560, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:19] /mf Draken Enchanter [1560, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:19] /mf Draken Warden [1561, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:19] /mf Draken Void Caster [1561, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:19] /mf Draken Enchanter [1561, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:19] /mf Draken Warden [1562, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:19] /mf Draken Void Caster [1562, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:19] /mf Draken Enchanter [1562, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:20] /mf Draken Enchanter [1563, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:20] /mf Draken Void Caster [1563, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:20] /mf Draken Warden [1563, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:20] /mf Draken Enchanter [1564, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:20] /mf Draken Warden [1564, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:20] /mf Draken Void Caster [1564, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:20] /mf Draken Warden [1565, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:20] /mf Draken Void Caster [1565, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:20] /mf Draken Enchanter [1565, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:20] /mf Draken Warden [1566, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:20] /mf Draken Void Caster [1566, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:20] /mf Draken Enchanter [1566, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:20] /mf Draken Warden [1568, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:20] /mf Draken Void Caster [1568, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:20] /mf Draken Enchanter [1568, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:21] /mf Draken Warden [1569, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:21] /mf Draken Void Caster [1569, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:21] /mf Draken Enchanter [1569, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:21] /mf Draken Enchanter [1569, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:21] /mf Draken Warden [1569, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:21] /mf Draken Void Caster [1569, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:21] /mf Draken Warden [1570, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:21] /mf Draken Void Caster [1570, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:21] /mf Draken Enchanter [1570, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:21] /mf Draken Void Caster [1572, 1015, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:21] /mf Draken Enchanter [1572, 1015, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:21] /mf Draken Warden [1572, 1015, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:22] /mf Draken Void Caster [1572, 1015, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:22] /mf Draken Enchanter [1572, 1015, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:22] /mf Draken Warden [1572, 1015, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:22] /mf Draken Enchanter [1572, 1016, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:22] /mf Draken Warden [1572, 1016, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:22] /mf Draken Void Caster [1572, 1016, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:22] /mf Draken Enchanter [1573, 1018, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:22] /mf Draken Warden [1573, 1018, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:22] /mf Draken Void Caster [1573, 1018, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:22] /mf Draken Warden [1573, 1019, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:22] /mf Draken Void Caster [1573, 1019, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:22] /mf Draken Enchanter [1573, 1019, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:23] /mf Draken Void Caster [1573, 1020, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:23] /mf Draken Warden [1573, 1020, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:23] /mf Draken Enchanter [1572, 1021, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:23] /mf Draken Void Caster [1572, 1021, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:23] /mf Draken Warden [1572, 1021, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:23] /mf Draken Enchanter [1573, 1023, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:23] /mf Draken Void Caster [1573, 1023, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:23] /mf Draken Warden [1573, 1023, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:23] /mf Draken Enchanter [1573, 1024, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:23] /mf Draken Warden [1572, 1025, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:23] /mf Draken Void Caster [1572, 1025, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:23] /mf Draken Enchanter [1572, 1025, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:23] /mf Draken Warden [1572, 1026, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:23] /mf Draken Void Caster [1572, 1026, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:24] /mf Draken Enchanter [1572, 1026, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:24] /mf Draken Void Caster [1573, 1027, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:24] /mf Draken Warden [1573, 1027, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:24] /mf Draken Enchanter [1573, 1027, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:24] /mf Draken Void Caster [1573, 1028, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:24] /mf Draken Warden [1573, 1028, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:24] /mf Draken Enchanter [1573, 1028, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:24] /mf Draken Void Caster [1573, 1028, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:24] /mf Draken Warden [1573, 1028, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:25] /mf Draken Void Caster [1572, 1029, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:25] /mf Draken Warden [1572, 1029, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:25] /mf Draken Enchanter [1572, 1029, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:25] /mf Draken Void Caster [1571, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:25] /mf Draken Enchanter [1571, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:25] /mf Draken Warden [1571, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:25] /mf Draken Enchanter [1572, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:25] /mf Draken Void Caster [1572, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:25] /mf Draken Warden [1572, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:26] /mf Draken Warden [1573, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:26] /mf Draken Void Caster [1573, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:26] /mf Draken Enchanter [1573, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:26] /mf Draken Warden [1574, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:26] /mf Draken Void Caster [1574, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:26] /mf Draken Enchanter [1574, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:26] /mf Draken Warden [1574, 1029, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:26] /mf Draken Void Caster [1574, 1029, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:26] /mf Draken Enchanter [1574, 1029, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:27] /mf Draken Void Caster [1574, 1028, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:27] /mf Draken Enchanter [1574, 1028, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:27] /mf Draken Warden [1574, 1028, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:27] /mf Draken Warden [1574, 1027, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:27] /mf Draken Void Caster [1574, 1027, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:27] /mf Draken Enchanter [1574, 1027, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:27] /mf Draken Warden [1574, 1026, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:27] /mf Draken Void Caster [1574, 1026, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:27] /mf Draken Enchanter [1574, 1026, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:28] /mf Draken Warden [1574, 1017, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:28] /mf Draken Void Caster [1574, 1017, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:28] /mf Draken Enchanter [1574, 1017, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:29] /mf Draken Void Caster [1573, 1015, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:29] /mf Draken Enchanter [1573, 1015, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:29] /mf Draken Warden [1573, 1015, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:29] /mf Draken Warden [1573, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:29] /mf Draken Void Caster [1573, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:29] /mf Draken Enchanter [1573, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:30] /mf Draken Warden [1573, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:30] /mf Draken Void Caster [1573, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:30] /mf Draken Enchanter [1573, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:30] /mf Draken Enchanter [1572, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:30] /mf Draken Void Caster [1572, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:30] /mf Draken Warden [1572, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:30] /mf Draken Enchanter [1571, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:30] /mf Draken Warden [1571, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:30] /mf Draken Void Caster [1571, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:31] /mf Draken Enchanter [1569, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:31] /mf Draken Void Caster [1569, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:31] /mf Draken Warden [1569, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:31] /mf Draken Warden [1568, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:31] /mf Draken Void Caster [1568, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:31] /mf Draken Enchanter [1568, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:32] /mf Draken Enchanter [1567, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:32] /mf Draken Warden [1567, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:32] /mf Draken Void Caster [1567, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:32] /mf Draken Enchanter [1565, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:32] /mf Draken Warden [1565, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:32] /mf Draken Void Caster [1565, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:32] /mf Draken Warden [1564, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:32] /mf Draken Void Caster [1564, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:32] /mf Draken Enchanter [1564, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:33] /mf Draken Enchanter [1560, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:33] /mf Draken Warden [1560, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:33] /mf Draken Void Caster [1560, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:33] /mf Draken Enchanter [1559, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:33] /mf Draken Warden [1559, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:33] /mf Draken Void Caster [1559, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:33] /mf Draken Warden [1555, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:33] /mf Draken Void Caster [1555, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:33] /mf Draken Enchanter [1555, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:34] /mf Draken Enchanter [1554, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:34] /mf Draken Warden [1554, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:34] /mf Draken Void Caster [1554, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:34] /mf Draken Enchanter [1552, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:34] /mf Draken Void Caster [1552, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:34] /mf Draken Warden [1552, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:34] /mf Draken Warden [1551, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:34] /mf Draken Void Caster [1551, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:34] /mf Draken Enchanter [1551, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:35] /mf Draken Enchanter [1549, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:35] /mf Draken Warden [1549, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:35] /mf Draken Void Caster [1549, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:35] /mf Draken Warden [1547, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:35] /mf Draken Void Caster [1547, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:35] /mf Draken Enchanter [1547, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:35] /mf Draken Warden [1545, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:35] /mf Draken Void Caster [1545, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:35] /mf Draken Enchanter [1545, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:39] /mf Draken Enchanter [1505, 1017, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:39] /mf Draken Enchanter [1504, 1017, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:40] /mf Draken Enchanter [1503, 1017, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:40] /mf Draken Enchanter [1503, 1016, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:40] /mf Draken Enchanter [1503, 1015, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:41] /mf Draken Enchanter [1503, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:41] /mf Draken Enchanter [1503, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:41] /mf Draken Enchanter [1503, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:41] /mf Draken Enchanter [1503, 1011, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:42] /mf Draken Enchanter [1504, 1011, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:42] /mf Draken Enchanter [1505, 1011, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:42] /mf Draken Enchanter [1506, 1011, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:42] /mf Draken Enchanter [1507, 1011, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:43] /mf Draken Enchanter [1508, 1011, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:43] /mf Draken Enchanter [1508, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:43] /mf Draken Enchanter [1508, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:44] /mf Draken Enchanter [1508, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:44] /mf Draken Enchanter [1507, 1015, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:45] /mf Draken Enchanter [1507, 1016, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:45] /mf Draken Enchanter [1507, 1017, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:46] /mf Draken Enchanter [1508, 1017, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:46] /mf Draken Enchanter [1506, 1017, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:47] /mf Crypt Keeper [1505, 1016, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:48] /mf Crypt Keeper [1504, 1016, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:49] EM Maazik has removed Crypt Keeper - Position: [1504, 1016, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:50] /mf Draken Warden [1504, 1015, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:50] /mf Draken Warden [1504, 1016, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:52] EM Maazik has removed Crypt Keeper - Position: [1505, 1016, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:52] /mf Draken Warden [1505, 1016, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:53] /mf Draken Warden [1505, 1015, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:53] /mf Draken Warden [1506, 1015, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:53] /mf Draken Warden [1506, 1016, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:54] /mf Draken Warden [1506, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:54] /mf Draken Warden [1507, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:54] /mf Draken Warden [1507, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:55] /mf Draken Warden [1507, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:55] /mf Draken Warden [1506, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:55] /mf Draken Warden [1505, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:56] /mf Draken Warden [1504, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:56] /mf Draken Warden [1504, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:56] /mf Draken Warden [1504, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:57] /mf Draken Warden [1505, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:57] /mf Draken Warden [1505, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:34:57] /mf Draken Warden [1506, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:06] /i coal basin (1481) [1503, 1031, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:07] /i coal basin (1481) [1504, 1031, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:10] /i coal basin (1481) [1507, 1031, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:11] /i coal basin (1481) [1508, 1031, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:23] /mf Draken Warden [1509, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:24] /mf Draken Warden [1509, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:24] /mf Draken Warden [1509, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:26] /mf Draken Enchanter [1551, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:26] /mf Draken Enchanter [1552, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:26] /mf Draken Enchanter [1553, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:26] /mf Draken Enchanter [1554, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:27] /mf Draken Enchanter [1555, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:27] /mf Draken Enchanter [1556, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:27] /mf Draken Enchanter [1557, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:27] /mf Draken Enchanter [1558, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:27] /mf Draken Enchanter [1559, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:28] /mf Draken Enchanter [1560, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:28] /mf Draken Enchanter [1561, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:28] /mf Draken Enchanter [1562, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:28] /mf Draken Enchanter [1563, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:28] /mf Draken Enchanter [1564, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:28] /mf Draken Enchanter [1565, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:29] /mf Draken Enchanter [1566, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:29] /mf Draken Enchanter [1567, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:29] /mf Draken Enchanter [1568, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:29] /mf Draken Enchanter [1569, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:30] /mf Draken Enchanter [1569, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:30] /mf Draken Enchanter [1570, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:30] /mf Draken Enchanter [1571, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:31] /mf Draken Enchanter [1572, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:31] /mf Draken Enchanter [1571, 1016, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:31] /mf Draken Enchanter [1571, 1017, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:31] /mf Draken Enchanter [1571, 1018, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:32] /mf Draken Enchanter [1571, 1019, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:32] /mf Draken Enchanter [1571, 1020, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:32] /mf Draken Enchanter [1571, 1021, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:32] /mf Draken Enchanter [1571, 1022, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:32] /mf Draken Enchanter [1571, 1023, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:33] /mf Draken Enchanter [1571, 1024, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:35] /mf Crypt Keeper [1572, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:35] /mf Crypt Keeper [1572, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:36] /mf Crypt Keeper [1573, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:36] /mf Crypt Keeper [1574, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:36] /mf Crypt Keeper [1574, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:37] /mf Crypt Keeper [1574, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:37] /mf Crypt Keeper [1573, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:37] /mf Crypt Keeper [1573, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:38] /mf Crypt Keeper [1572, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:42] /mf Putrid Mummy [1534, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:44] /mf Resurrected Siren [1567, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:45] /mf Spectral Dragon [1571, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:47] EM Maazik has removed Spectral Dragon - Position: [1571, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:48] /mf Draken Enchanter [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:35:50] EM Maazik has removed draken enchanter - Position: [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:36:15] /mf Bruiser [1570, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:36:17] EM Maazik has removed bruiser - Position: [1570, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:36:19] /mf Demon [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:36:21] EM Maazik has removed Demon - Position: [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:09] /mf Bruiser [1570, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:11] EM Maazik has removed bruiser - Position: [1570, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:12] /mf Demon [1569, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:13] EM Maazik has removed Demon - Position: [1569, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:14] /mf Draken Enchanter [1569, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:15] EM Maazik has removed draken enchanter - Position: [1569, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:16] /mf Crypt Keeper [1570, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:16] /mf Crypt Keeper [1570, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:17] /mf Crypt Keeper [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:18] /mf Putrid Mummy [1567, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:18] /mf Putrid Mummy [1567, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:21] EM Maazik has removed Putrid Mummy - Position: [1567, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:21] EM Maazik has removed Putrid Mummy - Position: [1567, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:22] /mf Draken Enchanter [1566, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:24] EM Maazik has removed draken enchanter - Position: [1566, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:24] /mf Crypt Keeper [1565, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:25] /mf Putrid Mummy [1564, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:27] EM Maazik has removed Putrid Mummy - Position: [1564, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:27] /mf Draken Enchanter [1563, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:28] EM Maazik has removed draken enchanter - Position: [1563, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:29] /mf Crypt Keeper [1562, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:30] /mf Putrid Mummy [1562, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:31] EM Maazik has removed Putrid Mummy - Position: [1562, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:32] /mf Draken Warden [1561, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:33] /mf Draken Void Caster [1560, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:33] /mf Draken Enchanter [1559, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:34] /mf Crypt Keeper [1558, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:34] /mf Putrid Mummy [1557, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:35] /mf Resurrected Siren [1556, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:36] /mf Spectral Dragon [1555, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:38] /mf Spectral Dragon [1554, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:39] /mf Spectral Dragon [1553, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:39] /mf Resurrected Siren [1552, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:40] EM Maazik has removed resurrected siren - Position: [1552, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:40] EM Maazik has removed Spectral Dragon - Position: [1553, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:41] EM Maazik has removed Spectral Dragon - Position: [1554, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:41] EM Maazik has removed Spectral Dragon - Position: [1555, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:41] EM Maazik has removed resurrected siren - Position: [1556, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:41] EM Maazik has removed Putrid Mummy - Position: [1557, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:42] EM Maazik has removed Crypt Keeper - Position: [1558, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:43] /mf Crypt Keeper [1557, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:44] /mf Crypt Keeper [1556, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:44] /mf Putrid Mummy [1555, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:45] /mf Putrid Mummy [1554, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:45] /mf Putrid Mummy [1553, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:45] /mf Putrid Mummy [1552, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:45] /mf Putrid Mummy [1551, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:46] /mf Putrid Mummy [1550, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:46] /mf Putrid Mummy [1549, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:46] /mf Putrid Mummy [1548, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:46] /mf Putrid Mummy [1547, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:46] /mf Putrid Mummy [1546, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:47] /mf Putrid Mummy [1545, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:47] /mf Putrid Mummy [1544, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:47] /mf Putrid Mummy [1543, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:47] /mf Putrid Mummy [1542, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:48] /mf Putrid Mummy [1541, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:48] /mf Putrid Mummy [1540, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:48] /mf Putrid Mummy [1539, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:48] /mf Putrid Mummy [1538, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:48] /mf Putrid Mummy [1537, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:49] /mf Putrid Mummy [1536, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:49] /mf Putrid Mummy [1535, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:49] /mf Putrid Mummy [1534, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:49] /mf Putrid Mummy [1533, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:50] /mf Putrid Mummy [1532, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:50] /mf Putrid Mummy [1531, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:50] /mf Putrid Mummy [1530, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:50] /mf Putrid Mummy [1529, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:50] /mf Putrid Mummy [1528, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:51] /mf Putrid Mummy [1527, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:51] /mf Putrid Mummy [1526, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:51] /mf Putrid Mummy [1526, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:51] /mf Putrid Mummy [1525, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:52] /mf Putrid Mummy [1524, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:52] /mf Putrid Mummy [1523, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:52] /mf Putrid Mummy [1522, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:52] /mf Putrid Mummy [1521, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:52] /mf Putrid Mummy [1520, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:53] /mf Putrid Mummy [1519, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:53] /mf Putrid Mummy [1518, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:53] /mf Putrid Mummy [1517, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:53] /mf Putrid Mummy [1516, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:53] /mf Putrid Mummy [1515, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:54] /mf Putrid Mummy [1514, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:55] /mf Resurrected Siren [1520, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:56] /mf Resurrected Siren [1521, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:56] /mf Resurrected Siren [1525, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:56] /mf Resurrected Siren [1530, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:56] /mf Resurrected Siren [1536, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:56] /mf Resurrected Siren [1541, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:57] /mf Resurrected Siren [1545, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:57] /mf Resurrected Siren [1550, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:57] /mf Resurrected Siren [1553, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:57] /mf Resurrected Siren [1559, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:57] /mf Resurrected Siren [1564, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:57] /mf Resurrected Siren [1567, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:58] /mf Resurrected Siren [1567, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:58] /mf Resurrected Siren [1567, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:58] /mf Resurrected Siren [1568, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:58] /mf Resurrected Siren [1569, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:59] /mf Resurrected Siren [1562, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:59] /mf Resurrected Siren [1557, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:59] /mf Resurrected Siren [1551, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:37:59] /mf Resurrected Siren [1546, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:00] /mf Resurrected Siren [1541, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:00] /mf Resurrected Siren [1535, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:00] /mf Resurrected Siren [1530, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:00] /mf Resurrected Siren [1523, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:00] /mf Resurrected Siren [1522, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:01] /mf Resurrected Siren [1521, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:01] /mf Resurrected Siren [1520, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:01] /mf Resurrected Siren [1519, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:01] /mf Resurrected Siren [1518, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:01] /mf Resurrected Siren [1517, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:02] /mf Resurrected Siren [1516, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:26] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1573, 1035, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:27] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1572, 1035, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:28] /mf Spectral Dragon [1572, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:29] /mf Spectral Dragon [1572, 1038, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:30] /mf Spectral Dragon [1572, 1039, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:30] /mf Spectral Dragon [1572, 1040, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:30] /mf Spectral Dragon [1572, 1041, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:30] /mf Spectral Dragon [1572, 1042, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:31] /mf Spectral Dragon [1572, 1043, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:31] /mf Spectral Dragon [1572, 1044, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:31] /mf Spectral Dragon [1572, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:32] /mf Spectral Dragon [1573, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:32] /mf Spectral Dragon [1573, 1044, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:33] /mf Spectral Dragon [1573, 1043, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:33] /mf Spectral Dragon [1573, 1042, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:33] /mf Spectral Dragon [1573, 1041, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:33] /mf Spectral Dragon [1573, 1040, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:33] /mf Spectral Dragon [1573, 1039, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:34] /mf Spectral Dragon [1573, 1038, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:34] /mf Spectral Dragon [1573, 1037, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:34] /mf Spectral Dragon [1573, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:35] /mf Spectral Dragon [1571, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:35] /mf Spectral Dragon [1571, 1037, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:35] /mf Spectral Dragon [1571, 1038, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:35] /mf Spectral Dragon [1571, 1039, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:35] /mf Spectral Dragon [1571, 1040, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:36] /mf Spectral Dragon [1571, 1041, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:36] /mf Spectral Dragon [1571, 1042, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:36] /mf Spectral Dragon [1571, 1043, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:36] /mf Spectral Dragon [1571, 1044, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:36] /mf Spectral Dragon [1571, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:38] /mf Diseased Wraith [1571, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:39] /mf Diseased Wraith [1569, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:39] /mf Diseased Wraith [1563, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:40] /mf Diseased Wraith [1558, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:40] /mf Diseased Wraith [1551, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:40] /mf Diseased Wraith [1539, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:41] /mf Diseased Wraith [1530, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:41] /mf Diseased Wraith [1526, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:41] /mf Diseased Wraith [1521, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:42] /mf Diseased Wraith [1514, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:42] /mf Diseased Wraith [1514, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:42] /mf Diseased Wraith [1514, 1044, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:43] /mf Diseased Wraith [1514, 1042, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:43] /mf Diseased Wraith [1514, 1041, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:43] /mf Diseased Wraith [1515, 1040, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:44] /mf Bruiser [1515, 1039, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:44] /mf Bruiser [1516, 1040, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:45] /mf Bruiser [1516, 1041, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:45] /mf Bruiser [1516, 1042, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:45] /mf Bruiser [1515, 1043, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:45] /mf Bruiser [1515, 1044, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:45] /mf Bruiser [1515, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:46] /mf Bruiser [1516, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:46] /mf Bruiser [1516, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:47] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:47] /mf Spectral Dragon [1518, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:48] /mf Demon [1520, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:48] /mf Demon [1522, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:49] /mf Bruiser [1525, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:49] /mf Diseased Wraith [1527, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:50] /mf Diseased Wraith [1529, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:50] /mf Diseased Wraith [1530, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:50] /mf Bruiser [1534, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:50] /mf Diseased Wraith [1538, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:50] /mf Bruiser [1541, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:50] /mf Diseased Wraith [1544, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:50] /mf Bruiser [1548, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:50] /mf Diseased Wraith [1550, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:50] /mf Demon [1554, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:51] /mf Diseased Wraith [1557, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:51] /mf Bruiser [1561, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:51] /mf Diseased Wraith [1565, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:51] /mf Demon [1568, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:51] /mf Diseased Wraith [1571, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:51] /mf Bruiser [1574, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:51] /mf Diseased Wraith [1574, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:54] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1572, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:38:54] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1573, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:39:07] /i coal basin (1481) [1503, 1040, 3]
[03/09/2024 14:39:08] /i coal basin (1481) [1504, 1040, 3]
[03/09/2024 14:39:08] /i coal basin (1481) [1505, 1040, 3]
[03/09/2024 14:39:09] /i coal basin (1481) [1506, 1040, 3]
[03/09/2024 14:39:15] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a blackboard. Position (1505, 1041, 3)
[03/09/2024 14:39:30] /mf death [1503, 1039, 3]
[03/09/2024 14:39:32] /mf death [1503, 1043, 3]
[03/09/2024 14:39:38] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:40:21] /mf hellish flamethrower [1546, 1026, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:40:22] /mf hellish flamethrower [1546, 1027, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:40:23] /mf hellish flamethrower [1546, 1028, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:40:26] EM Maazik has removed hellish flamethrower - Position: [1546, 1028, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:40:26] EM Maazik has removed hellish flamethrower - Position: [1546, 1027, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:40:27] /mf hellish flamethrower [1546, 1028, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:40:28] /mf hellish flamethrower [1546, 1030, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:40:29] /mf hellish flamethrower [1546, 1032, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:40:32] /mf hellish flamethrower [1548, 1034, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:40:32] /mf hellish flamethrower [1550, 1034, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:40:33] /mf hellish flamethrower [1552, 1034, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:40:34] /mf hellish flamethrower [1554, 1034, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:40:36] /mf hellish flamethrower [1556, 1032, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:40:37] /mf hellish flamethrower [1556, 1030, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:40:38] /mf hellish flamethrower [1556, 1028, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:40:38] /mf hellish flamethrower [1556, 1026, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:40:40] /mf hellish flamethrower [1556, 1023, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:40:41] /mf hellish flamethrower [1556, 1021, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:40:53] /mf hellish flamethrower [1548, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:40:53] /mf hellish flamethrower [1550, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:40:54] /mf hellish flamethrower [1552, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:40:55] /mf hellish flamethrower [1554, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:11] /i coal basin (1481) [1547, 1034, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:12] /i coal basin (1481) [1549, 1034, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:13] /i coal basin (1481) [1551, 1034, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:14] /i coal basin (1481) [1553, 1034, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:14] /i coal basin (1481) [1555, 1034, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:15] /i coal basin (1481) [1556, 1033, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:16] /i coal basin (1481) [1556, 1031, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:17] /i coal basin (1481) [1556, 1029, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:17] /i coal basin (1481) [1556, 1027, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:18] /i coal basin (1481) [1555, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:19] /i coal basin (1481) [1553, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:20] /i coal basin (1481) [1551, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:21] /i coal basin (1481) [1549, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:21] /i coal basin (1481) [1547, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:23] /i coal basin (1481) [1546, 1027, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:24] /i coal basin (1481) [1546, 1029, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:25] /i coal basin (1481) [1546, 1031, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:25] /i coal basin (1481) [1546, 1033, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:32] EM Maazik has removed Namtar - Position: [1551, 1021, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:38] /i coal basin (1481) [1550, 1024, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:39] /i coal basin (1481) [1550, 1023, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:40] /i coal basin (1481) [1550, 1022, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:40] /i coal basin (1481) [1550, 1021, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:41] /i coal basin (1481) [1550, 1020, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:41] /i coal basin (1481) [1550, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:42] /i coal basin (1481) [1550, 1018, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:44] /i coal basin (1481) [1550, 1017, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:48] /i coal basin (1481) [1552, 1024, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:48] /i coal basin (1481) [1552, 1023, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:49] /i coal basin (1481) [1552, 1022, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:50] /i coal basin (1481) [1552, 1021, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:50] /i coal basin (1481) [1552, 1020, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:51] /i coal basin (1481) [1552, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:52] /i coal basin (1481) [1552, 1018, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:53] /i coal basin (1481) [1553, 1018, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:53] /i coal basin (1481) [1554, 1018, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:54] /i coal basin (1481) [1555, 1018, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:55] /i coal basin (1481) [1556, 1018, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:59] /i coal basin (1481) [1556, 1035, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:41:59] /i coal basin (1481) [1556, 1036, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:42:00] /i coal basin (1481) [1556, 1037, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:42:00] /i coal basin (1481) [1556, 1038, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:42:01] /i coal basin (1481) [1556, 1040, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:42:02] /i coal basin (1481) [1556, 1041, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:42:11] EM Maazik has removed 10198 (limestone pillar) from the ground - Position: [1556, 1017, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:42:16] EM Maazik has removed 31973 () from the ground - Position: [1556, 1017, 0]
[03/09/2024 14:42:22] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a blackboard. Position (1560, 1017, 1)
[03/09/2024 14:42:31] EM Maazik has removed 1811 (blackboard) from the ground - Position: [1560, 1017, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:21] EM Maazik has removed hellish flamethrower - Position: [1546, 1032, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:21] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1546, 1031, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:22] EM Maazik has removed hellish flamethrower - Position: [1546, 1030, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:22] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1546, 1029, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:22] EM Maazik has removed hellish flamethrower - Position: [1546, 1028, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:23] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1546, 1027, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:23] EM Maazik has removed hellish flamethrower - Position: [1546, 1026, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:24] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1547, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:24] EM Maazik has removed hellish flamethrower - Position: [1548, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:25] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1549, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:25] EM Maazik has removed hellish flamethrower - Position: [1550, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:26] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1551, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:26] EM Maazik has removed hellish flamethrower - Position: [1552, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:27] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1553, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:27] EM Maazik has removed hellish flamethrower - Position: [1554, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:28] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1555, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:28] EM Maazik has removed hellish flamethrower - Position: [1556, 1026, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:29] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1556, 1027, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:29] EM Maazik has removed hellish flamethrower - Position: [1556, 1028, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:30] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1556, 1029, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:30] EM Maazik has removed hellish flamethrower - Position: [1556, 1030, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:30] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1556, 1031, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:31] EM Maazik has removed hellish flamethrower - Position: [1556, 1032, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:31] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1556, 1033, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:32] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1555, 1034, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:33] EM Maazik has removed hellish flamethrower - Position: [1554, 1034, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:34] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1553, 1034, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:34] EM Maazik has removed hellish flamethrower - Position: [1552, 1034, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:34] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1551, 1034, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:35] EM Maazik has removed hellish flamethrower - Position: [1550, 1034, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:35] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1549, 1034, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:35] EM Maazik has removed hellish flamethrower - Position: [1548, 1034, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:36] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1547, 1034, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:36] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1546, 1033, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:38] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1556, 1035, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:39] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1556, 1036, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:39] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1556, 1037, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:40] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1556, 1038, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:41] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1556, 1040, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:41] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1556, 1041, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:46] EM Maazik has removed hellish flamethrower - Position: [1556, 1023, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:47] EM Maazik has removed hellish flamethrower - Position: [1556, 1021, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:43:50] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:44:31] EM Maazik has removed 31973 () from the ground - Position: [1546, 1025, 0]
[03/09/2024 14:44:36] EM Maazik has removed 31973 () from the ground - Position: [1546, 1034, 0]
[03/09/2024 14:44:41] EM Maazik has removed 31973 () from the ground - Position: [1556, 1034, 0]
[03/09/2024 14:44:48] EM Maazik has removed 31973 () from the ground - Position: [1556, 1025, 0]
[03/09/2024 14:44:56] EM Maazik has removed 10198 (limestone pillar) from the ground - Position: [1556, 1034, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:44:58] EM Maazik has removed 10198 (limestone pillar) from the ground - Position: [1556, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:45:01] EM Maazik has removed 10198 (limestone pillar) from the ground - Position: [1546, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:45:02] EM Maazik has removed 10198 (limestone pillar) from the ground - Position: [1546, 1034, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:45:05] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:45:23] /mf hellish flamethrower [1543, 1029, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:45:25] /mf hellish flamethrower [1543, 1031, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:45:26] /mf hellish flamethrower [1543, 1033, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:45:27] /mf hellish flamethrower [1543, 1035, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:45:28] /mf hellish flamethrower [1543, 1027, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:45:29] /mf hellish flamethrower [1543, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:45:30] /mf hellish flamethrower [1543, 1023, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:45:33] /mf hellish flamethrower [1545, 1023, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:45:34] /mf hellish flamethrower [1547, 1023, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:45:34] /mf hellish flamethrower [1549, 1023, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:45:46] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:46:14] /mf hellish flamethrower [1545, 1035, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:15] /mf hellish flamethrower [1547, 1035, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:15] /mf hellish flamethrower [1549, 1035, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:16] /mf hellish flamethrower [1551, 1035, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:17] /mf hellish flamethrower [1553, 1035, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:18] /mf hellish flamethrower [1555, 1035, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:19] /mf hellish flamethrower [1557, 1035, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:19] /mf hellish flamethrower [1559, 1035, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:20] /mf hellish flamethrower [1559, 1033, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:21] /mf hellish flamethrower [1559, 1031, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:22] /mf hellish flamethrower [1559, 1029, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:22] /mf hellish flamethrower [1559, 1027, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:23] /mf hellish flamethrower [1559, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:24] /mf hellish flamethrower [1559, 1023, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:26] /mf hellish flamethrower [1553, 1023, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:27] /mf hellish flamethrower [1555, 1023, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:27] /mf hellish flamethrower [1557, 1023, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:31] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1550, 1024, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:34] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1552, 1024, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:38] /i coal basin (1481) [1548, 1023, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:39] /i coal basin (1481) [1546, 1023, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:40] /i coal basin (1481) [1544, 1023, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:41] /i coal basin (1481) [1543, 1024, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:41] /i coal basin (1481) [1543, 1026, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:42] /i coal basin (1481) [1543, 1028, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:43] /i coal basin (1481) [1543, 1030, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:45] /i coal basin (1481) [1543, 1032, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:46] /i coal basin (1481) [1543, 1034, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:47] /i coal basin (1481) [1544, 1035, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:47] /i coal basin (1481) [1546, 1035, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:48] /i coal basin (1481) [1548, 1035, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:49] /i coal basin (1481) [1550, 1035, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:50] /i coal basin (1481) [1552, 1035, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:50] /i coal basin (1481) [1554, 1035, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:51] /i coal basin (1481) [1556, 1035, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:53] /i coal basin (1481) [1558, 1035, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:53] /i coal basin (1481) [1559, 1034, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:54] /i coal basin (1481) [1559, 1032, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:56] /i coal basin (1481) [1559, 1030, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:57] /i coal basin (1481) [1559, 1028, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:58] /i coal basin (1481) [1559, 1026, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:46:59] /i coal basin (1481) [1559, 1024, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:47:00] /i coal basin (1481) [1558, 1023, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:47:02] /i coal basin (1481) [1556, 1023, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:47:04] /i coal basin (1481) [1554, 1023, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:47:08] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1556, 1018, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:47:08] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1555, 1018, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:47:09] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1554, 1018, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:47:09] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1553, 1018, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:47:10] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1552, 1018, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:47:25] /i coal basin (1481) [1551, 1023, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:48:20] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a blackboard. Position (1560, 1016, 1)
[03/09/2024 14:48:33] /i coal basin (1481) [1552, 1018, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:48:42] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:49:29] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:51:14] EM Maazik has removed 22578 () from the ground - Position: [1513, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:51:17] EM Maazik has removed 22578 () from the ground - Position: [1513, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:51:21] /mf malice demon [1509, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:51:24] /mf malice demon [1509, 1044, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:51:26] /mf malice demon [1509, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:51:28] /mf malice demon [1507, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:51:29] /mf malice demon [1506, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:51:30] /mf malice demon [1505, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:51:31] /mf malice demon [1504, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:51:31] /mf malice demon [1503, 1044, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:51:33] /mf malice demon [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:51:34] /mf malice demon [1503, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:51:35] /mf malice demon [1504, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:51:36] /mf malice demon [1505, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:51:37] /mf malice demon [1507, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:51:40] /mf malice demon [1510, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:51:42] /mf malice demon [1510, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:51:47] /mf malice demon [1511, 1043, 4]
[03/09/2024 14:52:11] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:52:28] /i coal basin (1481) [1502, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:52:28] /i coal basin (1481) [1503, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:52:29] /i coal basin (1481) [1504, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:52:29] /i coal basin (1481) [1505, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:52:30] /i coal basin (1481) [1506, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:52:30] /i coal basin (1481) [1507, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:52:31] /i coal basin (1481) [1508, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:52:31] /i coal basin (1481) [1509, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:52:32] /i coal basin (1481) [1510, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:52:33] /i coal basin (1481) [1511, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:53:00] /s Magic Shopkeeper [1503, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 14:54:41] /portal finishline tower - Position: [190, 409, 7] - Speical ID: 4
[03/09/2024 14:54:50] EM Maazik has removed Apocalypse - Position: [1562, 1059, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:55:18] EM Maazik has removed 10374 (stone wall) from the ground - Position: [1558, 1051, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:55:39] /goto zera [951, 447, 13]
[03/09/2024 14:55:55] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1560, 1055, 6]
[03/09/2024 14:55:56] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1559, 1055, 6]
[03/09/2024 14:55:58] EM Maazik has removed 10200 (limestone pillar) from the ground - Position: [1563, 1055, 6]
[03/09/2024 14:56:00] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1564, 1055, 6]
[03/09/2024 14:56:01] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1565, 1055, 6]
[03/09/2024 14:57:26] /brc A staff hosted event will begin in 5 minutes
[03/09/2024 14:57:29] EM Maazik has removed 1387 (magic forcefield) from the ground - Position: [190, 409, 7]
[03/09/2024 14:57:33] /ghost
[03/09/2024 14:58:29] /brc A staff hosted event will begin in 4 minutes
[03/09/2024 14:59:11] /brc A staff hosted event will begin in 3 minutes
[03/09/2024 15:00:01] /brc A staff hosted event will begin in 2 minutes
[03/09/2024 15:01:02] /brc A staff hosted event will begin in ONE MINUTE. Proceed to the temple in order to participate.
[03/09/2024 15:02:00] /portal finishline tower - Position: [200, 398, 7] - Speical ID: 4
[03/09/2024 15:02:02] /ghost
[03/09/2024 15:02:06] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1559, 1055, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:02:07] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1560, 1055, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:01] EM Maazik has removed 22578 () from the ground - Position: [1523, 1023, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:02] EM Maazik has removed 22578 () from the ground - Position: [1523, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:10] EM Maazik has removed 22578 () from the ground - Position: [1561, 1022, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:11] EM Maazik has removed 22578 () from the ground - Position: [1561, 1023, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:13] EM Maazik has removed 22578 () from the ground - Position: [1561, 1028, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:14] EM Maazik has removed 22578 () from the ground - Position: [1561, 1029, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:20] /mf Demon [1506, 1040, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:20] /mf Demon [1507, 1040, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:20] /mf Demon [1507, 1040, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:20] /mf Demon [1507, 1041, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:20] /mf Demon [1507, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:20] /mf Demon [1507, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:21] /mf Demon [1507, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:21] /mf Demon [1507, 1044, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:21] /mf Demon [1507, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:21] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:22] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:22] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:22] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:22] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:22] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:22] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:22] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:22] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:22] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:22] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:23] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:23] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:23] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:23] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:23] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:23] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:23] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:23] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:23] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:23] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:23] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:23] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:23] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:23] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:23] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:23] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:24] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:24] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:24] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:25] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:25] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:25] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:25] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:25] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:25] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:25] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:25] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:25] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:25] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:25] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:25] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:25] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:25] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:25] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:26] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:26] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:26] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:26] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:26] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:26] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:26] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:26] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:26] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:26] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:26] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:27] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:27] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:27] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:27] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:27] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:27] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:27] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:27] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:27] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:27] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:27] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:28] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:28] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:28] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:28] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:28] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:28] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:28] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:28] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:28] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:28] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:28] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:28] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:28] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:29] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:29] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:29] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:29] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:29] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:29] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:29] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:29] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:30] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:30] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:30] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:30] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:30] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:30] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:30] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:30] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:30] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:30] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:30] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:30] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:30] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:30] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:30] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:30] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:31] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:31] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:31] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:31] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:31] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:31] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:31] /mf Spectral Dragon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:31] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:32] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:32] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:32] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:32] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:32] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:32] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:32] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:32] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:32] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:32] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:32] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:32] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:32] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:32] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:32] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:32] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:32] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:32] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:33] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:33] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:33] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:33] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:34] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:34] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:34] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:34] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:34] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:34] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:34] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:34] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:34] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:34] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:34] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:34] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:34] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:34] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:34] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:34] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:35] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:35] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:35] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:35] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:35] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:35] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:35] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:35] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:35] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:35] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:35] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:35] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:35] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:35] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:35] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:35] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:35] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:36] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:36] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:36] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:36] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:36] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:36] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:36] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:36] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:36] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:36] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:36] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:36] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:36] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:36] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:36] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:37] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:37] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:37] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:37] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:37] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:37] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:37] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:37] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:37] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:37] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:37] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:37] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:37] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:37] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:37] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:37] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:37] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:38] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:38] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:38] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:38] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:38] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:38] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:38] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:38] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:38] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:38] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:38] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:38] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:38] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:38] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:38] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:38] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:39] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:39] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:39] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:39] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:39] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:39] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:39] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:39] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:39] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:39] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:39] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:39] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:39] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:39] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:39] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:39] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:40] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:40] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:40] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:40] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:40] /mf Demon [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:40] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:41] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:41] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:41] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:41] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:41] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:41] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:41] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:41] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:42] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:42] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:42] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:42] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:42] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:42] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:42] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:42] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:42] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:42] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:42] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:42] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:42] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:42] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:42] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:43] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:43] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:43] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:43] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:43] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:43] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:43] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:43] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:43] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:43] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:43] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:43] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:43] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:43] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:43] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:43] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:43] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:44] /mf Bruiser [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:44] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:44] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:44] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:44] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:44] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:44] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:03:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1045, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:08] /mf Diseased Wraith [1524, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:08] /mf Diseased Wraith [1524, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:08] /mf Diseased Wraith [1524, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:09] /mf Diseased Wraith [1524, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:09] /mf Diseased Wraith [1524, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:09] /mf Diseased Wraith [1524, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:09] /mf Diseased Wraith [1524, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:09] /mf Diseased Wraith [1524, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:09] /mf Diseased Wraith [1524, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:10] /mf Diseased Wraith [1524, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:10] /mf Diseased Wraith [1524, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:10] /mf Diseased Wraith [1524, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:10] /mf Diseased Wraith [1524, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:10] /mf Diseased Wraith [1524, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:10] /mf Diseased Wraith [1524, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:11] /mf Diseased Wraith [1524, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:11] /mf Diseased Wraith [1524, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:11] /mf Diseased Wraith [1523, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:11] /mf Diseased Wraith [1523, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:11] /mf Diseased Wraith [1522, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:11] /mf Diseased Wraith [1521, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:12] /mf Diseased Wraith [1520, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:12] /mf Diseased Wraith [1520, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:12] /mf Diseased Wraith [1520, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:12] /mf Diseased Wraith [1520, 1042, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:12] /mf Diseased Wraith [1519, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:13] /mf Diseased Wraith [1519, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:13] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:13] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:13] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:13] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:13] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:13] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:14] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:14] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:14] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:14] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:14] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:14] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:15] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:15] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:15] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:15] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:15] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:15] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:16] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:16] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:16] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:16] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:16] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:16] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:17] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:17] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:17] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:17] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:17] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:18] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:18] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:18] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:18] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:18] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:19] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:19] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:19] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:19] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:19] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:20] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:20] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:20] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:20] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:20] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:20] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:21] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:21] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:21] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:21] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:21] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:22] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:22] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:22] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:22] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:22] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:22] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:23] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:23] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:23] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:23] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:23] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:23] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:24] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:24] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:24] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:24] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:24] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:25] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:25] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:25] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:25] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:25] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:26] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:26] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:26] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:26] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:26] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:27] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:27] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:27] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:27] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:27] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:28] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:28] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:28] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:28] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:28] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:28] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:29] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:29] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:29] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:29] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:29] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:29] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:30] /mf Diseased Wraith [1518, 1043, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:36] EM Maazik has removed 10374 (stone wall) from the ground - Position: [1562, 1051, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:04:40] /mf Demon [1507, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:40] /mf Demon [1507, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:40] /mf Demon [1507, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:41] /mf Demon [1506, 1039, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:41] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1039, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:41] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1040, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:41] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:41] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1042, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:42] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:42] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:42] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:42] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:42] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:42] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:42] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:42] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:42] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:42] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:43] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:43] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:43] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:43] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:43] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:43] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:43] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:44] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:45] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:46] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:47] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:47] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:47] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:47] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:47] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:47] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:47] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:47] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:47] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:47] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:47] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:47] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:47] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:47] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:47] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:47] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:47] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:47] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:47] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:47] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:47] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:47] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:47] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:47] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:47] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:47] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:47] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:47] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:47] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:47] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:48] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:48] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:48] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:48] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:48] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:48] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:48] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:48] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:48] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:48] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:48] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:48] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:48] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:48] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:48] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:48] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:48] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:48] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:48] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:48] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:48] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:48] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:48] /mf Bruiser [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:48] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:48] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:48] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:48] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:48] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:48] /mf Diseased Wraith [1506, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:49] /mf Diseased Wraith [1507, 1044, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:49] /mf Diseased Wraith [1507, 1044, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:49] /mf Diseased Wraith [1507, 1044, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:49] /mf Diseased Wraith [1507, 1044, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:49] /mf Diseased Wraith [1507, 1044, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:49] /mf Diseased Wraith [1507, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:49] /mf Diseased Wraith [1507, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:49] /mf Diseased Wraith [1507, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:49] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:49] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:49] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:50] /mf Diseased Wraith [1508, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:50] /mf Diseased Wraith [1509, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:50] /mf Diseased Wraith [1509, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:50] /mf Diseased Wraith [1510, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:50] /mf Diseased Wraith [1514, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:50] /mf Diseased Wraith [1520, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:50] /mf Diseased Wraith [1521, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:51] /mf Diseased Wraith [1521, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:51] /mf Diseased Wraith [1521, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:51] /mf Diseased Wraith [1521, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:51] /mf Diseased Wraith [1521, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:58] /mf Malice Demon [1521, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:58] /mf Malice Demon [1521, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:58] /mf Malice Demon [1521, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:59] /mf Malice Demon [1522, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:59] /mf Malice Demon [1524, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:59] /mf Malice Demon [1525, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:04:59] /mf Malice Demon [1526, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:00] /mf Malice Demon [1529, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:00] /mf Malice Demon [1533, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:00] /mf Malice Demon [1533, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:00] /mf Malice Demon [1534, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:00] /mf Malice Demon [1535, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:01] /mf Malice Demon [1536, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:01] /mf Malice Demon [1537, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:01] /mf Malice Demon [1538, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:01] /mf Malice Demon [1539, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:01] /mf Malice Demon [1540, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:02] /mf Malice Demon [1541, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:02] /mf Malice Demon [1543, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:02] /mf Malice Demon [1544, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:02] /mf Malice Demon [1545, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:02] /mf Malice Demon [1546, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:02] /mf Malice Demon [1547, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:03] /mf Malice Demon [1548, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:03] /mf Malice Demon [1549, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:03] /mf Malice Demon [1550, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:03] /mf Malice Demon [1551, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:03] /mf Malice Demon [1552, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:04] /mf Malice Demon [1553, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:04] /mf Malice Demon [1554, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:04] /mf Malice Demon [1555, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:04] /mf Malice Demon [1557, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:04] /mf Malice Demon [1558, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:05] /mf Malice Demon [1559, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:05] /mf Malice Demon [1560, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:05] /mf Malice Demon [1561, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:05] /mf Malice Demon [1562, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:05] /mf Malice Demon [1563, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:06] /mf Malice Demon [1564, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:06] /mf Malice Demon [1565, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:06] /mf Malice Demon [1566, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:06] /mf Malice Demon [1567, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:06] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:06] /mf Malice Demon [1569, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:07] /mf Malice Demon [1570, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:07] /mf Malice Demon [1571, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:07] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:07] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:07] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1044, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:08] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1044, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:08] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1043, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:08] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1042, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:08] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:08] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1040, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:08] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1039, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:09] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:09] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:09] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1036, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:09] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:10] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1034, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:10] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1033, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:10] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1032, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:10] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1031, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:10] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:11] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1029, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:11] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:11] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1027, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:11] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1027, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:11] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1026, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:12] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:12] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:12] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1023, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:12] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:12] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1021, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:13] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1020, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:13] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:13] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1018, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:13] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1017, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:13] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1016, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:14] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1015, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:14] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1015, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:14] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1015, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:20] /mf Malice Demon [1569, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:20] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:20] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:20] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:20] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:21] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:21] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:21] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:21] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:22] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:22] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:22] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:22] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:22] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:22] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:22] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:22] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:22] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:22] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:22] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:22] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:22] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:22] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:23] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:23] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:23] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:23] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:23] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:23] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:23] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:23] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:23] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:23] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:23] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:23] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:23] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:23] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:23] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:23] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:24] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:24] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:24] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:24] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:24] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:24] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:24] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:24] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:24] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:24] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:24] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:24] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:24] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:24] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:24] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:24] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:25] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:25] /mf Malice Demon [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:29] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:29] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:29] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:29] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:29] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:29] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:29] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:30] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:30] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:30] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:30] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:30] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:30] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:30] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:30] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:30] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:30] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:30] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:30] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:30] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:30] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:30] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:30] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:31] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:31] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:31] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:31] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:31] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:31] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:31] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:31] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:31] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:31] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:31] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:31] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:31] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:31] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:32] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:32] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:32] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:32] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:32] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:32] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:32] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:32] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:32] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:32] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:32] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:32] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:32] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:32] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:32] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:33] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:33] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:33] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:33] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:33] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:33] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:33] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:33] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:33] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:33] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:33] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:33] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:33] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:33] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:33] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:33] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:33] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:33] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:34] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:34] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:34] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:34] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:34] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:34] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:34] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:34] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:34] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:34] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:34] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:34] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:34] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:34] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:34] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:34] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:35] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:35] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:35] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:35] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:35] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:35] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:35] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:35] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:35] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:35] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:35] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:35] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:35] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:35] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:35] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:36] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:36] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:36] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:36] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:36] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:36] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:36] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:36] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:36] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:36] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:36] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:36] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:36] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:36] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:36] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:36] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:37] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:37] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:37] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:37] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:37] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:37] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:37] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:37] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:37] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:37] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:37] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:37] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:37] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:37] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:37] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:38] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:38] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:38] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:38] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:38] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:38] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:38] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:38] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:38] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:38] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:38] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:38] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:38] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:38] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:38] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:38] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:39] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:39] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:39] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:39] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:39] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:39] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:39] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:39] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:39] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:39] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:39] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:39] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:39] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:39] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:39] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:39] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:39] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:40] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:40] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:40] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:40] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:40] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:40] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:40] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:40] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:40] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:40] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:40] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:40] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:40] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:40] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:40] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:40] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:41] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:41] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:41] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:41] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:41] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:41] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:41] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:42] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:42] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:42] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:42] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:42] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:42] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:42] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:42] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:42] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:42] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:42] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:42] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:42] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:42] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:42] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:42] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:43] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:43] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:43] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:43] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:43] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:43] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:43] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:43] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:43] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:43] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:43] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:43] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:43] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:43] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:43] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:44] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:44] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:44] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:44] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:44] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:44] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:44] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:44] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:44] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:44] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:44] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:44] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:44] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:44] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:44] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:44] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:45] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:45] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:45] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:45] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:45] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:45] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:45] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:45] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:45] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:45] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:45] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:45] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:45] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:45] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:45] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:45] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:46] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:46] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:46] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:46] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:46] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:46] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:46] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:46] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:46] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:46] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:46] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:46] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:46] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:46] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:46] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:46] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:47] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:47] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:47] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:47] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:47] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:47] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:47] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:47] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:47] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:47] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:47] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:47] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:47] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:47] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:48] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:48] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:48] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:48] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:48] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:48] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:48] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:48] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:48] /mf Malice Demon [1573, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:54] /mf Malice Demon [1572, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:54] /mf Malice Demon [1565, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:55] /mf Malice Demon [1560, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:55] /mf Malice Demon [1556, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:55] /mf Malice Demon [1550, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:55] /mf Malice Demon [1546, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:55] /mf Malice Demon [1541, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:55] /mf Malice Demon [1535, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:56] /mf Malice Demon [1531, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:56] /mf Malice Demon [1525, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:56] /mf Malice Demon [1521, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:56] /mf Malice Demon [1519, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:56] /mf Malice Demon [1516, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:56] /mf Malice Demon [1511, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:57] /mf Malice Demon [1510, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:57] /mf Malice Demon [1510, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:57] /mf Malice Demon [1510, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:57] /mf Malice Demon [1511, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:58] /mf Malice Demon [1512, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:58] /mf Malice Demon [1515, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:58] /mf Malice Demon [1515, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:58] /mf Malice Demon [1515, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:58] /mf Malice Demon [1515, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:59] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1015, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:59] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1016, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:05:59] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1018, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:00] /mf Malice Demon [1515, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:00] /mf Malice Demon [1515, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:00] /mf Malice Demon [1516, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:00] /mf Malice Demon [1520, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:00] /mf Malice Demon [1523, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:00] /mf Malice Demon [1524, 1020, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:01] /mf Malice Demon [1524, 1021, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:01] /mf Malice Demon [1525, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:01] /mf Malice Demon [1526, 1023, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:01] /mf Malice Demon [1526, 1023, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:01] /mf Malice Demon [1526, 1023, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:02] /mf Malice Demon [1526, 1023, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:02] /mf Malice Demon [1527, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:02] /mf Malice Demon [1528, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:02] /mf Malice Demon [1529, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:02] /mf Malice Demon [1530, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:03] /mf Malice Demon [1531, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:03] /mf Malice Demon [1532, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:03] /mf Malice Demon [1533, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:03] /mf Malice Demon [1538, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:03] /mf Malice Demon [1542, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:03] /mf Malice Demon [1542, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:04] /mf Malice Demon [1543, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:04] /mf Malice Demon [1547, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:04] /mf Malice Demon [1552, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:04] /mf Malice Demon [1553, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:04] /mf Malice Demon [1554, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:05] /mf Malice Demon [1555, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:05] /mf Malice Demon [1556, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:05] /mf Malice Demon [1557, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:05] /mf Malice Demon [1558, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:05] /mf Malice Demon [1559, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:06] /mf Malice Demon [1560, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:06] /mf Malice Demon [1561, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:06] /mf Malice Demon [1562, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:06] /mf Malice Demon [1563, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:06] /mf Malice Demon [1564, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:07] /mf Malice Demon [1564, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:07] /mf Malice Demon [1564, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:07] /mf Malice Demon [1565, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:07] /mf Malice Demon [1566, 1026, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:08] /mf Malice Demon [1566, 1026, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:08] /mf Malice Demon [1566, 1027, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:08] /mf Malice Demon [1567, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:08] /mf Malice Demon [1567, 1029, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:08] /mf Malice Demon [1567, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:09] /mf Malice Demon [1567, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:09] /mf Malice Demon [1567, 1031, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:09] /mf Malice Demon [1566, 1032, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:09] /mf Malice Demon [1566, 1033, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:09] /mf Malice Demon [1566, 1033, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:09] /mf Malice Demon [1565, 1034, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:10] /mf Malice Demon [1565, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:10] /mf Malice Demon [1566, 1036, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:10] /mf Malice Demon [1566, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:10] /mf Malice Demon [1567, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:11] /mf Malice Demon [1567, 1039, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:11] /mf Malice Demon [1567, 1040, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:11] /mf Malice Demon [1566, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:18] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:19] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:19] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:19] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:19] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:19] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:19] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:20] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:20] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:20] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:20] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:20] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:20] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:20] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:20] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:20] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:20] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:20] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:20] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:20] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:20] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:21] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:21] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:21] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:21] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:21] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:21] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:21] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:21] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:21] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:21] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:21] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:21] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:21] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:21] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:21] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:22] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:22] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:22] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:22] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:22] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:22] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:22] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:22] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:22] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:22] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:22] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:22] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:22] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:22] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:22] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:23] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:23] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:23] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:23] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:23] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:23] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:23] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:23] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:23] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:23] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:23] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:23] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:23] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:23] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:24] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:24] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:24] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:24] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:24] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:24] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:24] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:24] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:24] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:24] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:24] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:24] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:24] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:25] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:25] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:25] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:25] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:25] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:25] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:25] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:25] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:25] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:25] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:25] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:25] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:25] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:26] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:26] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:26] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:26] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:26] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:26] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:26] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:26] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:26] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:26] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:26] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:26] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:26] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:26] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:27] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:27] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:27] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:27] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:27] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:27] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:27] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:27] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:27] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:27] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:27] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:27] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:27] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:27] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:28] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:28] /mf Malice Demon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:28] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:28] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:28] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:28] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:28] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:28] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:29] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:29] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:29] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:29] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:29] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:29] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:29] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:29] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:29] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:29] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:29] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:29] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:29] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:29] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:29] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:30] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:30] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:30] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:30] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:30] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:30] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:30] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:30] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:30] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:30] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:30] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:30] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:30] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:30] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:30] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:30] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:30] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:31] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:31] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:31] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:31] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:31] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:31] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:31] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:31] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:31] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:31] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:31] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:31] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:31] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:31] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:32] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:32] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:32] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:32] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:32] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:32] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:32] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:32] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:32] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:32] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:32] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:32] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:33] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:33] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:33] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:33] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:33] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:33] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:33] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:33] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:33] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:33] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:33] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:33] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:34] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:34] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:34] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:34] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:34] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:34] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:34] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:34] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:34] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:34] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:35] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:35] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:35] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:35] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:35] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:35] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:35] /mf Bruiser [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:35] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:36] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:36] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:36] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:36] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:36] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:36] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:36] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:36] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:36] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:36] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:37] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:37] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:37] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:37] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:37] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:37] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:37] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:37] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:37] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:37] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:37] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:38] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:38] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:38] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:38] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:38] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:38] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:38] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:38] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:38] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:38] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:39] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:39] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:39] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:39] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:39] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:39] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:39] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:39] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:39] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:39] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:40] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:40] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:40] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:40] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:40] /mf Diseased Wraith [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:40] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:41] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:41] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:41] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:41] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:41] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:41] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:41] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:41] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:41] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:42] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:42] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:42] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:42] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:42] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:42] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:42] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:42] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:42] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:42] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:43] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:43] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:43] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:43] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:43] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:43] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:43] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:43] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:43] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:43] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:44] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:44] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:44] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:44] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:44] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:45] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:45] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:45] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:45] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:45] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:45] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:45] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:45] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:45] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:45] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:45] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:45] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:45] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:45] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:46] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:46] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:46] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:46] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:46] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:46] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:46] /mf Spectral Dragon [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:46] /mf Resurrected Siren [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:47] /mf Resurrected Siren [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:47] /mf Resurrected Siren [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:47] /mf Resurrected Siren [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:47] /mf Resurrected Siren [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:47] /mf Resurrected Siren [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:47] /mf Resurrected Siren [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:48] /mf Resurrected Siren [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:48] /mf Resurrected Siren [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:48] /mf Resurrected Siren [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:48] /mf Resurrected Siren [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:48] /mf Resurrected Siren [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:48] /mf Resurrected Siren [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:48] /mf Resurrected Siren [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:48] /mf Resurrected Siren [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:48] /mf Resurrected Siren [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:48] /mf Resurrected Siren [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:48] /mf Resurrected Siren [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:48] /mf Resurrected Siren [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:48] /mf Resurrected Siren [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:48] /mf Resurrected Siren [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:49] /mf Resurrected Siren [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:49] /mf Resurrected Siren [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:49] /mf Resurrected Siren [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:49] /mf Resurrected Siren [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:49] /mf Resurrected Siren [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:49] /mf Resurrected Siren [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:49] /mf Resurrected Siren [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:49] /mf Putrid Mummy [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:50] /mf Putrid Mummy [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:50] /mf Putrid Mummy [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:50] /mf Putrid Mummy [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:50] /mf Putrid Mummy [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:50] /mf Putrid Mummy [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:50] /mf Putrid Mummy [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:50] /mf Putrid Mummy [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:51] /mf Putrid Mummy [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:51] /mf Putrid Mummy [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:51] /mf Putrid Mummy [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:51] /mf Putrid Mummy [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:51] /mf Putrid Mummy [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:51] /mf Putrid Mummy [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:51] /mf Putrid Mummy [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:51] /mf Putrid Mummy [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:51] /mf Putrid Mummy [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:51] /mf Putrid Mummy [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:06:51] /mf Putrid Mummy [1517, 1041, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:02] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:02] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:02] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:02] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:03] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:03] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:03] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:03] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:03] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:03] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:03] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:03] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:03] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:03] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:03] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:04] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:04] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:04] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:04] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:04] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:04] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:04] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:04] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:04] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:05] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:05] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:05] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:05] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:05] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:05] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:05] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:05] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:05] /mf Malice Demon [1568, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:19] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:19] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:19] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:20] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:20] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:20] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:20] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:20] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:20] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:21] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:21] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:21] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:21] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:21] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:21] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:22] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:22] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:22] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:22] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:22] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:22] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:23] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:23] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:23] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:23] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:23] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:23] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:24] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1034, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:24] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1033, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:24] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1032, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:24] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1031, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:24] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:25] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1029, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:25] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:25] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1027, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:25] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:25] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:25] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1023, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:26] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:26] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1021, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:26] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1020, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:26] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1020, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:26] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1018, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:27] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1018, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:27] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1018, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:27] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1018, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:27] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1017, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:27] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1016, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:27] /mf Choking Fear [1573, 1015, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:28] /mf Choking Fear [1572, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:28] /mf Choking Fear [1571, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:28] /mf Choking Fear [1570, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:28] /mf Choking Fear [1569, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:28] /mf Choking Fear [1568, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:29] /mf Choking Fear [1567, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:29] /mf Choking Fear [1565, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:29] /mf Choking Fear [1562, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:29] /mf Choking Fear [1560, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:29] /mf Choking Fear [1559, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:30] /mf Choking Fear [1559, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:30] /mf Choking Fear [1558, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:30] /mf Choking Fear [1557, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:30] /mf Choking Fear [1555, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:30] /mf Choking Fear [1554, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:30] /mf Choking Fear [1553, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:31] /mf Choking Fear [1552, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:31] /mf Choking Fear [1551, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:31] /mf Choking Fear [1550, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:31] /mf Choking Fear [1549, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:31] /mf Choking Fear [1548, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:32] /mf Choking Fear [1547, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:32] /mf Choking Fear [1545, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:32] /mf Choking Fear [1544, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:32] /mf Choking Fear [1543, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:32] /mf Choking Fear [1542, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:32] /mf Choking Fear [1541, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:33] /mf Choking Fear [1540, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:33] /mf Choking Fear [1539, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:33] /mf Choking Fear [1538, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:33] /mf Choking Fear [1537, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:34] /mf Choking Fear [1536, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:34] /mf Choking Fear [1535, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:34] /mf Choking Fear [1534, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:34] /mf Choking Fear [1533, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:34] /mf Choking Fear [1532, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:34] /mf Choking Fear [1531, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:35] /mf Choking Fear [1530, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:35] /mf Choking Fear [1528, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:35] /mf Choking Fear [1527, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:35] /mf Choking Fear [1526, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:35] /mf Choking Fear [1525, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:36] /mf Choking Fear [1524, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:36] /mf Choking Fear [1523, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:36] /mf Choking Fear [1522, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:36] /mf Choking Fear [1521, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:36] /mf Choking Fear [1520, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:37] /mf Choking Fear [1519, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:37] /mf Choking Fear [1518, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:37] /mf Choking Fear [1517, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:37] /mf Choking Fear [1516, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:37] /mf Choking Fear [1515, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:38] /mf Choking Fear [1514, 1013, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:38] /mf Choking Fear [1513, 1014, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:38] /mf Choking Fear [1513, 1015, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:38] /mf Choking Fear [1513, 1016, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:38] /mf Choking Fear [1513, 1017, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:39] /mf Choking Fear [1515, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:39] /mf Choking Fear [1515, 1019, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:39] /mf Choking Fear [1514, 1020, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:39] /mf Choking Fear [1514, 1021, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:39] /mf Choking Fear [1515, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:40] /mf Choking Fear [1515, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:40] /mf Choking Fear [1516, 1023, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:40] /mf Choking Fear [1517, 1024, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:40] /mf Choking Fear [1517, 1025, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:40] /mf Choking Fear [1518, 1026, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:41] /mf Choking Fear [1518, 1027, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:41] /mf Choking Fear [1519, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:41] /mf Choking Fear [1520, 1029, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:41] /mf Choking Fear [1520, 1029, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:41] /mf Choking Fear [1521, 1029, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:42] /mf Choking Fear [1522, 1029, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:42] /mf Choking Fear [1522, 1029, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:42] /mf Choking Fear [1522, 1029, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:42] /mf Choking Fear [1523, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:42] /mf Choking Fear [1524, 1027, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:43] /mf Choking Fear [1525, 1027, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:43] /mf Choking Fear [1526, 1027, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:46] /mf Choking Fear [1554, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:46] /mf Choking Fear [1556, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:46] /mf Choking Fear [1558, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:46] /mf Choking Fear [1560, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:47] /mf Choking Fear [1562, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:47] /mf Choking Fear [1563, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:47] /mf Choking Fear [1564, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:48] /mf Choking Fear [1566, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:07:48] /mf Choking Fear [1567, 1028, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:01] /mf senor cookson event [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:02] /mf senor cookson event [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:02] /mf senor cookson event [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:02] /mf senor cookson event [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:10] /mf suicide bomber [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:10] /mf suicide bomber [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:10] /mf suicide bomber [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:11] /mf suicide bomber [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:11] /mf suicide bomber [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:11] /mf suicide bomber [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:11] /mf suicide bomber [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:11] /mf suicide bomber [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:12] /mf suicide bomber [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:12] /mf suicide bomber [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:12] /mf suicide bomber [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:12] /mf suicide bomber [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:12] /mf suicide bomber [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:12] /mf suicide bomber [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:13] /mf suicide bomber [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:13] /mf suicide bomber [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:13] /mf suicide bomber [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:13] /mf suicide bomber [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:13] /mf suicide bomber [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:14] /mf suicide bomber [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:14] /mf suicide bomber [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:14] /mf suicide bomber [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:14] /mf suicide bomber [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:14] /mf suicide bomber [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:14] /mf suicide bomber [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:15] /mf suicide bomber [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:15] /mf suicide bomber [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:15] /mf suicide bomber [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:15] /mf suicide bomber [1571, 1035, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:16] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1036, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:16] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:17] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:17] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:17] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:17] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:18] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:18] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:18] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:18] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:18] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:18] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:19] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:19] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:19] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:19] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:27] /mf suicide bomber [1531, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:28] /mf suicide bomber [1532, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:28] /mf suicide bomber [1534, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:28] /mf suicide bomber [1534, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:28] /mf suicide bomber [1535, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:28] /mf suicide bomber [1538, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:28] /mf suicide bomber [1539, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:29] /mf suicide bomber [1541, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:29] /mf suicide bomber [1542, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:29] /mf suicide bomber [1545, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:29] /mf suicide bomber [1546, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:29] /mf suicide bomber [1549, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:29] /mf suicide bomber [1551, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:30] /mf suicide bomber [1554, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:30] /mf suicide bomber [1557, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:30] /mf suicide bomber [1560, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:30] /mf suicide bomber [1563, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:30] /mf suicide bomber [1565, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:30] /mf suicide bomber [1567, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:30] /mf suicide bomber [1568, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:31] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:31] /mf suicide bomber [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:31] /mf suicide bomber [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:31] /mf suicide bomber [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:31] /mf suicide bomber [1574, 1047, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:34] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:34] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:34] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:34] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:34] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:35] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:35] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:35] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:35] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:35] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:35] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:35] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:35] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:35] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:35] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:36] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:36] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:36] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:36] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:36] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:36] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:36] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:36] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:36] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:37] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:37] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:37] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:37] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:37] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:37] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:37] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:37] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:37] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:37] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:38] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:38] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:38] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:38] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:38] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:38] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:38] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:38] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:38] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:38] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:38] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:39] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:39] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:39] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:39] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:39] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:39] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:39] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:39] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:39] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:39] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:40] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:40] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:40] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:40] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:40] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:40] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:40] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:40] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:40] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:40] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:41] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:41] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:41] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:41] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:41] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:41] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:41] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:41] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:41] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:41] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:41] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:42] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:42] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:42] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:42] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:42] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:42] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:42] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:42] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:43] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:43] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:43] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:43] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:43] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:43] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:43] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:43] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:43] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:43] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:44] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:44] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:44] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:44] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:44] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:44] /mf suicide bomber [1572, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:46] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:46] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:46] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:47] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:47] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:47] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:47] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:47] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:47] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:47] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:47] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:47] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:47] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:48] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:48] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:48] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:48] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:48] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:48] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:48] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:48] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:48] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:48] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:49] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:49] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:49] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:49] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:49] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:49] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:49] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:49] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:49] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:50] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:50] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:50] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:50] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:50] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:50] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:50] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:50] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:50] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:50] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:50] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:51] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:51] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:51] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:51] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:51] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:51] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:51] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:51] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:51] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:52] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:52] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:52] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:52] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:52] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:52] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:52] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:52] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:52] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:52] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:52] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:53] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:08:53] /mf suicide bomber [1569, 1045, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:09:46] /mf corrupted hydra [1506, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:47] /mf corrupted hydra [1506, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:48] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:48] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:48] /mf corrupted hydra [1506, 1035, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:49] /mf corrupted hydra [1506, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:49] /mf corrupted hydra [1506, 1037, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:49] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1038, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:49] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1038, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:49] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1037, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:50] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:50] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1035, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:50] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:50] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:50] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:50] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:51] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1031, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:51] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1029, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:51] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1028, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:51] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1027, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:51] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1026, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:51] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1026, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:52] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1022, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:52] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1018, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:52] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1015, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:52] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1015, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:52] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:52] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1011, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:53] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1011, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:53] /mf corrupted hydra [1506, 1011, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:53] /mf corrupted hydra [1508, 1011, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:53] /mf corrupted hydra [1508, 1011, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:54] /mf corrupted hydra [1509, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:54] /mf corrupted hydra [1510, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:54] /mf corrupted hydra [1511, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:54] /mf corrupted hydra [1512, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:54] /mf corrupted hydra [1513, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:55] /mf corrupted hydra [1514, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:55] /mf corrupted hydra [1520, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:55] /mf corrupted hydra [1526, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:55] /mf corrupted hydra [1531, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:55] /mf corrupted hydra [1536, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:55] /mf corrupted hydra [1540, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:56] /mf corrupted hydra [1545, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:56] /mf corrupted hydra [1551, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:56] /mf corrupted hydra [1556, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:56] /mf corrupted hydra [1561, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:56] /mf corrupted hydra [1567, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:56] /mf corrupted hydra [1570, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:57] /mf corrupted hydra [1574, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:57] /mf corrupted hydra [1574, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:57] /mf corrupted hydra [1574, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:57] /mf corrupted hydra [1574, 1015, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:57] /mf corrupted hydra [1573, 1016, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:58] /mf corrupted hydra [1572, 1019, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:58] /mf corrupted hydra [1572, 1020, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:58] /mf corrupted hydra [1572, 1024, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:58] /mf corrupted hydra [1572, 1025, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:58] /mf corrupted hydra [1572, 1027, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:58] /mf corrupted hydra [1572, 1029, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:59] /mf corrupted hydra [1572, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:59] /mf corrupted hydra [1572, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:59] /mf corrupted hydra [1572, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:59] /mf corrupted hydra [1572, 1029, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:09:59] /mf corrupted hydra [1572, 1025, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:00] /mf corrupted hydra [1572, 1019, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:00] /mf corrupted hydra [1572, 1015, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:00] /mf corrupted hydra [1572, 1011, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:00] /mf corrupted hydra [1572, 1011, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:00] /mf corrupted hydra [1572, 1011, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:00] /mf corrupted hydra [1571, 1011, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:01] /mf corrupted hydra [1570, 1011, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:01] /mf corrupted hydra [1570, 1011, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:01] /mf corrupted hydra [1569, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:01] /mf corrupted hydra [1569, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:01] /mf corrupted hydra [1568, 1012, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:01] /mf corrupted hydra [1566, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:01] /mf corrupted hydra [1563, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:02] /mf corrupted hydra [1559, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:02] /mf corrupted hydra [1555, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:02] /mf corrupted hydra [1551, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:02] /mf corrupted hydra [1545, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:03] /mf corrupted hydra [1540, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:03] /mf corrupted hydra [1537, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:03] /mf corrupted hydra [1532, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:03] /mf corrupted hydra [1529, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:03] /mf corrupted hydra [1524, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:03] /mf corrupted hydra [1520, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:04] /mf corrupted hydra [1515, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:04] /mf corrupted hydra [1513, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:04] /mf corrupted hydra [1510, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:04] /mf corrupted hydra [1506, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:04] /mf corrupted hydra [1503, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:04] /mf corrupted hydra [1503, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:05] /mf corrupted hydra [1503, 1015, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:05] /mf corrupted hydra [1504, 1017, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:05] /mf corrupted hydra [1504, 1017, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:05] /mf corrupted hydra [1504, 1018, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:05] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1020, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:06] /mf corrupted hydra [1504, 1021, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:06] /mf corrupted hydra [1504, 1022, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:06] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1023, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:06] /mf corrupted hydra [1504, 1025, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:06] /mf corrupted hydra [1504, 1026, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:06] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1027, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:07] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1028, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:07] /mf corrupted hydra [1504, 1030, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:07] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1031, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:07] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:07] /mf corrupted hydra [1504, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:08] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1035, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:08] /mf corrupted hydra [1504, 1037, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:08] /mf corrupted hydra [1504, 1037, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:08] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1038, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:08] /mf corrupted hydra [1505, 1039, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:09] /mf corrupted hydra [1506, 1040, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:09] /mf corrupted hydra [1506, 1040, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:09] /mf corrupted hydra [1506, 1040, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:10:09] /mf corrupted hydra [1506, 1040, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:11:03] /goto lipaxi [1540, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:11:11] /mf nightmayer [1568, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:11:11] /mf nightmayer [1568, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:11:12] /mf nightmayer [1568, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:11:12] /mf nightmayer [1568, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:11:13] /mf nightmayer [1568, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:11:13] /mf nightmayer [1568, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:11:14] /mf nightmayer [1568, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:11:14] /mf nightmayer [1568, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:11:14] /mf nightmayer [1568, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:11:15] /mf nightmayer [1568, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:11:15] /mf nightmayer [1568, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:11:16] /mf nightmayer [1568, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:11:16] /mf nightmayer [1568, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:11:17] /mf nightmayer [1568, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:11:17] /mf nightmayer [1568, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:11:18] /mf nightmayer [1568, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:11:19] /mf nightmayer [1568, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:11:19] /mf nightmayer [1568, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:11:23] /mf the time bomb [1568, 1022, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:12:31] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1564, 1055, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:12:32] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1565, 1055, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:12:54] /mf Tunneler [1516, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:12:55] /mf Tunneler [1517, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:12:55] /mf Tunneler [1518, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:12:55] /mf Tunneler [1519, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:12:55] /mf Tunneler [1519, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:12:55] /mf Tunneler [1524, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:12:55] /mf Tunneler [1530, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:12:56] /mf Tunneler [1531, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:12:56] /mf Tunneler [1532, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:12:56] /mf Tunneler [1533, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:12:56] /mf Tunneler [1535, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:12:56] /mf Tunneler [1540, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:12:56] /mf Tunneler [1546, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:12:57] /mf Tunneler [1550, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:12:57] /mf Tunneler [1551, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:12:57] /mf Tunneler [1555, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:12:57] /mf Tunneler [1561, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:12:57] /mf Tunneler [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:12:58] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:12:58] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:12:58] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:12:58] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:12:59] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:12:59] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1044, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:12:59] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1043, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:12:59] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1042, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:12:59] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1041, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:12:59] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1041, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:00] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1040, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:00] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1039, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:00] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1038, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:00] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1037, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:00] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:00] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1035, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:01] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:01] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:01] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:01] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:01] /mf Tunneler [1569, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:01] /mf Tunneler [1568, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:02] /mf Tunneler [1566, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:02] /mf Tunneler [1561, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:02] /mf Tunneler [1555, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:02] /mf Tunneler [1549, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:02] /mf Tunneler [1544, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:02] /mf Tunneler [1539, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:03] /mf Tunneler [1534, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:03] /mf Tunneler [1531, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:03] /mf Tunneler [1531, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:03] /mf Tunneler [1526, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:03] /mf Tunneler [1521, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:03] /mf Tunneler [1516, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:04] /mf Tunneler [1515, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:04] /mf Tunneler [1515, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:04] /mf Tunneler [1516, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:04] /mf Tunneler [1516, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:04] /mf Tunneler [1521, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:04] /mf Tunneler [1525, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:06] /goto lipaxi [1542, 1030, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:20] /goto zera [1548, 1042, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:33] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1511, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:34] /mf Sin Devourer [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:35] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:35] /mf Sin Devourer [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:35] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:35] /mf Sin Devourer [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:35] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:35] /mf Sin Devourer [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:35] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:35] /mf Sin Devourer [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:35] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:35] /mf Sin Devourer [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:35] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:36] /mf Sin Devourer [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:36] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:36] /mf Sin Devourer [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:36] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:36] /mf Sin Devourer [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:36] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:36] /mf Sin Devourer [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:36] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:37] /mf Sin Devourer [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:37] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:37] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:37] /mf Sin Devourer [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:37] /mf Great Malboro [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:37] /mf Sin Devourer [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:37] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:38] /mf Great Malboro [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:39] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:39] /mf Sin Devourer [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:39] /mf Great Malboro [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:39] /mf Lava Lurker [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:40] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:40] /mf Great Malboro [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:40] /mf Sin Devourer [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:40] /mf Lava Lurker [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:40] /mf Lava Lurker [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:40] /mf Great Malboro [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:40] /mf Sin Devourer [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:40] /mf Lava Lurker [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:40] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1511, 1037, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:13:49] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1531, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:49] /mf Sin Devourer [1531, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:49] /mf Lava Lurker [1531, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:49] /mf Great Malboro [1531, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:49] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1531, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:49] /mf Great Malboro [1531, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:49] /mf Sin Devourer [1531, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:50] /mf Lava Lurker [1531, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:50] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1532, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:50] /mf Great Malboro [1532, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:50] /mf Lava Lurker [1532, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:50] /mf Sin Devourer [1532, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:50] /mf Great Malboro [1533, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:50] /mf Lava Lurker [1533, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:50] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1533, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:50] /mf Sin Devourer [1533, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:51] /mf Great Malboro [1534, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:51] /mf Lava Lurker [1534, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:51] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1534, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:51] /mf Sin Devourer [1534, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:51] /mf Lava Lurker [1535, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:51] /mf Great Malboro [1535, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:51] /mf Sin Devourer [1535, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:51] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1535, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:52] /mf Lava Lurker [1536, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:52] /mf Great Malboro [1536, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:52] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1536, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:52] /mf Sin Devourer [1536, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:52] /mf Lava Lurker [1537, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:52] /mf Great Malboro [1537, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:52] /mf Sin Devourer [1537, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:52] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1537, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:52] /mf Great Malboro [1538, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:52] /mf Lava Lurker [1538, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:52] /mf Sin Devourer [1538, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:52] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1538, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:53] /mf Great Malboro [1539, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:53] /mf Lava Lurker [1539, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:53] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1539, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:53] /mf Sin Devourer [1539, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:53] /mf Great Malboro [1540, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:53] /mf Lava Lurker [1540, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:53] /mf Sin Devourer [1540, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:53] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1540, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:53] /mf Lava Lurker [1541, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:53] /mf Great Malboro [1541, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:53] /mf Sin Devourer [1541, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:53] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1541, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:54] /mf Great Malboro [1542, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:54] /mf Lava Lurker [1542, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:54] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1542, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:54] /mf Sin Devourer [1542, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:54] /mf Lava Lurker [1543, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:54] /mf Great Malboro [1543, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:54] /mf Sin Devourer [1543, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:54] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1543, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:54] /mf Great Malboro [1544, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:54] /mf Lava Lurker [1544, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:54] /mf Sin Devourer [1544, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:55] /mf Great Malboro [1545, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:55] /mf Lava Lurker [1545, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:55] /mf Sin Devourer [1545, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:55] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1545, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:55] /mf Great Malboro [1545, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:55] /mf Lava Lurker [1545, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:55] /mf Sin Devourer [1545, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:55] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1545, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:55] /mf Great Malboro [1545, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:55] /mf Lava Lurker [1545, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:55] /mf Sin Devourer [1545, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:55] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1545, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:55] /mf Tunneler [1545, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:58] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1548, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:58] /mf Lava Lurker [1548, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:58] /mf Great Malboro [1548, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:58] /mf Tunneler [1548, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:58] /mf Sin Devourer [1548, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:58] /mf Great Malboro [1548, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:58] /mf Lava Lurker [1548, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:58] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1548, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:58] /mf Sin Devourer [1548, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:58] /mf Tunneler [1548, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:58] /mf Great Malboro [1548, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:58] /mf Lava Lurker [1548, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:59] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1548, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:59] /mf Sin Devourer [1548, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:59] /mf Tunneler [1548, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:59] /mf Great Malboro [1548, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:59] /mf Lava Lurker [1548, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:59] /mf Sin Devourer [1548, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:59] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1548, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:13:59] /mf Tunneler [1548, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:06] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1572, 1031, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:07] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1573, 1031, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:10] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:10] /mf Sin Devourer [1572, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:10] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:10] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:10] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:10] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:10] /mf Sin Devourer [1572, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:10] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1032, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:16] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:16] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:16] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:16] /mf Sin Devourer [1572, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:16] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:16] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:16] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:16] /mf Sin Devourer [1572, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:16] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:16] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:16] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:16] /mf Sin Devourer [1572, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:16] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:16] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:17] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:17] /mf Sin Devourer [1572, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:17] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:17] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:17] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:17] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:17] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:17] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:17] /mf Sin Devourer [1572, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:21] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:21] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:21] /mf Sin Devourer [1572, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:21] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:21] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:21] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:21] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:21] /mf Sin Devourer [1572, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:21] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:21] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:21] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:21] /mf Sin Devourer [1572, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:21] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:21] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:21] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:21] /mf Sin Devourer [1572, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:21] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:22] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:22] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:22] /mf Sin Devourer [1572, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:22] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:22] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:22] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:22] /mf Sin Devourer [1572, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:22] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:22] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:22] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:22] /mf Sin Devourer [1572, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:22] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1037, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:22] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1037, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:22] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1037, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:22] /mf Sin Devourer [1572, 1037, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:22] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1037, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:22] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1038, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:22] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1038, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:22] /mf Sin Devourer [1572, 1038, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:23] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1038, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:23] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1038, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:23] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1038, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:23] /mf Sin Devourer [1572, 1038, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:23] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1039, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:23] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1039, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:23] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1039, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:23] /mf Sin Devourer [1572, 1039, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:23] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1040, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:23] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1040, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:23] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1040, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:23] /mf Sin Devourer [1572, 1040, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:23] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1040, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:23] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1041, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:23] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1041, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:23] /mf Sin Devourer [1572, 1041, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:23] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1041, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:23] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1041, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:23] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1041, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:23] /mf Sin Devourer [1572, 1041, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:24] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1042, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:24] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1042, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:24] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1042, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:24] /mf Sin Devourer [1572, 1042, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:24] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1042, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:24] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1043, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:24] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1043, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:24] /mf Sin Devourer [1572, 1043, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:24] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1043, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:24] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1043, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:24] /mf Sin Devourer [1572, 1043, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:24] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1043, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:24] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1044, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:24] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1044, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:24] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1044, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:25] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1044, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:25] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1044, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:25] /mf Sin Devourer [1572, 1044, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:25] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1044, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:25] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1044, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:25] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1044, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:25] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1044, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:25] /mf Sin Devourer [1572, 1044, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:25] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1044, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:25] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1044, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:25] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1044, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:25] /mf Sin Devourer [1572, 1044, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:25] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1044, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:26] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:26] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:26] /mf Sin Devourer [1572, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:26] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:26] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:26] /mf Sin Devourer [1572, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:26] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:26] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:28] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:28] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:28] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:28] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:28] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:28] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:28] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:28] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:28] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:28] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:28] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:28] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:28] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:29] /mf Lava Lurker [1570, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:29] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:29] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:29] /mf Lava Lurker [1570, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:29] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:29] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:29] /mf Sin Devourer [1569, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:29] /mf Great Malboro [1569, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:29] /mf Lava Lurker [1569, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:29] /mf Tunneler [1569, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:29] /mf Great Malboro [1569, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:29] /mf Lava Lurker [1569, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:29] /mf Sin Devourer [1569, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:30] /mf Tunneler [1569, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:30] /mf Great Malboro [1568, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:30] /mf Sin Devourer [1568, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:30] /mf Lava Lurker [1568, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:30] /mf Tunneler [1568, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:30] /mf Sin Devourer [1568, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:30] /mf Great Malboro [1568, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:30] /mf Lava Lurker [1568, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:30] /mf Tunneler [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:30] /mf Great Malboro [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:30] /mf Lava Lurker [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:30] /mf Sin Devourer [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:30] /mf Tunneler [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:31] /mf Great Malboro [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:31] /mf Lava Lurker [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:31] /mf Sin Devourer [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:31] /mf Tunneler [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:31] /mf Great Malboro [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:31] /mf Sin Devourer [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:31] /mf Lava Lurker [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:31] /mf Tunneler [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:31] /mf Great Malboro [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:31] /mf Sin Devourer [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:31] /mf Lava Lurker [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:31] /mf Tunneler [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:31] /mf Great Malboro [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:31] /mf Lava Lurker [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:31] /mf Sin Devourer [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:31] /mf Tunneler [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:32] /mf Sin Devourer [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:32] /mf Great Malboro [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:32] /mf Lava Lurker [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:32] /mf Tunneler [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:32] /mf Great Malboro [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:32] /mf Lava Lurker [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:32] /mf Sin Devourer [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:32] /mf Tunneler [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:32] /mf Great Malboro [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:32] /mf Lava Lurker [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:32] /mf Sin Devourer [1567, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:14:35] /goto zera [1505, 1046, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:15:02] EM Maazik has removed The Time Bomb - Position: [1512, 1038, 5]
[03/09/2024 15:15:18] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:18] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:18] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:18] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:18] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:18] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:18] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:18] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:18] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:18] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:18] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:18] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:18] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:19] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:19] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:19] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:19] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:19] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:19] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:19] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:19] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:19] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:19] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:19] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:19] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:19] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:19] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:19] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:19] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:19] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:19] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:19] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:20] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:20] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:20] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:20] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:20] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:20] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:20] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:20] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:20] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:20] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:20] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:20] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:20] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:20] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:20] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:20] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:20] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:21] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:21] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:21] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:21] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:21] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:21] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:21] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:21] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:21] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:21] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:21] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:21] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:21] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:21] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:21] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:21] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:21] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:21] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:21] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:21] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:21] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:21] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:21] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:22] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:22] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:22] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:22] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:22] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:22] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:22] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:22] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:22] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:22] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:22] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:22] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:22] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:22] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:22] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:22] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:22] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:22] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:23] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:23] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:23] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:23] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:23] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:23] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:23] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:23] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:23] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:23] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:23] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:23] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:23] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:23] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:23] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:24] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:24] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:24] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:24] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:24] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:24] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:24] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:24] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:24] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:24] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:24] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:24] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:24] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:24] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:24] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:24] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:24] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:24] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:24] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:25] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:25] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:25] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:25] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:25] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:25] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:25] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:25] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:25] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:25] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:25] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:25] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:25] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:26] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:26] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:26] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:26] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:26] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:26] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:26] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:26] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:26] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:26] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:26] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:26] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:26] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:26] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:26] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:26] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:26] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:26] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:26] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:27] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:27] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:27] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:27] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:27] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:27] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:27] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:27] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:27] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:27] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:27] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:28] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:28] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:28] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:28] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:28] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:28] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:28] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:28] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:28] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:28] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:28] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:28] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:28] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:29] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:29] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:29] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:29] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:29] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:29] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:29] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:29] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:29] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:29] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:29] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:29] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:29] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:29] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:29] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:29] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:30] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:30] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:30] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:30] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:30] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:30] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:30] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:30] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:30] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:30] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:30] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:30] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:30] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:30] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:30] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:30] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:30] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:30] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:30] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:31] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:31] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:31] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:31] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:31] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:31] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:31] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:31] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:31] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:31] /mf Great Malboro [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:31] /mf Lava Lurker [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:31] /mf Sin Devourer [1571, 1014, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:33] /mf Tunneler [1574, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:33] /mf Sin Devourer [1574, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:33] /mf Great Malboro [1574, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:33] /mf Lava Lurker [1574, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:33] /mf Tunneler [1574, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:33] /mf Lava Lurker [1574, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:33] /mf Great Malboro [1574, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:33] /mf Sin Devourer [1574, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:34] /mf Tunneler [1574, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:34] /mf Great Malboro [1574, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:34] /mf Lava Lurker [1574, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:34] /mf Sin Devourer [1574, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:34] /mf Tunneler [1574, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:34] /mf Lava Lurker [1574, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:34] /mf Great Malboro [1574, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:34] /mf Sin Devourer [1574, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:34] /mf Tunneler [1573, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:34] /mf Great Malboro [1573, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:34] /mf Lava Lurker [1573, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:34] /mf Sin Devourer [1573, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:34] /mf Tunneler [1572, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:34] /mf Lava Lurker [1572, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:34] /mf Great Malboro [1572, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:34] /mf Sin Devourer [1572, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:34] /mf Tunneler [1571, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:35] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:35] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:35] /mf Lava Lurker [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:35] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:35] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:35] /mf Lava Lurker [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:35] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:35] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:35] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:35] /mf Lava Lurker [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:36] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:36] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:36] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:36] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:36] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:36] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:36] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:36] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:37] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:37] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:37] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:37] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:37] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:37] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:37] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:37] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:37] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:37] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:37] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:37] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:37] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:37] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:37] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:37] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:37] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:38] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:38] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:38] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:38] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:38] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:38] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:38] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:38] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:38] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:38] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:38] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:38] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:38] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:38] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:38] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:38] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:39] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:39] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:39] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:39] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:39] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:39] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:39] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:39] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:39] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:39] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:39] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:39] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:39] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:39] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:39] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:39] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:39] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:40] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:40] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:40] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:40] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:40] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:40] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:40] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:40] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:40] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:40] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:40] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:40] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:40] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:40] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:40] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:40] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:40] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:40] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:41] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:41] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:41] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:41] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:41] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:41] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:41] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:41] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:41] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:41] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:41] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:41] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:42] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:42] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:42] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:42] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:42] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:42] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:42] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:42] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:42] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:42] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:42] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:42] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:42] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:42] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:42] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:42] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:42] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:42] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:43] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:43] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:43] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:43] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:43] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:43] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:43] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:43] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:43] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:43] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:43] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:43] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:43] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:43] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:43] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:43] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:43] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:43] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:43] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:43] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:43] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:44] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:44] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:44] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:44] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:44] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:44] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:44] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:44] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:44] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:44] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:44] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:45] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:45] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:45] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:45] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:45] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:45] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:45] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:45] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:45] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:45] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:45] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:45] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:45] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:45] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:45] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:45] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:45] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:46] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:46] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:46] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:46] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:46] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:46] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:46] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:46] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:46] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:46] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:46] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:46] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:46] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:46] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:46] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:46] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:46] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:47] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:47] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:47] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:47] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:47] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:47] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:47] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:47] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:47] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:47] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:47] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:47] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:47] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:47] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:48] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:48] /mf Lava Lurker [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:48] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:48] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:48] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:48] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:48] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:48] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:48] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:48] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:48] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:48] /mf Lava Lurker [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:48] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:48] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:48] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:48] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:48] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:48] /mf Tunneler [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:48] /mf Lava Lurker [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:48] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:49] /mf Lava Lurker [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:49] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:49] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:49] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:49] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:49] /mf Lava Lurker [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:49] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:49] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:49] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:49] /mf Lava Lurker [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:49] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:49] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:49] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:49] /mf Lava Lurker [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:50] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:50] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:50] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:50] /mf Lava Lurker [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:50] /mf Great Malboro [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:15:50] /mf Sin Devourer [1570, 1034, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:16] /mf Orshabaal [1507, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:17] /mf Orshabaal [1507, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:17] /mf Orshabaal [1507, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:17] /mf Orshabaal [1507, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:17] /mf Orshabaal [1507, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:17] /mf Malice Demon [1507, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:17] /mf Orshabaal [1507, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:17] /mf Malice Demon [1507, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:18] /mf Orshabaal [1507, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:18] /mf Malice Demon [1507, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:18] /mf Orshabaal [1507, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:18] /mf Malice Demon [1507, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:18] /mf Orshabaal [1508, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:18] /mf Malice Demon [1508, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:18] /mf Orshabaal [1509, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:18] /mf Malice Demon [1509, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:18] /mf Orshabaal [1509, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:18] /mf Malice Demon [1510, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:19] /mf Orshabaal [1510, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:19] /mf Malice Demon [1511, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:19] /mf Orshabaal [1511, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:19] /mf Malice Demon [1512, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:19] /mf Orshabaal [1513, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:19] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:19] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:20] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:20] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:20] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:20] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:20] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:20] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:20] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:20] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:20] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:20] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:21] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:21] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:21] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:21] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:21] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:21] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:21] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:21] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:22] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:22] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:22] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:22] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:22] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:22] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:22] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:22] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:23] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:23] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:23] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:23] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:23] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:23] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:23] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:23] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:23] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:23] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:23] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:23] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:23] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:24] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:24] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:24] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:24] /mf Tunneler [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:24] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:24] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:24] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:24] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:24] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:24] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:24] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:24] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:24] /mf Tunneler [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:24] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:24] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:24] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:24] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:24] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:24] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:24] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:24] /mf Tunneler [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:24] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:25] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:25] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:25] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:25] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:25] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:25] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:25] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:25] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:25] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:25] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:25] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:25] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:25] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:25] /mf Tunneler [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:25] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:25] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:25] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:25] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:25] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:25] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:25] /mf Tunneler [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:25] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:25] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:25] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Tunneler [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Tunneler [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Tunneler [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Tunneler [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:26] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:27] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:27] /mf Tunneler [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:27] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:27] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:27] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:27] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:27] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:27] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:27] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:27] /mf Tunneler [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:27] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:27] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:27] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:27] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:27] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:27] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:27] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:27] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:27] /mf Tunneler [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:27] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:27] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:28] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:28] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:28] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:28] /mf Tunneler [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:28] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:28] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:28] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:28] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:28] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:28] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:28] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:28] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:28] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:28] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:28] /mf Tunneler [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:28] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:28] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:28] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:28] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:28] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:29] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:29] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:29] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:29] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:29] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:29] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:29] /mf Tunneler [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:29] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:29] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:29] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:29] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:29] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:29] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:29] /mf Tunneler [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:29] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:29] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:29] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:29] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:29] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:29] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:29] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:30] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:30] /mf Tunneler [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:30] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:30] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:30] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:30] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:30] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:30] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:30] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:30] /mf Tunneler [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:30] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:30] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:30] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:30] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:30] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:30] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:30] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:31] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:31] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:31] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:31] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:31] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:31] /mf Tunneler [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:31] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:31] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:31] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:31] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:31] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:31] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:31] /mf Tunneler [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:32] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:32] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:32] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:32] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:32] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:32] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:32] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:32] /mf Tunneler [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:32] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:32] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:32] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:32] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:32] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:32] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:32] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:32] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:33] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:33] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:33] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:33] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:33] /mf Tunneler [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:33] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:33] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:33] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:33] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:33] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:33] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:33] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:33] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:33] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:33] /mf Tunneler [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:33] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:33] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:33] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:33] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:34] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:34] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:34] /mf Tunneler [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:34] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:34] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:34] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:34] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:34] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:34] /mf Tunneler [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:34] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:34] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:34] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:34] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:34] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:34] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:35] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:35] /mf Tunneler [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:35] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:35] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:35] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:35] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:35] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:35] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:35] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:35] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:35] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:35] /mf Tunneler [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:35] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:35] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:36] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:36] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:36] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:36] /mf Tunneler [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:36] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:36] /mf Great Malboro [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:36] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:36] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:36] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:36] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:36] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:36] /mf Sin Devourer [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:36] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:36] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:37] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:37] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:37] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:37] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:37] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:37] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:37] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:37] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:37] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:38] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:38] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:38] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:38] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:38] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:38] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:38] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:38] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:38] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:38] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:38] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:38] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:39] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:39] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:39] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:39] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:39] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:39] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:39] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:40] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:40] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:40] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:40] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:41] /mf Malice Demon [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:41] /mf Orshabaal [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:41] /mf Retching Horror [1514, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:42] /mf Malice Demon [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:42] /mf Orshabaal [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:43] /mf Retching Horror [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:43] /mf Orshabaal [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:43] /mf Malice Demon [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:43] /mf Retching Horror [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:43] /mf Orshabaal [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:43] /mf Malice Demon [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:43] /mf Retching Horror [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:43] /mf Orshabaal [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:43] /mf Malice Demon [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:43] /mf Retching Horror [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:43] /mf Orshabaal [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:43] /mf Malice Demon [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:43] /mf Retching Horror [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:43] /mf Orshabaal [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:43] /mf Malice Demon [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:43] /mf Retching Horror [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:43] /mf Orshabaal [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:43] /mf Malice Demon [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:44] /mf Retching Horror [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:44] /mf Orshabaal [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:44] /mf Malice Demon [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:44] /mf Retching Horror [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:44] /mf Malice Demon [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:44] /mf Orshabaal [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:44] /mf Retching Horror [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:44] /mf Malice Demon [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:44] /mf Orshabaal [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:44] /mf Retching Horror [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:44] /mf Tunneler [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:44] /mf Orshabaal [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:44] /mf Malice Demon [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:44] /mf Great Malboro [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:44] /mf Lava Lurker [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:44] /mf Retching Horror [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:44] /mf Malice Demon [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:44] /mf Orshabaal [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:44] /mf Tunneler [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:45] /mf Lava Lurker [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:45] /mf Retching Horror [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:45] /mf Great Malboro [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:45] /mf Malice Demon [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:45] /mf Orshabaal [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:45] /mf Tunneler [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:45] /mf Lava Lurker [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:45] /mf Retching Horror [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:45] /mf Malice Demon [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:45] /mf Orshabaal [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:45] /mf Retching Horror [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:45] /mf Sin Devourer [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:45] /mf Great Malboro [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:45] /mf Malice Demon [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:45] /mf Orshabaal [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:45] /mf Retching Horror [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:45] /mf Great Malboro [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:45] /mf Sin Devourer [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:46] /mf Orshabaal [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:46] /mf Malice Demon [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:46] /mf Retching Horror [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:46] /mf Tunneler [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:46] /mf Orshabaal [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:46] /mf Malice Demon [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:46] /mf Lava Lurker [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:46] /mf Retching Horror [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:46] /mf Sin Devourer [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:46] /mf Orshabaal [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:46] /mf Malice Demon [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:46] /mf Retching Horror [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:46] /mf Tunneler [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:46] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:46] /mf Malice Demon [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:46] /mf Orshabaal [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:46] /mf Retching Horror [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:46] /mf Sin Devourer [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:46] /mf Malice Demon [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:46] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:47] /mf Orshabaal [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:47] /mf Tunneler [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:47] /mf Retching Horror [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:47] /mf Orshabaal [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:47] /mf Malice Demon [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:47] /mf Sin Devourer [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:47] /mf Great Malboro [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:47] /mf Lava Lurker [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:47] /mf Retching Horror [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:47] /mf Malice Demon [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:47] /mf Sin Devourer [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:47] /mf Orshabaal [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:47] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:47] /mf Great Malboro [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:47] /mf Tunneler [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:47] /mf Retching Horror [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:47] /mf Tunneler [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:47] /mf Malice Demon [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:47] /mf Orshabaal [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:47] /mf Sin Devourer [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:47] /mf Great Malboro [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:47] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:47] /mf Retching Horror [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:47] /mf Malice Demon [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:47] /mf Orshabaal [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:48] /mf Great Malboro [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:48] /mf Sin Devourer [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:48] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:48] /mf Retching Horror [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:48] /mf Orshabaal [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:48] /mf Malice Demon [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:48] /mf Great Malboro [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:48] /mf Retching Horror [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:48] /mf Sin Devourer [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:48] /mf Messenger From Beyond [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:48] /mf Orshabaal [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:48] /mf Malice Demon [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:48] /mf Retching Horror [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:48] /mf Malice Demon [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:48] /mf Orshabaal [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:48] /mf Retching Horror [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:48] /mf Orshabaal [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:48] /mf Malice Demon [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:49] /mf Retching Horror [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:49] /mf Orshabaal [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:49] /mf Orshabaal [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:57] /mf ghazbaran [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:16:59] /mf morgaroth [1505, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:17:32] /mf behemoth pillar [1518, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:17:32] /mf behemoth pillar [1518, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:18:44] /mf Great Malboro [1508, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:18:44] /mf Lava Lurker [1508, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:18:45] /mf Tunneler [1508, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:18:45] /mf Great Malboro [1508, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:18:45] /mf Lava Lurker [1508, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:18:45] /mf Tunneler [1508, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:18:45] /mf Great Malboro [1508, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:18:45] /mf Lava Lurker [1508, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:18:45] /mf Tunneler [1508, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:18:45] /mf Great Malboro [1508, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:18:45] /mf Lava Lurker [1508, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:18:45] /mf Tunneler [1508, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:18:45] /mf Lava Lurker [1508, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:18:45] /mf Great Malboro [1508, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:18:45] /mf Tunneler [1508, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:18:46] /mf Great Malboro [1508, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:18:46] /mf Lava Lurker [1508, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:18:46] /mf Tunneler [1508, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:18:46] /mf Great Malboro [1508, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:19:21] /mf senor cookson event [1544, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:19:27] /mf senor cookson event [1540, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:19:36] EM Maazik has removed Behemoth Pillar - Position: [1518, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:19:37] EM Maazik has removed Behemoth Pillar - Position: [1518, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:21:48] /mf hellish flamethrower [1505, 1016, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:21:49] /mf hellish flamethrower [1504, 1016, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:22:16] EM Maazik has removed malice elemental - Position: [1508, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:22:16] EM Maazik has removed Demon - Position: [1507, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:22:17] EM Maazik has removed Malice Demon - Position: [1506, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:22:17] EM Maazik has removed Demon - Position: [1505, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:22:18] EM Maazik has removed Demon - Position: [1505, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:22:19] EM Maazik has removed Demon - Position: [1505, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:22:19] EM Maazik has removed malice elemental - Position: [1505, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:22:24] /mf jaul [1513, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:22:26] /mf obujos [1513, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:22:29] /mf tanjis [1512, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:28] EM Maazik has removed Malice Demon - Position: [1505, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:28] EM Maazik has removed 31956 () from the ground - Position: [1505, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:29] EM Maazik has removed 10206 (limestone wall) from the ground - Position: [1506, 1049, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:30] EM Maazik has removed Malice Demon - Position: [1504, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:31] EM Maazik has removed Malice Demon - Position: [1503, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:32] EM Maazik has removed Malice Demon - Position: [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:32] EM Maazik has removed Malice Demon - Position: [1503, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:32] EM Maazik has removed 31959 () from the ground - Position: [1503, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:33] EM Maazik has removed Spectral Dragon - Position: [1503, 1044, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:33] EM Maazik has removed bruiser - Position: [1503, 1043, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:34] EM Maazik has removed malice elemental - Position: [1507, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:35] EM Maazik has removed malice elemental - Position: [1508, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:35] EM Maazik has removed Malice Demon - Position: [1509, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:35] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1510, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:35] EM Maazik has removed Demon - Position: [1511, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:36] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1512, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:36] EM Maazik has removed Jaul - Position: [1513, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:36] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1514, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:37] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1515, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:37] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1516, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:38] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1515, 1043, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:38] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1515, 1042, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:38] EM Maazik has removed Malice Demon - Position: [1515, 1041, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:39] EM Maazik has removed malice elemental - Position: [1515, 1039, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:39] EM Maazik has removed Malice Demon - Position: [1515, 1038, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:39] EM Maazik has removed Malice Demon - Position: [1515, 1037, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:40] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1515, 1036, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:58] EM Maazik has removed great malboro - Position: [1508, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:58] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1507, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:59] EM Maazik has removed Demon - Position: [1506, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:59] EM Maazik has removed Demon - Position: [1506, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:59] EM Maazik has removed Morgaroth - Position: [1505, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:23:59] EM Maazik has removed Ghazbaran - Position: [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:00] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:01] EM Maazik has removed Malice Demon - Position: [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:02] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:02] EM Maazik has removed Malice Demon - Position: [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:02] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:02] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:02] EM Maazik has removed Retching Horror - Position: [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:03] EM Maazik has removed Malice Demon - Position: [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:03] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:03] EM Maazik has removed Retching Horror - Position: [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:03] EM Maazik has removed Malice Demon - Position: [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:03] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:04] EM Maazik has removed Retching Horror - Position: [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:04] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:04] EM Maazik has removed Malice Demon - Position: [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:04] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:04] EM Maazik has removed Retching Horror - Position: [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:04] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:04] EM Maazik has removed Retching Horror - Position: [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:04] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:04] EM Maazik has removed 31959 () from the ground - Position: [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:04] EM Maazik has removed Retching Horror - Position: [1503, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:06] EM Maazik has removed Retching Horror - Position: [1503, 1044, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:06] EM Maazik has removed diseased wraith - Position: [1503, 1043, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:07] EM Maazik has removed Demon - Position: [1505, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:07] EM Maazik has removed Demon - Position: [1506, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:07] EM Maazik has removed Demon - Position: [1506, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:07] EM Maazik has removed Demon - Position: [1507, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:08] EM Maazik has removed malice elemental - Position: [1508, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:08] EM Maazik has removed bruiser - Position: [1509, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:09] EM Maazik has removed Demon - Position: [1511, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:09] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1512, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:09] EM Maazik has removed Obujos - Position: [1513, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:10] EM Maazik has removed Malice Demon - Position: [1514, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:10] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1515, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:10] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1516, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:11] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1515, 1042, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:11] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1515, 1042, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:12] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1515, 1039, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:12] EM Maazik has removed diseased wraith - Position: [1515, 1038, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:12] EM Maazik has removed bruiser - Position: [1515, 1038, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:13] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1515, 1042, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:13] EM Maazik has removed Malice Demon - Position: [1515, 1043, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:14] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1515, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:15] EM Maazik has removed Demon - Position: [1515, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:15] EM Maazik has removed Demon - Position: [1515, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:16] EM Maazik has removed Demon - Position: [1515, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:28] EM Maazik has removed tunneler - Position: [1508, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:28] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1507, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:28] EM Maazik has removed Demon - Position: [1506, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:28] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1505, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:29] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:29] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:24:30] EM Maazik has removed Retching Horror - Position: [1504, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:07] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:07] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:07] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:07] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:07] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:07] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:07] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:08] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:08] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:08] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:08] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:08] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:08] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:08] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:08] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:08] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:08] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:08] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:08] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:08] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:08] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:08] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:08] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:09] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:09] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:09] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:09] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:09] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:09] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:09] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:09] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:09] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:09] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:09] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:09] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:09] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:09] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:09] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:09] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:10] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:10] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:10] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:10] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:10] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:10] /mf suicide bomber [1527, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:10] EM Maazik has removed 2019 (pool) from the ground - Position: [1528, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:10] /mf suicide bomber [1526, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:11] /mf suicide bomber [1525, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:11] /mf suicide bomber [1524, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:11] /mf suicide bomber [1523, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:12] /mf suicide bomber [1522, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:12] /mf suicide bomber [1521, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:12] /mf suicide bomber [1520, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:13] /mf suicide bomber [1519, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:13] /mf suicide bomber [1518, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:58] /i coal basin (1481) [1519, 1043, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:58] /i coal basin (1481) [1520, 1043, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:59] /i coal basin (1481) [1521, 1043, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:27:59] /i coal basin (1481) [1522, 1043, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:28:00] /i coal basin (1481) [1523, 1044, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:28:01] /i coal basin (1481) [1523, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:28:02] /mf death [1519, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:28:24] EM Maazik has removed Death - Position: [1519, 1044, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:28:30] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1523, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:28:32] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1523, 1044, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:28:35] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1522, 1043, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:28:37] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1521, 1043, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:28:38] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1520, 1043, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:28:39] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1519, 1043, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:29:11] /goto aretix [1523, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:29:30] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1505, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:29:30] EM Maazik has removed messenger from beyond - Position: [1504, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:29:31] EM Maazik has removed Malice Demon - Position: [1503, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:29:31] EM Maazik has removed malice elemental - Position: [1506, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:29:32] EM Maazik has removed malice elemental - Position: [1507, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:29:32] EM Maazik has removed great malboro - Position: [1508, 1045, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:29:32] EM Maazik has removed malice elemental - Position: [1507, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:29:33] EM Maazik has removed Lava Lurker - Position: [1509, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:29:34] EM Maazik has removed Demon - Position: [1509, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:29:34] EM Maazik has removed Lava Lurker - Position: [1509, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:29:43] EM Maazik has removed Sdfsdfsdf - Position: [1572, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:29:43] EM Maazik has removed Kladjfka - Position: [1573, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:30:34] EM Maazik has removed Retching Horror - Position: [1507, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:30:34] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1506, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:30:35] EM Maazik has removed Malice Demon - Position: [1505, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:30:35] EM Maazik has removed Lava Lurker - Position: [1505, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:30:36] EM Maazik has removed tunneler - Position: [1505, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:30:37] EM Maazik has removed sin devourer - Position: [1505, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:30:37] EM Maazik has removed tunneler - Position: [1505, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:30:38] EM Maazik has removed Retching Horror - Position: [1505, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:30:38] EM Maazik has removed Retching Horror - Position: [1505, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:30:38] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1505, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:30:39] EM Maazik has removed Lava Lurker - Position: [1505, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:30:39] EM Maazik has removed Retching Horror - Position: [1505, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:30:39] EM Maazik has removed Malice Demon - Position: [1505, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:30:39] EM Maazik has removed 31960 () from the ground - Position: [1505, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:30:39] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1505, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:30:40] EM Maazik has removed messenger from beyond - Position: [1505, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:30:40] EM Maazik has removed Orshabaal - Position: [1505, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:30:40] EM Maazik has removed Lava Lurker - Position: [1505, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:30:40] EM Maazik has removed Retching Horror - Position: [1505, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:30:41] EM Maazik has removed tunneler - Position: [1505, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:30:41] EM Maazik has removed Lava Lurker - Position: [1505, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:30:41] EM Maazik has removed sin devourer - Position: [1505, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:30:42] EM Maazik has removed malice elemental - Position: [1508, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:30:42] EM Maazik has removed Demon - Position: [1510, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:30:43] EM Maazik has removed Demon - Position: [1511, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:30:43] EM Maazik has removed Demon - Position: [1512, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:30:55] EM Maazik has removed Baal - Position: [1574, 1033, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:32:01] EM Maazik pushed Kladjfka [1573, 1047, 4] -> [1574, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:32:01] /i coal basin (1481) [1573, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:32:02] /i coal basin (1481) [1573, 1047, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:32:03] /i coal basin (1481) [1573, 1046, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:32:15] EM Maazik has removed hellish flamethrower - Position: [1505, 1016, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:32:16] EM Maazik has removed hellish flamethrower - Position: [1504, 1016, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:32:29] EM Maazik has removed 10177 (limestone wall) from the ground - Position: [1513, 1039, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:32:30] EM Maazik has removed 10177 (limestone wall) from the ground - Position: [1513, 1038, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:32:31] EM Maazik has removed 10177 (limestone wall) from the ground - Position: [1513, 1040, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:32:31] EM Maazik has removed 10177 (limestone wall) from the ground - Position: [1513, 1041, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:32:32] EM Maazik has removed 10177 (limestone wall) from the ground - Position: [1513, 1037, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:33:44] EM Maazik has removed 10374 (stone wall) from the ground - Position: [1570, 1051, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:33:48] /ghost
[03/09/2024 15:34:20] /brc Final Stage begins in 2 minutes
[03/09/2024 15:35:12] /mf rotworm [1507, 1017, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:35:15] /mf rotworm [1505, 1022, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:35:36] /i coal basin (1481) [1558, 1051, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:35:38] /i coal basin (1481) [1562, 1051, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:35:40] /i coal basin (1481) [1563, 1051, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:35:41] /i coal basin (1481) [1561, 1051, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:35:44] EM Maazik has removed 31973 () from the ground - Position: [1571, 1051, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:35:51] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1504, 1016, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:35:51] EM Maazik has removed 22577 () from the ground - Position: [1505, 1016, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:35:53] /ghost
[03/09/2024 15:36:00] /mf apocalypse [1544, 1024, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:36:33] /mf namtar [1550, 1028, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:36:38] /mf amirada [1550, 1028, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:36:50] /ghost
[03/09/2024 15:37:31] /ghost
[03/09/2024 15:37:39] /mf monk [1549, 1024, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:38:42] EM Maazik has removed monk - Position: [1549, 1026, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:38:53] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [1551, 1023, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:39:33] /brc You have 20 seconds to pick your rewards.
[03/09/2024 15:39:36] /brc Death awaits.
[03/09/2024 15:39:58] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:39:58] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:39:59] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:39:59] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:39:59] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:39:59] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:39:59] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:39:59] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:00] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:00] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:00] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:00] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:00] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:00] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:00] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:00] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:00] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:00] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:00] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:00] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:00] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:00] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:00] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:00] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:01] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:01] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:01] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:01] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:01] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:01] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:01] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:01] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:01] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:01] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:01] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:01] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:01] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:01] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:01] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:01] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:02] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:02] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:02] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:02] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:02] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:02] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:02] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:02] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:02] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:02] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:02] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:02] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:02] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:02] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:02] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:02] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:03] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:03] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:03] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:03] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:03] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:03] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:03] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:03] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:03] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:03] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:03] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:03] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:03] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:03] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:03] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:03] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:04] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:04] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:04] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:04] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:04] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:04] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:04] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:04] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:04] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:04] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:04] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:04] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:04] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:04] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:04] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:04] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:05] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:05] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:05] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:05] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:05] /mf Apocalypse [1553, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:13] /i coal basin (1481) [1538, 1017, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:13] /i coal basin (1481) [1538, 1018, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:14] /i coal basin (1481) [1538, 1019, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:14] /i coal basin (1481) [1537, 1020, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:16] /i coal basin (1481) [1537, 1022, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:17] /i coal basin (1481) [1538, 1022, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:17] /i coal basin (1481) [1538, 1021, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:19] /mf death [1537, 1021, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:27] EM Maazik has removed 1387 (magic forcefield) from the ground - Position: [200, 398, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:40:30] /goto apocalypse [1563, 1029, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:40:36] /mf death [1546, 1027, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:41:04] /brc Danib is last man standing and gets a extra reward
[03/09/2024 15:41:07] /goto danib [198, 400, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:41:53] /goto apocalypse [1562, 1025, 1]
[03/09/2024 15:42:24] /goto beegot [199, 401, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:42:29] /portal finishline tower - Position: [190, 409, 7] - Speical ID: 0
[03/09/2024 15:42:33] /mf death [1564, 1052, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:43:05] /mf death [1520, 1013, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:43:10] /mf death [1572, 1048, 4]
[03/09/2024 15:44:54] /goto endorfina [203, 403, 7]
[03/09/2024 15:45:21] /ghost
[03/09/2024 15:45:46] /ghost
[03/10/2024 06:56:27] /goto zera [510, 1861, 8]
[03/10/2024 06:58:01] /c zera [510, 1861, 8] -> [509, 1863, 9]
[03/10/2024 06:58:46] EM Maazik has removed 38017 (cursed casket) from the ground - Position: [202, 398, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:58:46] EM Maazik has removed 2795 (fire mushroom) from the ground - Position: [199, 397, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:58:47] EM Maazik has removed 11421 (ice pick) from the ground - Position: [199, 398, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:58:48] EM Maazik has removed 2795 (fire mushroom) from the ground - Position: [201, 400, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:58:48] EM Maazik has removed 2795 (fire mushroom) from the ground - Position: [201, 402, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:58:49] EM Maazik has removed 21518 (reward container) from the ground - Position: [199, 402, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:58:55] EM Maazik has removed 7590 (great mana potion) from the ground - Position: [186, 402, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:58:55] EM Maazik has removed 21518 (reward container) from the ground - Position: [188, 401, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:58:56] EM Maazik has removed 21518 (reward container) from the ground - Position: [190, 402, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:58:57] EM Maazik has removed 21518 (reward container) from the ground - Position: [190, 403, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:58:59] EM Maazik has removed 2193 (ankh) from the ground - Position: [197, 403, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:58:59] EM Maazik has removed 38017 (cursed casket) from the ground - Position: [199, 403, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:01] EM Maazik has removed 21518 (reward container) from the ground - Position: [198, 398, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:05] EM Maazik has removed 18496 (Abyssador's lash) from the ground - Position: [200, 407, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:06] EM Maazik has removed 18496 (Abyssador's lash) from the ground - Position: [199, 407, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:07] EM Maazik has removed 5895 (fish fin) from the ground - Position: [195, 410, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:08] EM Maazik has removed 7590 (great mana potion) from the ground - Position: [197, 411, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:09] EM Maazik has removed 2147 (small ruby) from the ground - Position: [202, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:09] EM Maazik has removed 9820 (heavily rusted helmet) from the ground - Position: [202, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:10] EM Maazik has removed 18407 (prismatic necklace) from the ground - Position: [202, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:10] EM Maazik has removed 3967 (tribal mask) from the ground - Position: [203, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:11] EM Maazik has removed 38017 (cursed casket) from the ground - Position: [203, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:11] EM Maazik has removed 13828 (blacksmith's chisel) from the ground - Position: [203, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:11] EM Maazik has removed 21518 (reward container) from the ground - Position: [203, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:11] EM Maazik has removed 21518 (reward container) from the ground - Position: [203, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:11] EM Maazik has removed 34126 (golden skull) from the ground - Position: [203, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:11] EM Maazik has removed 38017 (cursed casket) from the ground - Position: [203, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:11] EM Maazik has removed 8918 (spellbook of dark mysteries) from the ground - Position: [203, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:11] EM Maazik has removed 18496 (Abyssador's lash) from the ground - Position: [203, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:11] EM Maazik has removed 9811 (heavily rusted legs) from the ground - Position: [203, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:11] EM Maazik has removed 21518 (reward container) from the ground - Position: [203, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:11] EM Maazik has removed 2190 (wand of vortex) from the ground - Position: [203, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:11] EM Maazik has removed 2396 (ice rapier) from the ground - Position: [203, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:11] EM Maazik has removed 2155 (green gem) from the ground - Position: [203, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:11] EM Maazik has removed 31730 (great rod) from the ground - Position: [203, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:11] EM Maazik has removed 18402 (gill necklace) from the ground - Position: [203, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:12] EM Maazik has removed 26189 (bangle of yielding) from the ground - Position: [204, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:13] EM Maazik has removed 21518 (reward container) from the ground - Position: [204, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:13] EM Maazik has removed 38017 (cursed casket) from the ground - Position: [204, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:13] EM Maazik has removed 1987 (bag) from the ground - Position: [204, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:13] EM Maazik has removed 21518 (reward container) from the ground - Position: [204, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:13] EM Maazik has removed 38017 (cursed casket) from the ground - Position: [204, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:13] EM Maazik has removed 18408 (ring of fortune) from the ground - Position: [204, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:13] EM Maazik has removed 38017 (cursed casket) from the ground - Position: [204, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:13] EM Maazik has removed 2197 (stone skin amulet) from the ground - Position: [204, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:13] EM Maazik has removed 2197 (stone skin amulet) from the ground - Position: [204, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:13] EM Maazik has removed 1987 (bag) from the ground - Position: [204, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:13] EM Maazik has removed 18402 (gill necklace) from the ground - Position: [204, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:13] EM Maazik has removed 4580 (mossy spots) from the ground - Position: [204, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:14] EM Maazik has removed 21518 (reward container) from the ground - Position: [205, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:14] EM Maazik has removed 5875 (sniper gloves) from the ground - Position: [205, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:16] EM Maazik has removed 21518 (reward container) from the ground - Position: [203, 409, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:16] EM Maazik has removed 18495 (Gnomevil's hat) from the ground - Position: [203, 407, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:17] EM Maazik has removed 18496 (Abyssador's lash) from the ground - Position: [203, 407, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:17] EM Maazik has removed 10223 (fishing rod) from the ground - Position: [203, 407, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:17] EM Maazik has removed 4585 (mossy spots) from the ground - Position: [203, 407, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:17] EM Maazik has removed 21518 (reward container) from the ground - Position: [203, 409, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:19] EM Maazik has removed 21518 (reward container) from the ground - Position: [204, 408, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:21] EM Maazik has removed 2151 (talon) from the ground - Position: [205, 409, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:21] EM Maazik has removed 24173 (vial of soul fragment (blue)) from the ground - Position: [205, 409, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:21] EM Maazik has removed 18495 (Gnomevil's hat) from the ground - Position: [205, 409, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:21] EM Maazik has removed 13828 (blacksmith's chisel) from the ground - Position: [205, 409, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:22] EM Maazik has removed 18449 (decorative ribbon) from the ground - Position: [205, 409, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:23] EM Maazik has removed 6102 (Deadeye Devious' eye patch) from the ground - Position: [205, 407, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:23] EM Maazik has removed 2146 (small sapphire) from the ground - Position: [205, 407, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:24] EM Maazik has removed 2456 (bow) from the ground - Position: [205, 406, 7]
[03/10/2024 06:59:43] /goto zera [456, 1915, 9]
[03/11/2024 13:44:17] /kick maazik [880, 312, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:27] EM Maazik has removed 21518 (reward container) from the ground - Position: [189, 402, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:28] EM Maazik has removed 38017 (cursed casket) from the ground - Position: [188, 404, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:29] EM Maazik has removed 18496 (Abyssador's lash) from the ground - Position: [190, 402, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:29] EM Maazik has removed 18312 (weapon upgrader crystal) from the ground - Position: [191, 402, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:30] EM Maazik has removed 9808 (heavily rusted armor) from the ground - Position: [194, 402, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:31] EM Maazik has removed 5909 (white piece of cloth) from the ground - Position: [194, 400, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:31] EM Maazik has removed 21518 (reward container) from the ground - Position: [196, 400, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:32] EM Maazik has removed 18495 (Gnomevil's hat) from the ground - Position: [196, 400, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:32] EM Maazik has removed 2164 (might ring) from the ground - Position: [197, 400, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:32] EM Maazik has removed 21518 (reward container) from the ground - Position: [197, 400, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:33] EM Maazik has removed 12466 (scroll of heroic deeds) from the ground - Position: [197, 399, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:33] EM Maazik has removed 2183 (hailstorm rod) from the ground - Position: [197, 398, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:34] EM Maazik has removed 2434 (dragon hammer) from the ground - Position: [199, 398, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:35] EM Maazik has removed 2672 (dragon ham) from the ground - Position: [200, 400, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:36] EM Maazik has removed 9808 (heavily rusted armor) from the ground - Position: [203, 398, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:36] EM Maazik has removed 9820 (heavily rusted helmet) from the ground - Position: [204, 398, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:37] EM Maazik has removed 9811 (heavily rusted legs) from the ground - Position: [204, 399, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:37] EM Maazik has removed 26187 (bangle of resolve) from the ground - Position: [202, 400, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:39] EM Maazik has removed 9970 (small topaz) from the ground - Position: [199, 400, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:39] EM Maazik has removed 21518 (reward container) from the ground - Position: [198, 401, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:41] EM Maazik has removed 2376 (sword) from the ground - Position: [198, 402, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:42] EM Maazik has removed 7957 (jester hat) from the ground - Position: [198, 402, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:42] EM Maazik has removed 18496 (Abyssador's lash) from the ground - Position: [197, 402, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:43] EM Maazik has removed 31730 (great rod) from the ground - Position: [197, 404, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:44] EM Maazik has removed 31729 (good rod) from the ground - Position: [198, 405, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:45] EM Maazik has removed 2197 (stone skin amulet) from the ground - Position: [200, 406, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:45] EM Maazik has removed 11421 (ice pick) from the ground - Position: [200, 407, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:46] EM Maazik has removed 2376 (sword) from the ground - Position: [199, 407, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:46] EM Maazik has removed 11367 (undead heart) from the ground - Position: [199, 407, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:47] EM Maazik has removed 31730 (great rod) from the ground - Position: [201, 407, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:47] EM Maazik has removed 10223 (fishing rod) from the ground - Position: [201, 407, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:48] EM Maazik has removed 31730 (great rod) from the ground - Position: [201, 407, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:48] EM Maazik has removed 10223 (fishing rod) from the ground - Position: [201, 407, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:48] EM Maazik has removed 31730 (great rod) from the ground - Position: [201, 407, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:49] EM Maazik has removed 10223 (fishing rod) from the ground - Position: [201, 407, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:49] EM Maazik has removed 31729 (good rod) from the ground - Position: [201, 407, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:49] EM Maazik has removed 31730 (great rod) from the ground - Position: [201, 407, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:49] EM Maazik has removed 10223 (fishing rod) from the ground - Position: [201, 407, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:51] EM Maazik has removed 2192 (crystal ball) from the ground - Position: [200, 408, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:51] EM Maazik has removed 2596 (stamped parcel) from the ground - Position: [200, 409, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:52] EM Maazik has removed 2174 (strange symbol) from the ground - Position: [200, 408, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:52] EM Maazik has removed 18402 (gill necklace) from the ground - Position: [201, 408, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:53] EM Maazik has removed 7590 (great mana potion) from the ground - Position: [201, 409, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:54] EM Maazik has removed 14847 (grass tufts) from the ground - Position: [201, 409, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:55] EM Maazik has removed 9811 (heavily rusted legs) from the ground - Position: [203, 408, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:55] EM Maazik has removed 9808 (heavily rusted armor) from the ground - Position: [203, 408, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:56] EM Maazik has removed 2197 (stone skin amulet) from the ground - Position: [203, 408, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:56] EM Maazik has removed 21518 (reward container) from the ground - Position: [204, 408, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:57] EM Maazik has removed Zteven - Position: [204, 408, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:57] EM Maazik has removed 21518 (reward container) from the ground - Position: [204, 408, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:57] EM Maazik has removed 21518 (reward container) from the ground - Position: [204, 408, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:58] EM Maazik has removed 21518 (reward container) from the ground - Position: [205, 408, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:59] EM Maazik has removed 21518 (reward container) from the ground - Position: [205, 408, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:44:59] EM Maazik has removed 38017 (cursed casket) from the ground - Position: [205, 408, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:00] EM Maazik has removed 29867 (mage cloak) from the ground - Position: [205, 407, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:01] EM Maazik has removed 8820 (mage hat) from the ground - Position: [205, 409, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:02] EM Maazik has removed 21518 (reward container) from the ground - Position: [205, 410, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:03] EM Maazik has removed 9811 (heavily rusted legs) from the ground - Position: [204, 408, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:04] EM Maazik has removed 9820 (heavily rusted helmet) from the ground - Position: [204, 408, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:04] EM Maazik has removed 21518 (reward container) from the ground - Position: [203, 407, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:05] EM Maazik has removed 9820 (heavily rusted helmet) from the ground - Position: [203, 407, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:05] EM Maazik has removed 9808 (heavily rusted armor) from the ground - Position: [203, 407, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:06] EM Maazik has removed 9811 (heavily rusted legs) from the ground - Position: [203, 407, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:06] EM Maazik has removed 9811 (heavily rusted legs) from the ground - Position: [203, 407, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:07] EM Maazik has removed 9811 (heavily rusted legs) from the ground - Position: [203, 407, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:07] EM Maazik has removed 9811 (heavily rusted legs) from the ground - Position: [203, 407, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:07] EM Maazik has removed 9820 (heavily rusted helmet) from the ground - Position: [203, 407, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:09] EM Maazik has removed 2457 (steel helmet) from the ground - Position: [198, 413, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:10] EM Maazik has removed 2460 (brass helmet) from the ground - Position: [199, 413, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:11] EM Maazik has removed 2478 (brass legs) from the ground - Position: [199, 414, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:11] EM Maazik has removed 38017 (cursed casket) from the ground - Position: [200, 414, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:12] EM Maazik has removed 2460 (brass helmet) from the ground - Position: [198, 415, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:12] EM Maazik has removed 2461 (leather helmet) from the ground - Position: [196, 414, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:12] EM Maazik has removed 2461 (leather helmet) from the ground - Position: [195, 414, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:13] EM Maazik has removed 2461 (leather helmet) from the ground - Position: [195, 415, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:16] EM Maazik has removed 2115 (broken piggy bank) from the ground - Position: [199, 394, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:17] EM Maazik has removed 2182 (snakebite rod) from the ground - Position: [199, 391, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:17] EM Maazik has removed 18506 (torso of Gnomevil) from the ground - Position: [201, 391, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:18] EM Maazik has removed 2420 (machete) from the ground - Position: [202, 391, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:19] EM Maazik has removed 2071 (lyre) from the ground - Position: [201, 392, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:19] EM Maazik has removed 2115 (broken piggy bank) from the ground - Position: [201, 393, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:20] EM Maazik has removed 2115 (broken piggy bank) from the ground - Position: [201, 395, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:20] EM Maazik has removed 31730 (great rod) from the ground - Position: [200, 395, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:21] EM Maazik has removed 2648 (chain legs) from the ground - Position: [202, 394, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:22] EM Maazik has removed 21695 (sun mirror) from the ground - Position: [206, 392, 7]
[03/11/2024 13:45:24] EM Maazik has removed 21518 (reward container) from the ground - Position: [213, 391, 7]
[03/12/2024 12:28:42] /ghost
[03/12/2024 12:33:25] /ghost
[03/12/2024 15:03:58] /mf Witchyboye [2500, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:04:04] /summon monk
[03/12/2024 15:04:45] EM Maazik has removed witchyboye - Position: [2501, 2451, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:05:05] /mf Vizaar [2500, 2451, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:05:51] EM Maazik has removed 8166 (grass) from the ground - Position: [2500, 2447, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:05:54] EM Maazik has removed vizaar - Position: [2501, 2447, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:06:30] /mf vex [2500, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:06:44] EM Maazik has removed Vex - Position: [2497, 2448, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:06:48] /mf death [2500, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:06:50] EM Maazik has removed Death - Position: [2500, 2451, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:06:56] /mf monk [2500, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:06:58] /mf the grim reaper [2500, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:07:03] EM Maazik has removed The Grim Reaper - Position: [2500, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:07:04] EM Maazik has removed monk - Position: [2500, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:07:07] /summon monk
[03/12/2024 15:07:10] /mf the grim reaper [2498, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:07:13] EM Maazik has removed The Grim Reaper - Position: [2499, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:07:31] /mf Vee Wun [2498, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:07:35] /summon monk
[03/12/2024 15:07:48] EM Maazik has removed Vee Wun - Position: [2501, 2447, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:08:00] /mf Vashna [2500, 2449, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:08:14] EM Maazik has removed Vashna - Position: [2498, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:08:30] /mf Unstable Anomaly [2499, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:08:45] EM Maazik has removed Unstable Anomaly - Position: [2496, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:08:56] /mf Twisted Mage [2497, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:09:04] EM Maazik has removed twisted mage - Position: [2496, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:09:13] /mf Tuzol [2497, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:09:18] EM Maazik has removed Tuzol - Position: [2496, 2449, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:09:28] /mf Tsovinar [2497, 2449, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:09:37] /mf starfall warrior [2500, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:09:43] EM Maazik has removed Tsovinar - Position: [2497, 2449, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:10:07] /mf Tortuga [2497, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:10:12] EM Maazik has removed Tortuga - Position: [2497, 2448, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:10:23] /mf amiradas crystal [2500, 2451, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:10:30] EM Maazik has removed Amirada's Crystal - Position: [2500, 2451, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:11:05] /mf Apparition Mirror [2499, 2451, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:11:23] EM Maazik has removed monk - Position: [2502, 2451, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:11:24] EM Maazik has removed apparition mirror - Position: [2502, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:11:27] /summon monk
[03/12/2024 15:11:42] /mf Baby Behemoth Pillar [2500, 2451, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:11:56] EM Maazik has removed Baby Behemoth Pillar - Position: [2500, 2451, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:12:09] /mf banpire [2500, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:12:50] EM Maazik has removed banpire - Position: [2499, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:13:03] /mf blue widow [2500, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:13:10] EM Maazik has removed 2019 (pool) from the ground - Position: [2498, 2451, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:13:16] EM Maazik has removed Blue Widow - Position: [2497, 2451, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:13:36] /mf braindeath [2498, 2451, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:13:57] /mf Countess Sorrow [2500, 2451, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:14:05] EM Maazik has removed Countess Sorrow - Position: [2499, 2451, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:14:21] /mf Deadbrains [2500, 2451, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:14:29] EM Maazik has removed deadbrains - Position: [2500, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:14:42] /mf demonic champion [2501, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:14:49] EM Maazik has removed Demonic Champion - Position: [2499, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:15:01] /mf devovorga [2501, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:15:12] EM Maazik has removed Devovorga - Position: [2500, 2449, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:15:29] /mf dracola [2501, 2449, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:15:35] EM Maazik has removed Dracola - Position: [2498, 2449, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:15:53] /mf Draken Quarter Master [2499, 2449, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:16:05] /mf exp sheep [2499, 2449, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:16:10] /mf exp pig [2499, 2449, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:16:23] EM Maazik has removed Draken Quarter Master - Position: [2498, 2451, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:16:35] /mf Dream Devourer [2498, 2449, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:16:46] EM Maazik has removed 2021 (pool) from the ground - Position: [2498, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:16:47] EM Maazik has removed dream devourer - Position: [2497, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:17:03] /mf Evil Easter Bunny [2498, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:17:14] /mf Experiment C17 [2500, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:17:31] /mf Ferumbras Ascended [2499, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:18:09] EM Maazik has removed Ferumbras Ascended - Position: [2499, 2451, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:18:34] /mf Geo-Warrior [2499, 2452, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:19:01] /mf Ginyo The Skullcrusher [2498, 2451, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:19:22] EM Maazik has removed Ginyo the Skullcrusher - Position: [2500, 2452, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:19:38] /mf Harbinger Of Death [2501, 2452, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:19:56] EM Maazik has removed 4542 (grass) from the ground - Position: [2500, 2451, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:19:58] EM Maazik has removed Harbinger of Death - Position: [2499, 2452, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:20:10] /mf Incinerator [2500, 2452, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:20:18] EM Maazik has removed 2019 (pool) from the ground - Position: [2498, 2452, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:20:19] EM Maazik has removed Incinerator - Position: [2497, 2453, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:20:25] EM Maazik has removed geo-warrior - Position: [2496, 2452, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:20:27] /mf Incinerator [2496, 2453, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:20:44] EM Maazik has removed Incinerator - Position: [2497, 2451, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:21:00] /mf Krampus [2499, 2452, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:21:23] EM Maazik has removed Krampus - Position: [2498, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:21:44] /mf nomis [2498, 2451, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:21:59] EM Maazik has removed 2019 (pool) from the ground - Position: [2499, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:22:00] EM Maazik has removed Nomis - Position: [2498, 2451, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:22:18] /mf Rahotep'S Spirit [2498, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:22:34] EM Maazik has removed Rahotep's Spirit - Position: [2498, 2451, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:22:47] /mf Sephiroth [2498, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:22:55] EM Maazik has removed sephiroth - Position: [2498, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:23:09] /mf seth [2499, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:23:14] EM Maazik has removed Seth - Position: [2498, 2450, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:23:43] EM Maazik has removed 2019 (pool) from the ground - Position: [2497, 2451, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:23:45] EM Maazik has removed 4550 (grass) from the ground - Position: [2495, 2451, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:23:45] EM Maazik has removed monk - Position: [2494, 2451, 7]
[03/12/2024 15:30:59] /i coal basin (1481) [2121, 2137, 6]
[03/12/2024 15:31:00] /i coal basin (1481) [2122, 2137, 6]
[03/12/2024 15:31:01] /i coal basin (1481) [2123, 2137, 6]
[03/12/2024 15:40:02] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [2121, 2137, 6]
[03/12/2024 15:40:04] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [2122, 2137, 6]
[03/12/2024 15:40:05] EM Maazik has removed 1481 (coal basin) from the ground - Position: [2123, 2137, 6]
[03/13/2024 15:48:26] /goto namtar [523, 71, 4]
[03/14/2024 17:02:55] /goto thing one [2110, 1663, 12]
[03/17/2024 04:11:41] /goto brother gon [2111, 1662, 12]
[03/17/2024 04:11:46] /goto brother gon [2135, 1667, 11]
[03/17/2024 04:13:39] /goto bealdeath [2108, 1663, 12]
[03/17/2024 04:13:56] /goto avencii shadowfang [3299, 1579, 9]
[03/17/2024 04:14:00] /goto merarox [3270, 1511, 9]
[03/17/2024 04:24:14] /goto gamemaster [44, 4857, 14]
[03/17/2024 16:42:33] /goto assassin [2213, 898, 5]
[03/24/2024 07:20:51] /goto zera [2175, 1391, 5]
[03/24/2024 09:15:19] /goto thing one [846, 527, 10]
[03/24/2024 11:41:27] /goto wolf [2050, 1665, 8]
[03/29/2024 16:57:41] /goto craimson outlaw [458, 626, 13]
[03/29/2024 17:06:19] /goto Craimson Outlaw [496, 567, 12]
[03/29/2024 17:06:44] /goto Craimson Outlaw [511, 590, 14]
[03/29/2024 17:07:21] /goto Craimson Outlaw [505, 559, 14]
[03/29/2024 17:07:35] /goto Craimson Outlaw [515, 566, 14]
[03/29/2024 17:08:16] /goto Craimson Outlaw [553, 576, 14]
[03/29/2024 17:08:48] /c aretix [148, 87, 7] -> [479, 611, 12]
[03/29/2024 17:08:51] /c craimson outlaw [513, 594, 14] -> [479, 611, 12]
[03/29/2024 17:09:48] /ghost
[03/29/2024 17:10:20] /ghost
[03/29/2024 17:14:15] /goto aretix [430, 525, 14]
[03/29/2024 17:14:23] /goto aretix [199, 398, 7]
[03/29/2024 17:17:26] /goto aretix [201, 397, 7]
[03/29/2024 17:17:33] /goto aretix [151, 87, 6]
[03/29/2024 17:30:01] /goto zera [201, 96, 5]
[03/30/2024 11:50:51] /ghost
[03/30/2024 11:55:57] /raid ferumbras
[03/30/2024 11:58:41] /summon ferumbras
[03/30/2024 11:58:52] EM Maazik has removed Ferumbras - Position: [594, 345, 4]
[03/30/2024 11:59:24] /ghost
[03/30/2024 11:59:26] /goto tankems [939, 1165, 13]
[03/30/2024 11:59:31] /goto despacito [2059, 1696, 9]
[03/30/2024 11:59:53] /ghost
[03/30/2024 12:06:34] /raid jesters
[03/30/2024 12:09:56] /raid the flood
[03/30/2024 12:12:21] /raid ringmaster
[03/30/2024 12:13:56] /goto the ringmaster [1097, 314, 7]
[03/30/2024 12:16:32] /ghost
[03/30/2024 12:16:58] /mf apocalypse [133, 390, 6]
[03/30/2024 12:17:12] /brc Apocalypse has been sighted at the Cyntara's boat in the main city
[03/30/2024 12:19:38] /mf harbringer [3157, 1126, 7]
[03/30/2024 15:24:02] /goto zera [198, 315, 6]
[03/30/2024 16:35:54] /raid ghazbaran
[03/30/2024 16:42:20] /raid vlad
[03/30/2024 16:43:38] /raid jesters
[03/30/2024 16:47:12] /raid orshabaal
[03/30/2024 16:58:43] /raid ringmaster
[03/30/2024 17:22:01] /goto zera [836, 1787, 11]
[03/30/2024 17:22:30] /goto zera [835, 1781, 11]
[03/30/2024 17:22:41] /kick zera [835, 1780, 11]
[03/30/2024 17:22:57] /kick zera [835, 1785, 10]
[03/30/2024 17:23:04] EM Maazik has removed Zera - Position: [833, 1790, 10]
[03/30/2024 17:23:15] /c zera [833, 1789, 10] -> [199, 399, 7]
[03/31/2024 09:45:01] /ghost
[03/31/2024 09:50:46] /ghost
[03/31/2024 09:53:45] /ghost
[03/31/2024 09:53:57] /ghost
[03/31/2024 09:54:34] /ghost
[03/31/2024 09:54:45] /goto vizaar [483, 843, 9]
[03/31/2024 09:56:08] EM Maazik has removed Ice Witch - Position: [1979, 1705, 5]
[03/31/2024 09:56:10] EM Maazik has removed Eskimo - Position: [1981, 1708, 5]
[03/31/2024 09:57:58] /ghost
[03/31/2024 10:01:45] EM Maazik has removed Eskimo - Position: [1980, 1706, 5]
[03/31/2024 10:01:46] EM Maazik has removed Ice Witch - Position: [1980, 1708, 5]
[03/31/2024 10:11:55] /c maazik [194, 406, 8] -> [311, 2294, 6]
[03/31/2024 10:15:57] /ghost
[03/31/2024 10:21:50] /ghost
[03/31/2024 10:24:54] EM Maazik attempted to open a quest reward chest.
[03/31/2024 10:24:59] EM Maazik attempted to open a quest reward chest.
[03/31/2024 10:28:57] /ghost
[03/31/2024 10:32:25] EM Maazik has removed Demon - Position: [936, 1019, 13]
[03/31/2024 10:32:26] EM Maazik has removed Demon - Position: [932, 1018, 13]
[03/31/2024 10:32:27] EM Maazik has removed Demon - Position: [930, 1014, 13]
[03/31/2024 10:32:30] EM Maazik has removed Demon - Position: [933, 1011, 13]
[03/31/2024 10:32:31] EM Maazik has removed Demon - Position: [936, 1010, 13]
[03/31/2024 10:32:32] EM Maazik has removed Demon - Position: [940, 1011, 13]
[03/31/2024 10:32:33] EM Maazik has removed Demon - Position: [941, 1014, 13]
[03/31/2024 10:32:34] EM Maazik has removed Demon - Position: [939, 1017, 13]
[03/31/2024 10:32:55] /ghost
[03/31/2024 10:38:05] /mf cyntarist [520, 347, 4]
[03/31/2024 10:38:15] /m dog [520, 352, 4]
[03/31/2024 10:38:18] EM Maazik has removed dog - Position: [520, 352, 4]
[03/31/2024 10:38:20] /summon dog
[03/31/2024 10:38:25] EM Maazik has removed 1492 (fire field) from the ground - Position: [517, 352, 4]
[03/31/2024 10:38:28] EM Maazik has removed 5819 (small lava cracks) from the ground - Position: [513, 352, 4]
[03/31/2024 10:38:31] EM Maazik has removed dog - Position: [510, 352, 4]
[03/31/2024 10:38:34] /summon monk
[03/31/2024 10:38:41] EM Maazik has removed monk - Position: [515, 352, 4]
[03/31/2024 10:38:45] EM Maazik has removed cyntarist - Position: [513, 349, 4]
[03/31/2024 10:39:53] /mf crystal wolf [836, 310, 7]
[03/31/2024 10:40:06] EM Maazik has removed Crystal Wolf - Position: [836, 310, 7]
[03/31/2024 10:42:15] /ghost
[03/31/2024 10:45:06] /ghost
[03/31/2024 10:45:16] /ghost
[03/31/2024 10:45:17] /ghost
[03/31/2024 10:45:22] /goto the prophet [603, 789, 8]
[03/31/2024 10:48:37] /ghost
[03/31/2024 10:51:15] /ghost
[03/31/2024 10:56:44] /ghost
[03/31/2024 10:58:02] /B
[03/31/2024 10:58:09] /B Hello. I need to make one screenshot of the temple with you guys. If you're down come here and let's do it. Sit on the sofa or be at dp, basically stand anywhere
[03/31/2024 10:59:32] /c nahid [204, 401, 7] -> [204, 402, 7]
[03/31/2024 10:59:33] /c nahid [204, 402, 7] -> [207, 400, 7]
[03/31/2024 10:59:35] /c nahid [207, 400, 7] -> [204, 401, 7]
[03/31/2024 10:59:59] /ghost
[03/31/2024 11:00:38] /ghost
[03/31/2024 11:01:09] EM Maazik has removed 1387 (magic forcefield) from the ground - Position: [201, 404, 7]
[03/31/2024 11:01:26] /ghost
[03/31/2024 11:02:26] /ghost
[03/31/2024 11:02:35] /ghost
[03/31/2024 11:04:02] /ghost
[03/31/2024 11:06:38] /ghost
[03/31/2024 12:03:10] /raid ringmaster
[03/31/2024 12:05:55] /goto the ringmaster [1082, 291, 7]
[03/31/2024 13:03:09] /goto amirada [86, 660, 10]
[03/31/2024 13:43:18] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a pillar. Position (136, 100, 5)
[03/31/2024 13:43:20] EM Maazik has removed 1514 (pillar) from the ground - Position: [136, 100, 5]
[03/31/2024 13:55:24] /ghost
[03/31/2024 13:56:20] /i magic wall (1497) [82, 104, 6]
[03/31/2024 13:56:23] /i magic wall (1497) [82, 102, 6]
[03/31/2024 13:56:26] /i magic wall, 1 (1497) [82, 104, 6]
[03/31/2024 13:56:28] /i coal basin (1481) [82, 104, 6]
[03/31/2024 13:56:34] /ghost
[03/31/2024 14:02:52] /rewardroom EM Maazik, 120
[03/31/2024 14:03:27] /rewardroom EM Maazik, 120
[03/31/2024 14:03:30] /rewardroom EM Maazik, 800
[03/31/2024 14:03:32] /ghost
[03/31/2024 14:04:46] /ghost
[03/31/2024 14:10:56] /ghost
[03/31/2024 14:12:19] /ghost
[03/31/2024 14:15:45] EM Maazik has removed deepling elite - Position: [904, 1814, 10]
[03/31/2024 14:15:53] /ghost
[03/31/2024 14:17:50] EM Maazik has removed deepling elite - Position: [903, 1814, 10]
[03/31/2024 14:18:16] EM Maazik has removed deepling spellsinger - Position: [905, 1817, 10]
[03/31/2024 14:18:17] EM Maazik has removed deepling warrior - Position: [905, 1820, 10]
[03/31/2024 14:18:18] EM Maazik has removed deepling warrior - Position: [902, 1822, 10]
[03/31/2024 14:18:19] EM Maazik has removed deepling warrior - Position: [900, 1820, 10]
[03/31/2024 14:18:21] EM Maazik has removed deepling warrior - Position: [899, 1814, 10]
[03/31/2024 14:18:24] EM Maazik has removed deepling elite - Position: [909, 1815, 10]
[03/31/2024 14:18:24] EM Maazik has removed deepling warrior - Position: [909, 1818, 10]
[03/31/2024 14:18:25] EM Maazik has removed deepling elite - Position: [907, 1821, 10]
[03/31/2024 14:18:56] EM Maazik has removed deepling elite - Position: [903, 1813, 10]
[03/31/2024 14:18:58] EM Maazik has removed deepling elite - Position: [905, 1813, 10]
[03/31/2024 14:19:01] /mf deepling elite [903, 1812, 10]
[03/31/2024 14:19:02] /mf deepling elite [905, 1812, 10]
[03/31/2024 14:19:20] /mf deepling spellsinger [904, 1820, 10]
[03/31/2024 14:19:21] /mf deepling spellsinger [903, 1820, 10]
[03/31/2024 14:19:56] /ghost
[03/31/2024 16:14:52] /goto zera [198, 319, 7]
[03/31/2024 17:51:14] /jail Zera, 1
[03/31/2024 17:51:16] /goto zera [2485, 2452, 8]
[03/31/2024 17:51:26] /unjail Zera
[04/03/2024 00:56:29] /goto zera [2340, 1662, 8]
[04/03/2024 09:50:17] /c zera [198, 400, 7] -> [177, 408, 7]
[04/03/2024 09:55:37] EM Maazik pushed Zera [177, 408, 7] -> [182, 408, 7]
[04/03/2024 11:42:01] /ghost
[04/03/2024 11:42:14] /ghost
[04/03/2024 12:29:43] /goto tactyx [2446, 1532, 8]
[04/03/2024 15:18:56] /raid ghazbaran
[04/03/2024 15:25:24] /raid vlad
[04/07/2024 13:02:12] /goto amirada [86, 657, 10]
[04/08/2024 13:01:42] /goto ENTROPY DISRUPTOR [898, 361, 8]
[04/09/2024 14:27:27] /ghost
[04/09/2024 14:28:32] /ghost
[04/09/2024 14:28:37] /rewardroom EM Maazik, 1
[04/09/2024 14:28:41] /rewardroom EM Maazik, 60
[04/09/2024 14:31:14] /rewardroom EM Maazik, 120
[04/09/2024 15:09:04] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a blackboard. Position (134, 386, 6)
[04/09/2024 15:09:26] EM Maazik has removed 1811 (blackboard) from the ground - Position: [134, 386, 6]
[04/09/2024 15:09:47] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a blackboard. Position (144, 385, 6)
[04/09/2024 15:10:42] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a blackboard. Position (600, 1455, 7)
[04/09/2024 15:11:24] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a blackboard. Position (2041, 1711, 7)
[04/09/2024 15:12:12] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a blackboard. Position (1115, 959, 7)
[04/09/2024 15:14:29] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a blackboard. Position (1327, 481, 7)
[04/09/2024 15:15:08] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a blackboard. Position (143, 391, 10)
[04/09/2024 15:15:50] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a blackboard. Position (949, 518, 7)
[04/09/2024 15:16:16] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a blackboard. Position (161, 336, 10)
[04/09/2024 15:17:13] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a blackboard. Position (305, 438, 6)
[04/09/2024 15:18:43] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a blackboard. Position (152, 440, 8)
[04/09/2024 15:19:16] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a blackboard. Position (253, 384, 10)
[04/09/2024 15:20:13] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a blackboard. Position (210, 262, 7)
[04/09/2024 15:20:59] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a blackboard. Position (388, 455, 7)
[04/09/2024 15:22:26] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a blackboard. Position (1111, 342, 13)
[04/09/2024 15:23:43] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a blackboard. Position (1526, 352, 13)
[04/09/2024 15:26:04] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a blackboard. Position (2054, 447, 3)
[04/09/2024 15:27:56] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a blackboard. Position (1420, 946, 9)
[04/09/2024 15:39:18] /brc A staff hosted event will begin in 3 minutes. Proceed to the temple in order to participate
[04/09/2024 15:41:42] /brc We've stumbled upon a mystery, a puzzle to unravel, hidden deep within the confines of the Cyntara ship docked in the main city. A lone blackboard, weathered and worn, now stands as silent sentinel upon the deck. But what secrets does it hold?
[04/09/2024 15:41:46] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a blackboard. Position (200, 398, 7)
[04/09/2024 15:47:40] /brc Follow the blackboards, solve the riddle and you'll find the next blackboard. It will lead you to your final destination. Good Luck!
[04/09/2024 15:49:45] /goto craimson outlaw [595, 1501, 7]
[04/09/2024 15:50:58] /goto zera [3245, 1574, 8]
[04/09/2024 15:53:16] /goto glizzy gobbler [670, 1545, 5]
[04/09/2024 15:55:03] /goto glizzy gobbler [663, 1499, 7]
[04/09/2024 15:55:54] /goto glizzy gobbler [1977, 1709, 7]
[04/09/2024 15:56:01] /goto craimson outlaw [2179, 1667, 7]
[04/09/2024 15:56:41] /goto craimson outlaw [2208, 1588, 6]
[04/09/2024 15:56:44] /goto glizzy gobbler [1979, 1721, 7]
[04/09/2024 15:56:57] /goto zera [3232, 1507, 8]
[04/09/2024 15:56:59] /goto glizzy gobbler [2000, 1707, 7]
[04/09/2024 16:03:26] /rewardroom EM Maazik, 300
[04/09/2024 16:04:03] /rewardroom EM Maazik, 300
[04/09/2024 16:06:08] /goto craimson outlaw [1141, 933, 7]
[04/09/2024 16:12:08] /generate_item EM Maazik generated a blackboard. Position (201, 398, 7)
[04/09/2024 16:13:34] /goto glizzy gobbler [886, 1689, 10]
[04/09/2024 16:13:43] /goto craimson outlaw [881, 1780, 11]
[04/10/2024 02:33:30] EM Maazik has removed 1811 (blackboard) from the ground - Position: [201, 398, 7]
[04/10/2024 02:33:31] EM Maazik has removed 1811 (blackboard) from the ground - Position: [200, 398, 7]
[04/10/2024 02:34:18] EM Maazik has removed 1811 (blackboard) from the ground - Position: [144, 385, 6]
[04/10/2024 02:35:03] EM Maazik has removed 1811 (blackboard) from the ground - Position: [1420, 946, 9]
[04/10/2024 02:35:28] /goto nightmare [1259, 1057, 3]
[04/10/2024 02:35:43] EM Maazik has removed 1811 (blackboard) from the ground - Position: [1115, 959, 7]
[04/10/2024 02:35:55] EM Maazik has removed 1811 (blackboard) from the ground - Position: [1327, 481, 7]
[04/10/2024 02:36:19] EM Maazik has removed 1811 (blackboard) from the ground - Position: [600, 1455, 7]
[04/10/2024 02:36:39] EM Maazik has removed 1811 (blackboard) from the ground - Position: [388, 455, 7]
[04/10/2024 02:36:50] EM Maazik has removed 1811 (blackboard) from the ground - Position: [2041, 1711, 7]
[04/10/2024 02:37:29] EM Maazik has removed 1811 (blackboard) from the ground - Position: [1111, 342, 13]
[04/10/2024 02:38:13] EM Maazik has removed 1811 (blackboard) from the ground - Position: [305, 438, 6]
[04/10/2024 02:57:59] EM Maazik has removed 26187 (bangle of resolve) from the ground - Position: [2497, 2457, 7]
[04/10/2024 02:57:59] EM Maazik has removed 9820 (heavily rusted helmet) from the ground - Position: [2497, 2457, 7]
[04/10/2024 02:57:59] EM Maazik has removed 2010 (broken bottle) from the ground - Position: [2497, 2457, 7]
[04/10/2024 02:57:59] EM Maazik has removed 2010 (broken bottle) from the ground - Position: [2497, 2457, 7]
[04/10/2024 02:57:59] EM Maazik has removed 2010 (broken bottle) from the ground - Position: [2497, 2457, 7]
[04/10/2024 02:58:39] EM Maazik has removed 1811 (blackboard) from the ground - Position: [1526, 352, 13]
[04/11/2024 12:58:45] /goto glizzy gobbler [1653, 1608, 9]
[04/12/2024 18:06:19] EM Maazik has removed 1811 (blackboard) from the ground - Position: [210, 262, 7]
[04/13/2024 11:01:14] /raid orshabaal
[04/13/2024 19:04:42] /goto renuzit [748, 169, 6]
[04/14/2024 11:44:46] /goto wolf [16, 5095, 14]
[04/14/2024 13:14:18] /raid zoralurk
[04/14/2024 13:25:06] /goto mk [175, 100, 5]
[04/14/2024 13:25:08] /goto ren [203, 406, 7]
[04/14/2024 13:25:20] /goto royal shotz [16, 5095, 14]
[04/14/2024 13:25:21] /goto aretix [270, 807, 15]
[04/14/2024 13:26:46] /goto ren [203, 406, 7]
[04/14/2024 13:26:49] /goto royal shotz [16, 5095, 14]
[04/14/2024 13:32:43] /goto renuzit [203, 410, 7]
[04/14/2024 13:32:49] /goto mk [318, 2053, 11]
[04/14/2024 13:32:50] /goto ren [3274, 1511, 8]
[04/14/2024 13:58:53] /goto renuzit [530, 2271, 9]
[04/14/2024 13:58:57] EM Maazik pushed Renuzit [530, 2271, 9] -> [539, 2267, 9]
[04/14/2024 13:58:58] EM Maazik pushed Aretix [531, 2272, 9] -> [538, 2267, 9]
[04/14/2024 13:59:05] EM Maazik pushed Zera [531, 2272, 9] -> [537, 2269, 9]
[04/14/2024 13:59:06] EM Maazik pushed Zera [530, 2273, 9] -> [538, 2268, 9]
[04/16/2024 13:02:34] /goto pir sniper [2493, 2776, 6]
[04/16/2024 13:17:51] /goto craimson outlaw [2781, 1685, 10]
[04/17/2024 15:50:38] /goto zera [2065, 1682, 8]
[04/18/2024 15:28:47] /goto calypso [2053, 1698, 8]
[04/18/2024 15:28:51] /goto calypso [2007, 1677, 8]
[04/21/2024 11:24:28] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:28] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:28] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:28] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:29] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:29] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:29] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:29] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:29] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:29] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:29] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:29] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:29] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:29] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:29] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:29] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:29] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:29] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:29] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:29] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:29] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:30] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:30] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:30] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:30] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:30] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:30] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:30] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:30] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:30] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:30] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:30] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:30] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:30] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:30] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:30] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:30] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:31] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:31] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:31] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:31] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:31] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:31] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:31] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:31] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:31] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:31] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:31] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:31] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:31] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:31] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:31] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:31] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:31] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:32] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:32] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:32] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:32] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:32] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:32] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:32] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:32] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:32] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:32] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:32] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:32] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:32] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:32] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:32] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:32] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:32] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:33] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:33] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:33] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:33] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:33] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:33] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:33] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:33] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:33] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:33] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:33] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:33] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:33] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:33] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:33] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:33] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:34] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:34] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:34] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:34] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:34] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:34] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:34] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:34] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:34] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:34] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:34] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:34] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:34] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:34] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:34] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:34] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:34] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:35] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:35] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:35] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:35] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:35] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:35] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:35] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:35] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:35] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:35] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:35] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:35] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:35] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:35] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:35] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:35] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:36] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:36] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:36] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:36] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:36] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:36] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:36] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:36] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:36] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:36] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:36] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:36] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:36] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:36] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:36] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:36] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:36] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:37] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:37] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:37] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:37] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:37] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:37] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:37] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:37] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:37] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:37] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:37] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:37] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:37] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:37] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:37] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:37] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:38] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:38] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:38] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:38] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:38] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:38] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:38] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:38] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:38] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:38] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:38] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:38] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:38] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:38] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:38] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:38] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:38] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:39] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:39] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:39] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:39] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:39] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:39] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:39] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:39] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:39] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:39] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:39] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:39] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:39] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:39] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:39] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:39] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:39] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:40] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:40] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:40] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:40] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:40] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:40] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:40] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:40] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:40] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:40] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:40] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:40] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:40] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:40] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:40] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:40] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:41] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:41] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:41] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:41] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:41] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:41] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:41] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:41] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:41] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:41] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:41] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:41] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:41] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:41] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:41] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:41] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:41] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:42] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:42] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:42] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:42] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:42] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:42] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:42] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:42] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:42] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:42] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:42] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:42] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:42] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:42] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:42] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:42] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:42] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:44] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:44] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:44] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:44] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:44] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:44] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:44] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:44] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:44] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:44] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:44] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:44] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:44] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:44] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:44] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:44] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:44] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:45] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:45] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:45] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:45] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:45] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:45] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:45] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:45] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:45] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:45] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:45] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:45] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:45] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:45] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:45] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:45] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:46] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:46] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:46] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:46] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:46] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:46] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:46] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:46] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:46] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:46] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:46] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:46] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:46] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:48] /i bush (2767) [3173, 1161, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:49] /i bush (2767) [3174, 1161, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:50] /i bush (2767) [3176, 1161, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:52] /i bush (2767) [3177, 1161, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:53] /i bush (2767) [3175, 1161, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:56] /i bush (2767) [3172, 1166, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:56] /i bush (2767) [3173, 1166, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:24:57] /i bush (2767) [3174, 1166, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:37] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:38] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:38] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:38] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:38] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:39] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:39] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:39] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:39] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:39] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:39] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:39] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:39] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:39] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:39] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:39] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:39] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:39] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:39] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:39] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:39] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:39] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:40] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:40] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:40] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:40] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:40] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:40] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:40] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:40] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:40] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:40] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:40] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:40] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:40] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:40] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:40] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:40] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:41] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:41] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:41] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:41] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:41] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:41] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:41] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:41] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:41] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:41] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:41] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:41] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:41] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:41] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:41] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:41] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:41] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:42] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:42] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:42] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:42] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:42] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:42] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:42] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:42] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:42] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:42] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:42] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:42] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:42] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:42] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:42] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:42] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:42] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:43] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:44] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:44] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:44] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:44] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:44] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:44] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:44] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:44] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:44] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:44] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:44] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:44] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:44] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:44] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:44] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:44] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:44] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:45] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:45] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:45] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:45] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:45] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:45] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:45] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:45] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:45] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:45] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:45] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:45] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:45] /mf flame plume [3175, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:45] /mf flame plume [3175, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:45] /mf flame plume [3175, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:45] /mf flame plume [3175, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:46] /mf flame plume [3175, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:46] /mf flame plume [3175, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:46] /mf flame plume [3175, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:46] /mf flame plume [3175, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:46] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:46] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:46] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:46] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:46] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:46] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:46] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:46] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:46] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:46] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:46] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:46] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:46] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:47] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:47] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:47] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:47] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:47] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:47] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:47] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:47] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:47] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:47] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:47] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:47] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:47] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:47] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:47] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:47] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:48] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:48] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:48] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:48] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:48] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:48] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:48] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:48] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:48] /mf flame plume [3175, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:48] /mf flame plume [3175, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:48] /mf flame plume [3175, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:48] /mf flame plume [3175, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:48] /mf flame plume [3175, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:48] /mf flame plume [3175, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:48] /mf flame plume [3175, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:48] /mf flame plume [3175, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:48] /mf flame plume [3175, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:49] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:49] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:49] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:49] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:49] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:49] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:49] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:49] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:49] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:49] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:49] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:49] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:49] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:49] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:49] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:49] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:50] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:50] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:50] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:50] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:50] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:50] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:50] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:50] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:50] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:50] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:50] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:50] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:50] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:50] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:50] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:50] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:50] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:51] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:51] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:51] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:51] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:51] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:51] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:51] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:51] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:51] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:51] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:51] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:51] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:51] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:51] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:51] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:51] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:51] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:52] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:52] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:52] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:52] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:52] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:52] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:52] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:52] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:52] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:52] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:52] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:52] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:52] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:52] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:52] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:52] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:53] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:53] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:53] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:53] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:53] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:53] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:53] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:53] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:53] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:53] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:53] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:53] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:53] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:53] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:53] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:53] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:53] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:54] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:54] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:54] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:54] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:54] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:54] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:54] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:54] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:54] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:54] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:54] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:54] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:54] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:54] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:54] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:54] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:55] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:55] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:55] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:55] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:55] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:55] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:55] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:55] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:55] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:55] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:55] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:55] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:55] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:55] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:55] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:55] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:55] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:56] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:56] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:56] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:56] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:56] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:56] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:56] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:56] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:56] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:56] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:56] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:56] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:56] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:56] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:56] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:56] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:57] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:57] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:57] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:57] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:57] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:57] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:57] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:57] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:57] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:57] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:57] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:57] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:57] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:57] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:57] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:57] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:57] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:58] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:58] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:58] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:58] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:58] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:58] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:58] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:58] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:58] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:58] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:58] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:58] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:58] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:58] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:58] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:58] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:59] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:59] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:59] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:59] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:59] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:59] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:59] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:59] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:59] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:59] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:59] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:59] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:59] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:59] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:59] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:59] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:28:59] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:00] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:00] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:00] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:00] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:00] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:00] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:00] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:00] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:00] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:00] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:00] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:00] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:00] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:00] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:00] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:00] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:01] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:01] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:01] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:01] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:01] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:01] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:01] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:01] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:01] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:01] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:01] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:01] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:01] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:01] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:01] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:01] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:01] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:02] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:02] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:02] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:02] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:02] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:02] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:02] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:02] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:02] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:02] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:02] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:02] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:02] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:02] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:02] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:02] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:02] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:03] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:03] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:03] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:03] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:03] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:03] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:03] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:03] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:03] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:03] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:03] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:03] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:03] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:03] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:03] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:03] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:04] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:04] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:04] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:04] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:04] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:04] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:04] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:04] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:04] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:04] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:04] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:04] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:04] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:04] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:04] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:04] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:04] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:05] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:05] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:05] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:05] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:05] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:05] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:05] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:05] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:05] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:05] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:05] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:05] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:05] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:05] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:05] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:05] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:06] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:06] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:06] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:06] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:06] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:06] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:06] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:06] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:06] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:06] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:06] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:06] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:06] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:06] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:06] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:06] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:06] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:07] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:07] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:07] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:07] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:07] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:07] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:07] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:07] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:07] /mf flame plume [3175, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:07] /mf flame plume [3175, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:07] /mf flame plume [3175, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:07] /mf flame plume [3175, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:07] /mf flame plume [3175, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:07] /mf flame plume [3175, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:07] /mf flame plume [3175, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:07] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:08] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:08] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:08] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:08] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:08] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:08] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:08] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:08] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:08] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:08] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:08] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:08] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:08] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:08] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:08] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:08] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:09] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:09] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:09] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:09] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:09] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:09] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:09] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:09] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:09] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:09] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:09] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:09] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:09] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:09] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:09] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:09] /mf flame plume [3175, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:10] /mf flame plume [3175, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:10] /mf flame plume [3175, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:10] /mf flame plume [3175, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:10] /mf flame plume [3175, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:10] /mf flame plume [3175, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:10] /mf flame plume [3175, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:10] /mf flame plume [3175, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:10] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:10] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:10] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:10] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:10] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:10] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:10] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:10] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:10] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:11] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:11] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:11] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:11] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:11] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:11] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:11] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:11] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:11] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:11] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:11] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:11] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:11] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:11] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:11] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:11] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:12] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:12] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:12] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:12] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:12] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:12] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:12] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:12] /mf flame plume [3175, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:12] /mf flame plume [3175, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:12] /mf flame plume [3175, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:12] /mf flame plume [3175, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:12] /mf flame plume [3175, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:12] /mf flame plume [3175, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:12] /mf flame plume [3175, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:12] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:13] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:13] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:13] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:13] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:13] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:13] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:13] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:13] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:13] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:13] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:13] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:13] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:13] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:13] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:13] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:13] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:13] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:14] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:14] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:14] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:14] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:14] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:14] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:14] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:14] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:14] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:14] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:14] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:14] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:14] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:14] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:14] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:15] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:15] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:15] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:15] /mf flame plume [3175, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:15] /mf flame plume [3175, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:15] /mf flame plume [3175, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:15] /mf flame plume [3175, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:15] /mf flame plume [3175, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:15] /mf flame plume [3175, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:15] /mf flame plume [3175, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:15] /mf flame plume [3175, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:15] /mf flame plume [3175, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:15] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:15] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:15] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:16] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:16] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:16] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:16] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:16] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:16] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:16] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:16] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:16] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:16] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:16] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:16] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:16] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:16] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:16] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:16] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:16] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:17] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:17] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:17] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:17] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:17] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:17] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:17] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:17] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:17] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:17] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:17] /mf flame plume [3175, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:17] /mf flame plume [3175, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:17] /mf flame plume [3175, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:17] /mf flame plume [3175, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:17] /mf flame plume [3175, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:17] /mf flame plume [3175, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:18] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:18] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:18] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:18] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:18] /mf flame plume [3175, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:18] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:18] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:18] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:18] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:18] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:18] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:18] /mf flame plume [3174, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:18] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:18] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:18] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:18] /mf flame plume [3174, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:19] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:19] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:19] /mf flame plume [3174, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:19] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:19] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:19] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:19] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:19] /mf flame plume [3174, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:19] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:19] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:19] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:19] /mf flame plume [3173, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:19] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:19] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:19] /mf flame plume [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:19] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:20] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:20] /mf flame plume [3173, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:20] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:20] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:20] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:20] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:20] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:20] /mf flame plume [3173, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:20] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:20] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:20] /mf flame plume [3172, 1165, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:20] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:20] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:20] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:20] /mf flame plume [3172, 1164, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:20] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:21] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:21] /mf flame plume [3172, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:21] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:21] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:21] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:21] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:21] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:21] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:21] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:21] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:21] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:21] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:21] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:21] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:21] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:29:21] /mf flame plume [3172, 1162, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:34:38] /mf death [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:43:34] EM Maazik has removed Death - Position: [3173, 1163, 6]
[04/21/2024 11:58:34] /goto craimson outlaw [2049, 1667, 12]
[04/22/2024 13:04:59] /goto aretix [902, 362, 8]